A framework for accessing Vinli services.
Install With CocoaPods
pod 'VinliNet'
Install manually, go to your project's General tab and add the VinliSDK.framework file as an Embedded Binary
Example project that implements Vinli Auth http://bit.ly/vl-ios-auth
Create a VLLoginViewController object and assign it your Client ID and Redirect URI.
VLLoginViewController *viewController = [[VLLoginViewController alloc] init];
viewController.clientId = @"96e9f8e4-0cqq-4528-9040-956e9edz446a";
viewController.redirectUri = @"myApp://";
viewController.delegate = self;
Then present the view controller. The VLLoginViewController will dismiss itself and call the function below once the user has authenticated:
- (void) vlLoginViewController:(VLLoginViewController *)loginController didLoginWithSession:(VLSession *)session
Once the user has a valid VLSession, create a VLService:
VLService *vlService = [[VLService alloc] init];
[vlService useSession:session];
Use VLService to interact with the Vinli services:
[vlService getDevicesOnSuccess:^(VLDevicePager *devicePager, NSHTTPURLResponse *response) {
} onFailure:^(NSError *error, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSString *bodyString) {