A fully comprehensive SDK that gives you access to VoiceIt's API 2.0 featuring Voice + Face Verification and Identification with built in user interfaces and liveness detection.
- UI Previews
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Local Installation
- Strings and Prompts
- API Calls
The following gifs show the UI for Voice Verification, Face Verification (With liveness detection on) and Video Verification (with Liveness turned off), respectively.
Contact us at [email protected] to get started with an account to use API 2.0.
VoiceIt2-IosSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "VoiceIt2-IosSDK"
and then run pod install in your terminal
pod install
Also add the following permission keys to your info.plist file like shown below:
- NSCameraUsageDescription - Needed for Face Biometrics
- NSMicrophoneUsageDescription - Needed for Voice Biometrics
To run the SDK locally in your porject, please clone this repository, and specifiy the path in your podfile. For instance:
pod "VoiceIt2-IosSDK", :path => './VoiceIt2-IosSDK'
Please make sure that the minimum Deployment Target for your project is IOS 11
Contact us at [email protected] to get started with an account to use API 2.0.
Make sure you review your Voiceprint Phrases by navigating to Dashboard in order to know what to pass for voicePrintPhrase parameter.
All strings utilized in the encapsulated views for the SDK and the prompts provided to the user can be modified by editing the strings in the Prompts.strings file located at
You might have to unlock the Cocoapod to edit the file.
First import VoiceIt2IosSDK in your Swift file then initialize a reference to the SDK inside a ViewController, passing in a reference to the ViewController as the first argument, then the API Credentials, and finally a styles dictionary ( kThemeColor can be any hexadecimal color code and kIconStyle can be "default" or "monochrome").
import VoiceIt2IosSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var myVoiceIt:VoiceItAPITwo?
override func viewDidLoad() {
/* Reference to ViewController , API Credentials and styles dictionary*/
let styles = NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: ["kThemeColor":"#FBC132","kIconStyle":"default"])
self.myVoiceIt = VoiceItAPITwo(self, apiKey: "API_KEY_HERE", apiToken: "API_TOKEN_HERE", styles: styles)
First import VoiceItAPITwo.h into your Objective-C file, then initialize a reference to the SDK inside a ViewController, passing in a reference to the ViewController as the first argument.
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "VoiceItAPITwo.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@property VoiceItAPITwo * myVoiceIt;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
/* Reference to ViewController , API Credentials and styles dictionary*/
NSMutableDictionary * styles = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[styles setObject:@"#FBC132" forKey:@"kThemeColor"];
[styles setObject:@"default" forKey:@"kIconStyle"];
self.myVoiceIt = [[VoiceItAPITwo alloc] init:self apiKey:@"API_KEY_HERE" apiToken:@"API_TOKEN_HERE" styles: styles];
Creates three voice enrollments for user with the given userId(begins with 'usr_') and contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.) and a given phrase such as "my face and voice identify me". Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays the enrollment view controller that completely takes care of the three enrollments, including the UI, and provides relevant callbacks for whether the user cancelled their enrollments or successfully completed them.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVoiceEnrollUser("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", userEnrollmentsCancelled: {
print("User Enrollment Cancelled")
}, userEnrollmentsPassed: {
print("User Enrollments Passed")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVoiceEnrollUser:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" userEnrollmentsCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Cancelled");
} userEnrollmentsPassed:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Passed");
Creates a face enrollment for user with the given userId(begins with 'usr_'). Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays the enrollment view controller that completely takes care of enrolling the user's face, including the UI, and provides relevant callbacks for whether the user cancelled their enrollment or successfully completed it.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedFaceEnrollUser("USER_ID_HERE", userEnrollmentsCancelled: {
print("User Enrollment Cancelled")
}, userEnrollmentsPassed: {
print("User Enrollments Passed")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedFaceEnrollUser:@"USER_ID_HERE" userEnrollmentsCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Cancelled");
} userEnrollmentsPassed:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Passed");
Creates three video enrollments for user with the given userId(begins with 'usr_') and contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.) and a given phrase such as "my face and voice identify me". Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays the enrollment view controller that completely takes care of the three enrollments, including the UI, and provides relevant callbacks for whether the user cancelled their enrollments or successfully completed them.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVideoEnrollUser("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", userEnrollmentsCancelled: {
print("User Enrollment Cancelled")
}, userEnrollmentsPassed: {
print("User Enrollments Passed")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVideoEnrollUser:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" userEnrollmentsCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Cancelled");
} userEnrollmentsPassed:^{
NSLog(@"User Enrollments Passed");
Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_'). Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller that records and verifies the user's voice and provides relevant callbacks for whether the verification was successful or not, and the associated voice confidence.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVoiceVerification("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", userVerificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Verification");
}, userVerificationSuccessful: {(voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Successful, voiceConfidence : \(voiceConfidence)")
}, userVerificationFailed: { (voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Failed, voiceConfidence : \(voiceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVoiceVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" userVerificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Verification");
