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All you have to do to make this accdt is zip it except for this readme and rename the extension to accdt

below are the list of todo inside the available files: ./template/database/objects/moduleAbstractComponentFactory.txt
'todo user paramarrays for with class defintion and argument input
'todo implementation of set,map ndll in vba
'todo how to check for singleton in com
'todo will this return independece intance ? thus a prototype? has relation with singleton
'todo implmeentation according to com
'todo implmeentation according to com
'todo other paramter implementation and final implmentation by interface of the parameter
'todo bean name search transformatuionb
'todo bean name search transformatuionb
'todo will this return independece intance ? thus a prototype? has relation with singleton
'todo how to check for singleton in com
'todo implementation of set,map ndll in vba
'todo implmeentation according to com
'todo user paramarrays for with class defintion and argument input
'todo other paramter implementation and final implmentation by interface of the parameter
'todo implmeentation according to com
'todo attribute implmlementation
'todo attribute implmlementation
'todo what if not properties
'todo what if not properties
'todo make it final by interface?
'todo fix structure of inheritance
''what about the relation with context? This relate to to lifecycle of th e component in the system. I understand that the activex com have context decended from corba like thus the form of serialization of the object is referring to context. Eg. On mts
'todo about componentfacytoryawacreitnerface and pointer and disposeable compoentn
''what about the relation with context? This relate to to lifecycle of th e component in the system. I understand that the activex com have context decended from corba like thus the form of serialization of the object is referring to context. Eg. On mts
'todo about componentfacytoryawacreitnerface and pointer and disposeable compoentn
'todo fix structure of inheritance
'todo make it final by interface?
Dim m_abstract_parent_interface As IConfigurableComponentFactory 'needed because interface become private in vba and/or com..todo interesting reserach on corba dll
'todo records di id in map?>
Dim m_abstract_parent_interface As IConfigurableComponentFactory 'needed because interface become private in vba and/or com..todo interesting reserach on corba dll
'todo records di id in map?>
'todo nsingleton factory?
'todo nsingleton factory?
'todo commandbutton of the handleclickinthe switchmboard menu
'todo is this harmless
'todo decice wheehter we need to abstract the route to programing windowsregistryapplicaitoncontextbyeddhie
'todo is this harmless
'todo decice wheehter we need to abstract the route to programing windowsregistryapplicaitoncontextbyeddhie
'todo pack this item of form as a package.... = abstract
'todo this pattern component combinging label and button is it a button? canI make it into componet lvoe?
'todo cont this
'todo about comobination of the two above
'todo about interface search type
'todo about interface search type
'todo about comobination of the two above
'todo for attribute accessor, this and compoenentdefiniton interface declare methods and properties
'todo for attribute accessor, this and compoenentdefiniton interface declare methods and properties
'todo remember to explore move move outside the applcaiton or form
'todo how to orgainze this with the workflwo
'todo cont this
'todo cont this
' todo above
'todo nice reaearch about activation and time
'todo return type
'todo return type
'todo generic programming but not using com
'todo generic programming but not using com
'todo move withevents to a new events handler variable
'todo move withevents to a new events handler variable
'todo do we really need the do events here?
'todo Startupform context search to decide multi type of startup form
'todo Startupform context search to decide multi type of startup form
'todo concrete from abstyractcompoentndefitjion
'todo concrete from abstyractcompoentndefitjion
'todo implementation of windows registry into this
'todo implementation of windows registry into this
'todo add recordset messages or event and about how it connect as a facilitor to the model
'todo if need add implementation of recordset interface and adjustment even to eai pattern
'The mechanism of Microsoft on adodb recordset pattern and / or dao pattern agsint form is not explore in design patterns entirely. I let the most interface is open and open for interpretation is a todo
'todo add recordset messages or event and about how it connect as a facilitor to the model
'todo if need add implementation of recordset interface and adjustment even to eai pattern
'The mechanism of Microsoft on adodb recordset pattern and / or dao pattern agsint form is not explore in design patterns entirely. I let the most interface is open and open for interpretation is a todo
'todo if we decend the swithboard need to refactory the switchaboard interface
'todo if we decend the swithboard need to refactory the switchaboard interface
'todo for aspect etc how is the factory creator and the access to the aspect tag(assume ioc by aspect)
'todo for aspect etc how is the factory creator and the access to the aspect tag(assume ioc by aspect)
'todo explore startup stub in relation to event messageing
'todo explore startup stub in relation to event messageing
'htodo how to we dienite the nativationaol database
'todo use context to set the file name
'todo use context to set the file name


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