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vnea edited this page May 26, 2016 · 12 revisions

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  1. What is dotEd ?
  2. Project packages organization
  3. More information
## What Is dotEd ? dotEd is graphic editor for DOT graphs developed in Python using PyQt graphic library. Its main purpose is to handle and edit DOT graphs graphically and verbatim. We currently only handle (graphically) label, pos and color DOT attributes for nodes. ![Example](

A software named Graphviz already exists but it only generates an image, it does not allow to handle graphs graphically.

More information about DOT language and GraphViz :

## Project packages organization The packages are organized as follows : * **app** * **controller** * **enumeration** * **model** * **observer** * **utils** * **view** ## More information This project was a first year of a master's degree project (January 2016 - May 2016) developed by [Morvan Lassauzay]( and [myself]( (Victor Nea).
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