} userVerificationSuccessful:^(float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Successful, voiceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence);
} userVerificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence, float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Failed, voiceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence);
Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') and a parameter to enable or disable liveness detection. Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller with a camera preview that verifies the user's face and provides relevant callbacks for whether the verification was successful or not, and the associated face confidence.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedFaceVerification("USER_ID_HERE", doLivenessDetection:true, doAudioPrompts:true, userVerificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Verification");
}, userVerificationSuccessful: {(faceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Successful faceConfidence : \(faceConfidence)")
}, userVerificationFailed: { (faceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Failed, faceConfidence : \(faceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedFaceVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" doLivenessDetection:YES doAudioPrompts:YES userVerificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Verification");
} userVerificationSuccessful:^(float faceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Successful faceConfidence : %g", faceConfidence);
} userVerificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Failed, faceConfidence : %g",faceConfidence);
Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') , contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.) and a parameter to enable or disable liveness detection. Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller with a camera preview that verifies the user and provides relevant callbacks for whether the verification was successful or not, and the associated voice and face confidences.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVideoVerification("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", doLivenessDetection:true, doAudioPrompts:true, userVerificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Verification");
}, userVerificationSuccessful: {(faceConfidence, voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Successful, voiceConfidence : \(voiceConfidence), faceConfidence : \(faceConfidence)")
}, userVerificationFailed: { (faceConfidence, voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Verication Failed, voiceConfidence : \(voiceConfidence), faceConfidence : \(faceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVideoVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" doLivenessDetection:YES doAudioPrompts:YES userVerificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Verification");
} userVerificationSuccessful:^(float faceConfidence, float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Successful, voiceConfidence : %g , faceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence, faceConfidence);
} userVerificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence, float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Verication Failed, voiceConfidence : %g , faceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence, faceConfidence);
Identify user in group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_'). Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller that records and identifies the user's voice and provides relevant callbacks for whether the identification was successful or not, and the associated voice confidence.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVoiceIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", userIdentificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Identification");
}, userIdentificationSuccessful: {(voiceConfidence, foundUserId, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Successful, userId : \(foundUserId) voiceConfidence : \(voiceConfidence)")
}, userIdentificationFailed: { (voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Failed, voiceConfidence is \(voiceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVoiceIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" userIdentificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Identification");
} userIdentificationSuccessful:^(float voiceConfidence, NSString * foundUserId, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Successful, userId: %@ voiceConfidence : %g",foundUserId, voiceConfidence);
} userIdentificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence, float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Failed, voiceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence);
Identify a user in a group with a given groupId(begins with 'grp_') and a parameter to enable or disable liveness detection. Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller with a camera preview that identifies the user's face and provides relevant callbacks for whether the identification was successful or not, and the associated face confidence.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedFaceIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", doLivenessDetection:true, doAudioPrompts:true, userIdentificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Identification");
}, userIdentificationSuccessful: {(faceConfidence, foundUserId, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Successful userId : \(foundUserId) faceConfidence : \(faceConfidence)")
}, userIdentificationFailed: { (faceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Failed, faceConfidence is \(faceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedFaceIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" doLivenessDetection:YES doAudioPrompts:YES userIdentificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Identification");
} userIdentificationSuccessful:^(float faceConfidence, NSString * foundUserId, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Successful userId: %@ faceConfidence : %g", foundUserId, faceConfidence);
} userIdentificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Failed, faceConfidence : %g",faceConfidence);
Identify user in group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.) and a parameter to enable or disable liveness detection. Note: Immediately upon calling this method it displays a view controller with a camera preview that identifies the user and provides relevant callbacks for whether the identification was successful or not, and the associated voice and face confidences.
