Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment.
The aim of DVWA is to practice some of the most common web vulnerabilities, with various levels of difficulty, with a simple straightforward interface. Please note, there are both documented and undocumented vulnerabilities with this software. This is intentional. You are encouraged to try and discover as many issues as possible.
- create a
file reference from.env.sample
and add valuesDB_NAME=vaccine DB_USERNAME=admin DB_PASSWORD=password
- run web server
- Access web on port 8000
- Access adminer on port 8080
+ for 42's Machine, You need run `make fclean` every time
+ before restart to ensure data volume is created by docker user
Base root path to select database type testing
- /pgsql :
database testing - /mysql :
database Testing - /sqlite :
database Testing
Sub path for select method testing
- /<db_type>/ : method
testing - /<db_type>/login : method