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Postcss plugin for handling prefers-color-scheme, plus tailwind support


.my-class {
  color: black;
  @dark {
    color: white;


.my-class {
  color: black;

html[data-color-scheme="dark"] .my-class {
  color: white;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  html:not([data-color-scheme="light"]) .my-class {
    color: white;


npm install --save-dev postcss postcss-color-scheme

Add to your postcss config

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
+   require('postcss-color-scheme'),

Design Decisions

You might have noticed a couple of opinionated code at the top of this document. These are extracted from my daily work, and currently serve my use cases very well. Should you have concerns, suggestions for improvements, or solution for making this more generic, feel free to open an issue. Thanks!

  1. Rely on data-color-scheme for explicit theme settings. This requires setting data-color-scheme on the root html element.

  2. Provide fallback when user has not explicitly select a theme. Let's refer to the demo above, with rules enumerated:

      /* (1) */
      .my-class {
        color: black;
      /* (2) */
      html[data-color-scheme="dark"] .my-class {
        color: white;
      /* (3) */
      @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
        html:not([data-color-scheme="light"]) .my-class {
          color: white;

    Imagine your system provides 3 options: dark, light, and system (default, auto, i.e respect system preferences). There are 4 possible scenarios.

    1. User has not explicitly selected a theme (theme = system), and the system prefers light (prefers-color-scheme = light):

      --> (1) applies.

    2. User has not explicitly selected a theme (theme = system), and the system prefers dark (prefers-color-scheme = dark):

      --> (1) & (3) applies, (3) takes precedence because of its higher specificity.

    3. User selected dark (data-color-theme set to dark on root html) :

      --> (1) & (2) applies, (2) takes precedence because of its higher specificity.

    4. User selected light (data-color-theme set to light on root html) :

      --> (1) applies.

    flowchart TD
        A[Has user explicitly selected theme?] -->|Yes| B[Which mode?]
        B --> Light
        B --> Dark
        A -->|No| C[prefers-color-scheme?]
        C -->Light
        C -->Dark

Supported At Rules

At Rule Description
@dark apply rules for dark color scheme
@light apply rules for light color scheme

Global Variant

postcss-color-scheme supports the :global syntax, often seen in css modules and similar systems.


.my-class {
  @dark global {
    color: white;
:global(html[data-color-scheme="dark"]) .my-class {
  color: white;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :global(html:not([data-color-scheme="light"])) .my-class {
    color: white;

Test Cases & Examples

The following table lists test cases covered by this plugin, please refer to tests for details and to tests' input css as examples

Test Case Description Input Output
in media queries @media (min-width: 768px) { .my-class { @dark { color: blue } } } input output
with combined selector .my-class, .others { @dark { color: blue } } input output
with postcss-nesting .my-class { & .nested { @dark { color: blue } } } input output
with postcss-nested .my-class { .nested { @dark { color: blue } } } input output
inside :global :global(.my-class) { @dark global { color: blue } } input output
with selector at html html { @dark { color: blue } } input output
has child rules ... input output

Tailwind Support

Make sure you have installed and configured tailwindcss.

npm install --save-dev tailwindcss

Add postcss-color-scheme to your tailwind config as a plugin, and turn off the default darkMode handling.

/** @type {import("tailwindcss").Config } */
module.exports = {
  // negate default Tailwind darkMode declaration
+ darkMode: '',
+ plugins: [require('postcss-color-scheme/tailwind')],

Now, the following is available:

<input class="text-white dark:text-black light:border-gray-500">

Note that this tailwind plugin can be used in conjunction with the postcss plugin. They are complementary and not exclusive.

  • postcss plugin provides @dark and @light css at-rule syntax,
  • tailwind plugin provides dark: and light: classes in html.