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accessgroup and ressource pool problem on linked clone .json methos

elavarec edited this page May 26, 2017 · 7 revisions

Hello, For begining, thanks to all people who have contributed to the creation of this module.

I write this message to explain two problems I've had to create linked clone with .json method and the solution I found to resolve them.

1) Resource Pool problem

error message : Command : New-HVPool -Spec "C:\temp\ScriptsVMwareHV\TestpoolLinkedClone.json"

New-HVPool : Failed to create Pool with error: No hostOrCluster found with Name: [Form_Reference] Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1

  • New-HVPool -Spec "C:\temp\ScriptsVMwareHV\TestpoolManFS6.json"
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-HVPool

[Form_Reference] is the name of my resource pool that I put in the .json file : Extract of .jsoon for ressource pool definition : ...

"VirtualCenterProvisioningData": {

"datacenter": "/Name_Of_Datacenter",

"parentVm": "Name_Of_VM",

"hostOrCluster": "/Name_Of_Datacenter/host/Name_Of_Cluster",

"resourcePool": "Form_Reference",

"snapshot": "reference",

"vmFolder": "/Name_Of_Datacenter/vm/Name_Of_Folder",

"template": null


The code which concerns thi part is (between line 4826-4836) in VMware.HV.Helper.psm1 : 4826: if ($resourcePool) {

4827: $resourcePool_helper = New-Object VMware.Hv.ResourcePoolService

4828: $resourcePoolList = $resourcePool_helper.ResourcePool_GetResourcePoolTree($services,$vmobject.HostOrCluster)

4829: $resourcePoolObj = $resourcePoolList | Where-Object { ($.resourcepooldata.path -eq $resourcePool) -or ($ -eq $resourcePool) }

4830: if ($null -eq $resourcePoolObj) {

4831: throw "No hostOrCluster found with Name: [$resourcePool]"

4832: }

4833: $vmObject.ResourcePool = $

4834: }

4835: return $vmObject

4836: }

The variable $resourcePool takes the value of "resourcePool": in the .json file (in my case : "Form_Reference"). $resourcePoolList takes the value of ressource pool of the cluster : path = "/Name_Of_Datacenter/host/Name_Of_Cluster/Resources" and name = "Name_Of_Cluster" But my ressource pool is located in the path "/Name_Of_Datacenter/host/Name_Of_Cluster/Resources", it is a children. The path of my ressource pool is : "/Name_Of_Datacenter/host/Name_Of_Cluster/Resources/Form_Reference" and name "Form_Reference". so, the line : $resourcePoolObj = $resourcePoolList | Where-Object { ($.resourcepooldata.path -eq $resourcePool) -or ($ -eq $resourcePool) }

can't be true and $resourcePoolObj never have the good value.

Solution : to resolve this probleme I Replace this line by : $resourcePoolObj = $resourcePoolList.Children| Where-Object { ($.ResourcePoolData.path -eq $resourcePool) -or ($ -eq $resourcePool) }

2) AccessGroup

Error message : Exception lors de l'appel de « Desktop_Create » avec « 2 » argument(s) : « ExceptionType : VMware.Hv.MethodFault ErrorMessage : Missing value for non-optional field accessGroup » Au caractère C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Hv.Helper\VMware.HV.Helper.psm1:4730 : 7

  •   $id = $desktop_helper.Desktop_create($services,$desktopSpecObj)
  •   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

in my .json i give a value to accessgroup (this accessgroup is present on view administrator aod user used to create pool is present in this accessgroup) : ...

"Base": {

             "AccessGroup":  "Windows 7",

             "description":  "Test linked clone VMFS6",

             "name":  "TestpoolManFS6-3",

             "displayName":  "Test pool Script VMFS6"



The code which concerns thi part is (between line 4624-4630) in VMware.HV.Helper.psm1 :

4624: if (!$desktopBase) {

4625: $accessGroup_client = New-Object VMware.Hv.AccessGroupService

4626: $ag = $accessGroup_client.AccessGroup_List($services) | Where-Object { $ -eq $accessGroup }

4627: $desktopSpecObj.base.AccessGroup = $ 4628: } else {

4629: $desktopSpecObj.base = $desktopBase

4630: }

The variable $accessGroup takes the value of "accessGroup": in the .json file (in my case : "Windows 7"). in this case, the value of $accessGroup_client.AccessGroup_List($services) is equal to 'Root' and the condition Where-Object { $ -eq $accessGroup } will never exist.

Solution : for this parameter work, I must change the line 4626 like this : $ag = $accessGroup_client.AccessGroup_List($services).Children| Where-Object { $ -eq $accessGroup }

Thanks, I hope this will be usefull.

Eric Lavarec System Engineer - Ministry of Education (France)