myVoiceIt?.encapsulatedVideoIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", voicePrintPhrase: "my face and voice identify me", doLivenessDetection:true, doAudioPrompts:true, userIdentificationCancelled: {
print("User Cancelled Identification");
}, userIdentificationSuccessful: {(faceConfidence, voiceConfidence, foundUserId, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Successful, voiceConfidence is \(voiceConfidence), faceConfidence is \(faceConfidence)")
}, userIdentificationFailed: { (faceConfidence, voiceConfidence, jsonResponse) in
print("User Identification Failed, voiceConfidence is \(voiceConfidence), faceConfidence is \(faceConfidence)")
[self.myVoiceIt encapsulatedVideoIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" voicePrintPhrase:@"my face and voice identify me" doLivenessDetection:YES doAudioPrompts:YES userIdentificationCancelled:^{
NSLog(@"User Cancelled Identification");
} userIdentificationSuccessful:^(float faceConfidence, float voiceConfidence, NSString * foundUserId, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Successful, userId: %@, voiceConfidence : %g , faceConfidence : %g", foundUserId, voiceConfidence, faceConfidence);
} userIdentificationFailed:^(float faceConfidence ,float voiceConfidence, NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"User Identification Failed, voiceConfidence : %g , faceConfidence : %g",voiceConfidence, faceConfidence);
Get all users associated with the apiKey
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getAllUsers:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Create a new user
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt createUser:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Check whether a user exists for given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.checkUserExists("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt checkUserExists:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Get a list of groups that the user with the given userId(begins with 'usr_') is a part of
myVoiceIt?.getGroupsForUser("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getGroupsForUser:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Delete user with given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.deleteUser("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt deleteUser:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Get all groups associated with apiKey
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getAllGroups:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Returns a group for the given groupId(begins with 'grp_')
myVoiceIt?.getGroup("GROUP_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getGroup:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Checks if group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_') exists
myVoiceIt?.groupExists("GROUP_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt groupExists:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Create a new group with the given description
myVoiceIt?.createGroup("A Sample Group Description", callback: {
jsonResponse in
[self.myVoiceIt createGroup:@"A Sample Group Description" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Adds user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') to group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_')
myVoiceIt?.addUser(toGroup: "GROUP_ID_HERE", userId: "USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt addUserToGroup:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" userId:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Removes user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') from group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_')
myVoiceIt?.removeUser(fromGroup: "GROUP_ID_HERE", userId: "USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt removeUserFromGroup:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" userId:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Delete group with given groupId(begins with 'grp_'), note: This call does not delete any users, but simply deletes the group and disassociates the users from the group.
myVoiceIt?.deleteGroup("GROUP_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt deleteGroup:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Gets all voice enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.getAllVoiceEnrollments("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getAllVoiceEnrollments:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Gets all face enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.getAllFaceEnrollments("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getAllFaceEnrollments:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Gets all video enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.getAllVideoEnrollments("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt getAllVideoEnrollments:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Creates voice enrollment for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') , contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), approved phrase from the developer account, and audio file.
myVoiceIt?.createVoiceEnrollment("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", audioPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_ENROLLMENT_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt createVoiceEnrollment:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage: @"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" audioPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_ENROLLMENT_HERE" phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Create face enrollment for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') and video file.
myVoiceIt?.createFaceEnrollment("USER_ID_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_FACE_ENROLLMENT_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt createFaceEnrollment:@"USER_ID_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_FACE_ENROLLMENT_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Creates video enrollment for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') , contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), approved phrase from the developer account, and video file.
myVoiceIt?.createVideoEnrollment("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_ENROLLMENT_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt createVideoEnrollment:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage: @"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_ENROLLMENT_HERE" phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Delete all enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_')
myVoiceIt?.deleteAllEnrollments("USER_ID_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt deleteAllEnrollments:@"USER_ID_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
Verify user's voice with given userId(begins with 'usr_') , contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), approved phrase from developer account, and audio file.
myVoiceIt?.voiceVerification("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", audioPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_FOR_VERIFICATION_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt voiceVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" audioPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_FOR_VERIFICATION_HERE" phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Verify user's face with given userId(begins with 'usr_') and video file.
myVoiceIt?.faceVerification("USER_ID_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_FACE_VERIFICATION_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt faceVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_FACE_VERIFICATION_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Verify user's face and voice with given userId(begins with 'usr_') , contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), approved phrase from developer account, and video file.
myVoiceIt?.videoVerification("USER_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_VERIFICATION_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt videoVerification:@"USER_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_VERIFICATION_HERE" phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Identify user's voice inside group with the given groupId(begins with 'grp_') and contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), and approved phrase from developer account, and audioFile.
myVoiceIt?.voiceIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", audioPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt voiceIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" audioPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VOICE_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE"
phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Identify user' face inside group with the given groupId(begins with 'grp_') and videoFile.
myVoiceIt?.faceIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE",
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt faceIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
Identify user's voice and face inside group with the given groupId(begins with 'grp_') and contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), and approved phrase from developer account, and videoFile.
myVoiceIt?.videoIdentification("GROUP_ID_HERE", contentLanguage: "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", videoPath: "FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE", phrase: "VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE", callback: {
jsonResponse in
print("JSON RESPONSE: \(jsonResponse!)")
[self.myVoiceIt videoIdentification:@"GROUP_ID_HERE" contentLanguage:@"CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE" videoPath: @"FILE_PATH_TO_VIDEO_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_HERE" phrase: @"VOICEPRINT_PHRASE_HERE" callback:^(NSString * jsonResponse){
NSLog(@"JSONResponse: %@", jsonResponse);
} ];
VoiceIt Technologies, [email protected]
VoiceIt2-IosSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.