To apply the latest migrations to your physical database, run this command(run the command from group-study-system folder)
dotnet ef database update -s RazorPageWebApp -p DataAccess
- For every new function, you must create a new branch, then invite other members to review your code in Git Hub, when that branch merged successfully, you can delete it and continue to create a new branch based on main for other functions.
- When you create a new branch, it must be based on the main branch and follow this naming convention: "YourName_FunctionName"
When you add a new commit, it must follow this naming convention: "[YourName][Action description]"
You must create a pull request before your code is merged into main. The pull request must be followed this naming convention: "[YourName][YourFunction]"
- Vo Ngoc Truc Lam
- Nguyen Thanh Binh
- Huynh Van Phu