My name is Vladimir Mikheev. I am a data scientist with a background in cognitive science. Currently I am a Doctoral researcher at the University of Stuttgart.
- 2020
- 2021
- Coursera analytics (2021) and web-site with all information- analysis of student's behaviour on 58 Coursera courses.
- 2022
- 2023
- ERPExplorer.jl - Julia library to explore EEG data in dev mode.
- UnfoldMakie.jl - Julia library to visualize Event-related potentials.
School 21 projects
C projects:
- printf - recreation of printf function from scratch with float numbers;
- push_swap - sorting stack using two sorting algorithms and additional stack;
- fdf - basic visualization of objects;
- lem_in - several graph algorithms to put ant colony through the labyrinth without errors;
- corewar - game of code examples in assembler;
System administration projects:
- snow-crash - basic disassembling, cybersecurity and vulnerability detection of shell scripts;
- docker - basic Docker projects.
Cybersecurity projects:
- snow-crash - basic cyberattacks;
- rainfall - analyses and reverse engeneering of binary files;
Python projects:
- dslr - logistic regression from scratch;
- multilayer-perceptron - perceptron from scratch;
- total-perspective-vortex - visualization and analysis of brain activity using mne library;
- Django Piscine - bunch of exercises for web-site creation using Django library.
- tweets - basic NLP for tweets (preprocessing and sentiment analyses).
- churn - churn prediction with various ML methods.
Sber University
- Criteo - analyses of a product sales over time.