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Test Apache Spark with parquet/root/binary IO vs c++ processing

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Testing Apache Spark / ROOT / IO


  • cc - c++ ROOT based processing
  • sj - Scala/Java - pure JVM stuff
  • sp - Apache Spark based processing


  • Macbook Pro 2.7GHz Intel Core i5
  • Memory 8GB 1867 MHz DDR3
  • Use 1GB for driver and executor for Spark.


  • Next steps describe how to generate the data
  • For ROOT file, there is a file on lxplus already /afs/
  • Test consists of taking a 2D 100x100 matrix (or 10K vector) for each row and summing all of its elements.
  • Single Threaded (except for parquet) everything.

Generate ROOT file and analyze with ROOT

  • Assume ROOT is installed and ROOTSYS is set
  • Create a ROOT file with produce.cpp
  • 50K Rows with a 100 x 100 matrix of doubles per each => Amounts to 50K x 10K x 8 ~ 4GB of uncompressed data
cd cc
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake ../

time ./produce
time ./analyze test.root
  • With ROOT I get on reading and doing a sum of 50K rows of matrix elements
  • Note: ROOT code without even trying to make it faster! Standard ROOT TTree iteration
real    0m7.363s
user    0m6.129s
sys 0m0.469s
  • The sum has been computed with just and a for loop over it:
double totalSum = 0;
for (auto i=0; i<NUM_EVENTS; i++) {
    for (auto ii=0; ii<NUM; ii++)
        for (auto jj=0; jj<NUM; jj++)
            totalSum += darr[ii][jj];

Analyze the same file with Apache Spark

  • Use both spark-root and parquet data source. Parquet is faster because of the partitioning of a single file. (spark-root has only file level parallelism)
  • With spark-root:
val ds =[Seq[Seq[Double]]]
measure(ds.flatMap({case l => l.flatMap({case v => v})}).reduce(_ + _))

Execution Time = 177137 ms
  • With parquet: Note parquet was written with 2 partitions and therefore processed with 2 threads! Factor of 2 comes from that, otherwise +/- the same numbers.
measure(ds.flatMap({case l => l.flatMap({case v => v})}).reduce(_ + _))

Execution Time = 82434 ms

measure({case m => m.flatMap({case v => v}).reduce(_ + _)}).reduce(_ + _))

Execution Time = 54093 ms


Execution Time = 74708 ms


  • ROOT (~6s)
  • Apache Spark > 100s with 1 thread even for parquet
  • What's wrong?

Trying to understand the numbers: Read/Write a simple binary file with the same arrays

  • Read/Write 2d binary arrays 80K per 1 array into a binary file with cc
cd cc/bin
cmake ../

time ./write_2darray_binary
time ./read_2darray_binary test_2d_binary.bin

real    0m6.534s
user    0m2.140s
sys 0m2.428s
  • Read 2d binary arrays 80K per 1 array into a binary file with scala/jvm
cd sj
// in principle after that just use the .class guys in the target folder
time scala Read2DBinary /Users/vk/software/TestIO/cc/bin/test_2d_binary.bin
Total Sum = 4.95E10
Bye Bye World

real    0m8.811s
user    0m5.334s
sys 0m2.623s
  • Scala JVM produces a comparable (factor of 2x) result with cc/native
  • So, let's create a simple Apache Spark Data Source

Spark Data for Binary 2D Array

  • sp/src/main/scala/package.scala contains the implementation of a simple array reading from a binary file.
  • 1 read call per each row(array) -> minimal reading overhead
  • Reading part is quite simple
  class BinaryIterator(buffer: ByteBuffer, channel: FileChannel) extends Iterator[Row] {
    private val array = Array.fill[Double](100 * 100)(0)
    private val numRows = 50 * 1000
    private var iRow = 0

    def hasNext: Boolean = iRow < numRows

    def next(): Row = {
      val bytesRead =
  • With this data source, the time it takes to execute the same summation queries is:
spark.time(ds.flatMap({case l => l}).reduce(_ + _))
Time taken: 41253 ms
res4: Double = 4.95E10


| 4.95E10|

Time taken: 51706 ms


scala> spark.time($"value")).show)
|   4.95E10|

Time taken: 19505 ms


scala> spark.time( + _))
Time taken: 17705 ms
res13: Double = 4.95E10


scala> spark.time(ds.flatMap({case l => l}).reduce(_ + _))
Time taken: 40415 ms
res15: Double = 4.95E10


scala> spark.time( + _))
Time taken: 16284 ms
res16: Double = 4.95E10
  • Seems like that as soon as you try to explode/flatMap or anything that does the explosion of the Dataset[Seq[Double]] into Dataset[Double] blows up the execution time

  • What about just count of rows? The implementation will still read the binary data and we can test the spark's overhead

For a clean session -> no caching!

scala> import sp._
import sp._

scala> val df ="file:/Users/vk/software/TestIo/cc/bin/test_2d_binary.bin")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [array: array<double>]

scala> spark.time(df.count)
Time taken: 9468 ms
res0: Long = 50000
  • Comparable to reading JVM 2d binary data

Some Conclusions/Thoughts

  • Avoid flatMap/explosion. However this is not possible if you want to perform histogramming. Unless the data is stored exploded already.
  • Is that worth trying to prepare an exploded dataset and test its performance???
  • Would it even make sense for ROOT workflows???
  • Where does the overhead comes from for Apache Spark???
  • Parquet I/O is supposed to be optimized, but still numbers do not allow interactive processing of 50K of rows of 2D matrices. Am I missing something here???
  • Is that worth rewriting ROOT I/O for JVM(spark-root) given that parquet (supposed to be optimal out of the box) produces comparable results for a single threaded execution with the current implementation => not much to gain even if rewritten


Test Apache Spark with parquet/root/binary IO vs c++ processing







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