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An SCSS partial that builds flexible, modular hex grids using CSS Grid

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Hexi-Flexi Grid

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Hexi-Flexi Grid is an SCSS component, built on the CSS Grid layout, that creates a hexagonal lattice. The mixin includes a number of customizeable settings to control the size, layout and look of the hex grid.


  • Pure CSS styling, no JavaScript
  • Flexible height, width, column and row counts
  • Modular styling for individual cells, columns and rows
  • Supports auto-populating background images

Browser Support

  • Firefox 56+
  • Chrome 61+
  • Safari 10.1+
  • iOS Safari 10.3+
  • Chrome for Android 62+
  • IE 11/Edge: CSS Grid is currently supported in modern IE and Edge, however Hexi-Flexi Grid makes use of CSS clip-path, which is not supported. A work-around for this would be to populate the grid with hexagonal SVG img elements, as SVG is universally supported by modern browsers.

Getting Started

To build a basic 3x2 hex grid, follow the steps listed below.


Include the following nested div tree in your HTML markup at the location you want to build the hex grid. Give the top level parent a unique id. Within the div with the class .hexContainer, include a number of divs with the class .hex equal to the number of hexagonal cells in the grid (in this case 6).

<div id="myHexGrid">
  <div class="hexCrop">
    <div class="hexContainer">
      <div class="hex"></div>
      <div class="hex"></div>
      <div class="hex"></div>
      <div class="hex"></div>
      <div class="hex"></div>
      <div class="hex"></div>


Include the Hexi-Flexi Grid component files in the same directory as your main SCSS file. Within your main SCSS file, import hex-style.scss above any rules that will affect the content of the grid.

@import 'path/to/hex-style.scss';

Inside of hex-style is a modular block of code that contains settings for the hex grid. Set the id selector the top of the code block to match the id of the top-level parent div. If there will be multiple unique hex grids, duplicate this code block for each unique id.

#myHexGrid {
  $gridWidth:   20em;
  $gridHeight:  auto;
  $columnCount: 3;
  $rowCount:    2;
  $hexCount:    auto;
  $hexLayout:   row;
  $gridOrient:  vertical;
  $crop:        none;
  $cropFactor:  1;
  $hexContent:  auto;
  $hexSize:     auto;
  $hexMargin:   0.5em;
  $hexShape:    hexagon;
  $hexColor:    #48a999;
  $breakpoints: none;
  $images:      none;

  // ...



The grid can be assigned custom css from inside the hex-style codeblock. Hexi-Flexi Grid assigns unique class names to each individual column, row and cell in the hex grid.

  • .c-[n] targets every cell in column [n].
  • .r-[n] targets every cell in row [n].
  • .c-[n1].r-[n2] targets the cell located at column [n1], row [n2].
#myHexGrid {

  // ...

  margin: 2em;
    // create 2em margin around the grid

  .c-1 {background-color: red;}
    // column 1 cells will be red

  .r-2 {transform: scale(0.8);}
    // row 2 cells will be 80% as large

  .c-3.r-1 {opacity:0.5;}
    // make column 3, row 1 50% opaque

  // ...


Grid Settings


Set the width of the hex grid.

  • 'auto' The grid width will match the ratio of $gridHeight. When set to auto, $gridHeight must be explicitly set.
  • length Explicitly set the height. Note: percent width is not supported.


Set the height of the hex grid.

  • 'auto' The grid height will match the ratio of $gridWidth. When set to auto, $gridWidth must be explicitly set.
  • length Explicitly set the height. Note: percent height is not supported.


Set the number of columns in the hex grid.

  • 'auto' The column count will match the number of cells divided by the number of rows. When set to auto, $rowCount and $hexCount must be explicitly set.
  • number Explicitly set the number of columns.


Set the number of rows in the hex grid.

  • 'auto' The row count will match the number of cells divided by the number of columns. When set to auto, $columnCount and $hexCount must be explicitly set.
  • number Explicitly set the number of rows.


Set the number of hex cells in the hex grid.

  • 'auto' The cell count will match the number of columns times the number of rows. When set to auto, $rowCount and $columnCount must be explicitly set.
  • number Explicitly set the number of cells.


Set the direction the cells will populate the grid.

  • 'row' Cells will populate the grid starting at the top left corner and filling in horizontally, spilling over into the next row once each has filled.
  • 'column' Cells will populate the grid starting at the top left corner and filling in vertically, spilling over into the next column once each has filled.


Set the orientation in which the grid cells will align.

  • 'vertical' Columns will run in straight lines, rows will offset by one half cell.
  • 'horizontal' Rows will run in straight lines, rows will offset by one half cell.


Set whether the grid will be rectangularly cropped.

  • 'none' The grid will be uncropped.
  • 'crop' The grid will be scaled by the factor set with $cropFactor and overflow is hidden.


Set the amount the grid will be scaled when it is cropped.

  • number Explicitly set the crop-factor. A value of 1.2 will scale the grid by 120%.


Set the behavior of the cell content.

  • 'auto' Cell content will stretch to cover the entire size of the cell, minus the value of $hexMargin.
  • 'center' Cell content will be centered, and will match the value of $hexSize. $hexMargin will be ignored.


Set the size of the cells.

  • 'auto' Cells will take up 100% of the available space.
  • number Explicitly set the cell size. Note: percent size is not supported.


Set the size of the margins on the cells.

  • number Explicitly set the cell margin. Note: percent size is not supported.


Set the shape of the clip-mask on the cells.

  • 'hexagon' Cells will be hexagonal.
  • 'circle' Cells will be circular.


Set the background color of the cells.

  • color Accepts hexcode, rgb/a and named colors.


Set a list of files to be passed to the hex cells as background images. The files will be added to the grid according to the order specified by $gridLayout. A value of 'none' will disable $images.

#myHexGrid {

  // ...


  // ...



An SCSS partial that builds flexible, modular hex grids using CSS Grid






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