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Educational Materials for V

This repo will house lessons and other materials to help learn and use the V Programming Language.


Besides simply reading or viewing the available materials, this repo also includes a small web server written in V in the main.v file at the root of the project.

You can use this server to view the files in your browser if you have the V language installed locally, by running this command:

v run main.v

When the server is intialized, it will print the URL to open in your browser to look through these materials.


While writing new documentation, it is often nice to be able to focus on writing, rather than restarting the webserver every time you want to see how your edits look in your browser.

To achieve this, start the server like so:

v -d vweb_livereload watch --add 'lessons/*' run .

V will recompile your server on each detected change, and your page will refresh itself after that happens.

Usage with Docker

For convenience, there is also a Dockerfile in this repository.

Here is how to use it to build a local image with a precompiled application, using latest V:

docker build -t edu_platform_app .

After you have built the local image, you can start a container with it:

docker run -p edu_platform_app:latest

Note, that the executable /app/edu-platform inside that image is compiled statically on Alpine, and so can run unchanged even on very old host distributions.