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Vite Javascript Bridge

A javascript bridge between native & web, can be used in web page in Vite App.

v1.x require Promise, v2.x require Promise, Symbol, check your target browser version, use polyfill if need.

v2.0.x require Vite App version 3.2.0 and above.

Debug Page:

Quick start

import Bridge from '@vite/bridge'

const bridge = new Bridge()

bridge['wallet.currentAddress']().then(address => {
    console.log(`current address is ${address}`)


With bundler, like: webpack, rollup.

# use npm
npm install @vite/bridge --save

# use yarn
yarn add @vite/bridge

Or you can include dist/bridge.js in HTML.

<script src="/path/to/bridge.js"></script>


import Bridge from '@vite/bridge'

const bridge = new Bridge()

bridge['bridge.version']().then(data => {

If you include bridge.js in your HTML, Usage refer following code:

    const bridge = new ViteBridge();

Constructor options

Bridge constructor can receive options, which is very different between version 2.0.x and version 1.x


You can pass in a function, will be invoked after bridge inited.

const bridge = new Bridge(bridge => {
    // will be invoked after bridge inited


You can pass in an options object.

  • options.readyCallback

A function will be invoked after bridge inited

  • options.selfDefinedMethods

A string array, each string is a method name which has been supported by Vite App, but not in ViteBridge internal methods list. So you can extend ViteBridge these methods.

Mostly you don't need this property.

const bridge = new Bridge({
    readyCallback: bridge => {},
    selfDefinedMethods: [
        // strings

Static properties

You can use static properties like Bridge.enabled

Name Type Description Comment
enabled boolean is in vite app added in version 2.0.0
_support Boolean is supported deprecated in version 2.0.0
_inIosContainer Boolean is in iOS system deprecated in version 2.0.0
_inAndroidContainer Boolean is in Android system deprecated in version 2.0.0

Instance Methods

There are some methods on Bridge instance. Each method return a promise, so you can invoke like:

bridge[methodName](params).then(res => {
    console.log(`get result from native Vite App: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`)
}, err => {
    console.error(`failed to invoke ${methodName}: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)

Available Methods list in following table.

Input param is passed in method, and Output param is return from native Vite App.

Method name Input param Output param Description Comment
bridge.version void types.BridgeVersion get js bridge version output like: { "versionName": "1.1.0", "versionCode": 2} void types.AppInfo get Vite App version output like: {"platform":"ios", "versionName":"1.0.0", "versionCode":1024} platform is ios or android
app.language void "zh" or "en" get Operation System language
app.setWebTitle types.SetWebTitleInput void set webview title input like: { "title": "Vite Cool" }
app.share types.ShareLinkInput void share a link input like: { url: "" }
app.setRRButton types.SetRRButtonInput void show an icon (size: 56px * 56px, base64 Data URL) or customized text, no more than 4 chars, in right nav button input like {"img": "data:image/png;base64, xxxx"} or {"text": "Vite"}
wallet.currentAddress void string get current used vite address
wallet.sendTxByURI types.SendTxInput types.SendTxOutput send a tx see following example
app.scan void types.ScanOutput scan a QR code by camera new in version 2.0.0
output like: {"text": "Vite Cool"}
call string, ...any any invoke a native method new in version 2.0.0

Use call if bridge missing some native method. for example: Vite App add new methods, but bridge haven't update, call is helpful.


Set webview title.

    "title": "Vite Cool"
}).then(() => {
}, ({ code, msg, data }) => {
    console.error(`failed to set webview title: [${code}] ${msg}, native response: ${data}`)

Error detail will be described in following section, just ignore for now.

Send a transaction by Vite Bridge.

The uri should be a Vite URI, can be generated by @vite/vitejs

import * as utils from "@vite/vitejs-utils";
import * as abi from "@vite/vitejs-abi";

// regular transfer
const sendTx = await bridge["wallet.sendTxByURI"]({
    address: currentWalletAddress,
    uri: utils.uriStringify({
        target_address: receiverAddress,    // receiver address
        params: {
            tti: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',    // tokenId, usually is VITE
            amount: amount, // in VITE unit

// call contract method
const hexFunctionCall = abi.encodeFunctionCall(contractMethodABI, contractMethodParams);
const base64FunctionCall = utils._Buffer.from(hexFunctionCall, 'hex').toString('base64');
const sendTx = await bridge["wallet.sendTxByURI"]({
    address: currentWalletAddress,
    uri: utils.uriStringify({
        target_address: contractAddress,    // contract address
        function_name: contractMethodName,  // contract method name
        params: {
            tti: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',    // tokenId
            amount: amount, // in VITE unit
            data: base64FunctionCall,

Call a method'app.setWebTitle', {
    "title": "Vite Cool"

subscribe events

Vite Bridge can subscribe following events trigged by user.

Event name Description
nav.RRBtnClick the right button in navbar been clicked
page.onShow page is show in the screen, or Vite App is switch to the frontground
shakeGesture phone shaked


Subscribe an event

bridge.subscribe(event_name, event_handler, once)

When the event trigged, the event handlers will be invoked in the order of subscribe.

The third param once is optional, default is false. If true, the event_handler will be invoked only once.


bridge.subscribe('nav.RRBtnClick', () => {
    console.log(`navbar right button clicked`)

bridge.subscribe('page.onShow', () => {
    console.log(`resume animation`)

// you can subscribe an event multiple times, but not recommended.
bridge.subscribe('page.onShow', () => {
    console.log(`Welcome back`)


Unsubscribe an event

bridge.unsubscribe(event_name, event_handler)

The second param event_handler is optional, if omited, bridge will unsubscribe all event_handlers on the specific event.

caveat: the event_handler should equal with the one passed in subscribe


const fn = () => {
    console.log(`Welcome back`)

bridge.subscribe('page.onShow', fn)

bridge.unsubscribe('page.onShow', fn)

// unsubscribe all event_handler on event page.onShow

Anonymous event_handler can't be unsubscribed

bridge.subscribe('page.onShow', () => {
    console.log(`resume animation`)

// unsubscribe failed, because this anonymous event_handler is not the former one passed in subscribe
bridge.unsubscribe('page.onShow', () => {
    console.log(`resume animation`)


common error code

Code Description
1 unknown error
2 invalidate params
3 network error
4 login error
5 address in params not identical to current address


wallet.sendTxByURI could throw following codes.

Code Description Comment
4001 duplicate transaction before last transaction finished only can send next transaction after the previous one be handled
4002 cannot find related tokenId
4003 amount format error (should be translate to min unit)
4004 user suspend