Caraya 1.0 BETA Release Candidate 2 -- Programmatic Test Discovery and Execution
Pre-releaseThis is a second beta release for the 1.0 branch.
Following some very useful user feedback, we've implemented a new feature for this beta release.
A new "Test Runner" class has been created to discover tests from a source folder, and execute those tests without a predefined test suite.
An interface was built to run this new functionality manually and to serve as an example implementation for anyone wishing to use the Test Runner class as part of their CI setup. The interface can be loaded from the "Tools\Caraya" menu and currently supports both Plain Text and J-Unit XML reports. The VI can be run in Silent mode to be compatible with the upcoming "Command Line Interface" example code (yet to be released).
Furthermore, a pre-build action VI is supplied to run in your build specs. It is located in the root folder of Caraya under "vi.lib\addons_JKI Toolkits\Caraya".
*This is the pre-release of Caraya 1.0.
CUMULATIVE 1.0 Release Notes
[Fix: 4] Fixed the intermittent error 1 when destroying Test Suites
[Fix: 34] Added an optional "Execution Time (us)" terminal to assertion methods for reporting
[Fix: 40] Assertions are now sorted in order they occur instead of ascending alphabetically
[Fix: 44] Fixed the conditions that overewrote assertions when test names were identical
[Fix: 47] Double-clicking on assertion result in Test Manager now works after VI has left memory for lvlibs inside lvlibs.
[Fix: 50] Updated the Math Test Suite to use non-deprecated method for Test Report
[Fix: 53] Fixed issues with comparison (greater/less) of variant representations when integers and floats were compared
New Features:
[Feature: 34] Time is filtered from the JUnit report if execution time is not provided
[Feature: 41] Upgraded sources to LV2013
[Feature: 43] Added a verbose option the the Test Suite to export detailed explanation of failures
[Feature: 45] Attribute a unique identifier to each assertions performed
[Feature: 48] Added a Rerun All Tests menu in the Test Manager UI.
(NEW) [Feature: 55] Creation of a Test Runner class to search and execute tests programmatically. Includes a pre-build action for build integration.
Thanks for all the contributions that led to this release, whether by reporting or fixing issues:
Carlo (@carlodri)
Chris Stryker (@ChrisStrikesAgain)
Cyril Gambini (@CygaLV)
Jim Kring (@jimkring)
OlivierLabo (@OlivierLabo)
Matthew Jacobson (@jacobson3)
Omar Mussa (@omarmussa)
Francois Normandin (@francois-normandin)
James D. Powell (@drjdpowell)
Sam Taggart (@stagg54)