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Postaway Social Media APIs

Hi there! I've built PostAway 2.0.0, an updated version of a social media platform. This REST API powers the app, making it easy for users to create, share, and interact with posts and comments. It's designed to be simple and secure, ensuring your data stays safe while you connect with others. PostAway 2.0.0 is an upgrade from the earlier version, offering better features and a safer online space for everyone to share and engage!


Javascript Git Node.js Express.js MongoDB Mongoose

Authentication & Authorization

  • Using JWT tokens for authentication upon login.

  • Implement middleware for authorization, ensuring only authorized users can access specific endpoints based on roles and ownership.

Error Handling

  • Implementing meaningful error responses and status codes for various scenarios (e.g., unauthorized access, missing data, server errors).


  • body-parser :For parsing request body.

  • express : Framework for Node.js

  • jsonwebtoken : For user authentication.

  • multer : For uploading multipart form data.

  • swagger-ui-express : API Documentation.

  • mongoose : MongoDB ODM tool.

API Overview

  • User Authentication

    • User Registration: Register new users on the application.

    • User Login/Logout: Authenticate users to access the system and log them out.

    • Get User Details by ID: Fetch details for a specific user by ID.

    • Get Details of All Users: Retrieve details of all registered users.

    • Update User Details by ID: Allow users to update their profile information.

    • Log out User from all devices: Log out a specific user from all devices.

  • Posts:

    • Retrieve All Posts: Fetch all available posts from the server.

    • Create New Post: Enable users to create new posts with captions and images.

    • Retrieve User's Posts: Get all posts of the logged-in user.

    • Retrieve Specific Post by ID: Fetch a specific post by its unique ID.

    • Delete Specific Post by ID: Allow users to delete a specific post by its ID.

    • Update Specific Post by ID: Enable users to modify a specific post by its ID.

  • Comments:

    • Create New Comment: Allow users to add comments to posts.

    • Delete Specific Comment by ID: Enable users to delete a specific comment by its ID.

    • Update Specific Comment by ID: Allow users to modify a specific comment by its ID.

    • Retrieve Comments for Specific Post: Fetch comments for a specific post.

  • Likes:

    • Toggle Like/Unlike Post or Comment: Enable users to like or unlike specific posts or comments.

    • Retrieve Likes for Specific Post/Comment: Fetch the list of users who liked a particular post or comment.

  • OTP:

    • Send OTP to User's Email: Send a one-time password to the user's email for verification.

    • Verify OTP: Verify the OTP entered by the user for authentication.

    • Reset User's Password: Allow users to reset their password using the verified OTP.

  • Friendship:

    • Toggle Friendship Status: Enable users to toggle friendship status with other users.

    • Retrieve Pending Friend Requests: Fetch pending friend requests for a user.

    • Respond to Friend Requests: Allow users to accept or reject friend requests.

    • Retrieve Friend List: Fetch the friend list of a specific user based on their user ID.

Steps to Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies.
  3. Run the server from the index.js file.
  4. The server will start listening on port 5000.

Project Structure

  • configurations/

    • email.config.js Nodemailer configurations for sending emails.
    • mongoose.config.js Mongoose (MongoDB ODM tool) configurations for database interaction.
  • features/

    • comment/

      • comment.controller.js All the controlling operations of the comments-related APIs.

      • comment.repository.js All the data operations of the comments-related APIs.

      • comment.route.js All the route configurations of the comments-related APIs.

      • comment.schema.js Database schema of comments using Mongoose.

    • friendship/

      • friendship.controller.js All the controlling operations of the friendship-related APIs.

      • friendship.repository.js All the data operations of the friendship-related APIs.

      • friendship.route.js All the route configurations of the friendship-related APIs.

      • friendship.schema.js Database schema of friendship using Mongoose.

    • like/

      • like.controller.js All the controlling operations of the likes-related APIs.

      • like.repository.js All the data operations of the likes-related APIs.

      • like.route.js All the route configurations of the like-related APIs.

      • like.schema.js Database schema of like using Mongoose.

    • OTP/

      • otp.route.js All the route configurations of the OTP-related APIs.

      • otp.controller.js All the cotrolling operations of the OTP-related APIs.

      • otp.repository.js All the data operations of the OTP-related APIs.

    • post/

      • post.controller.js All the controlling operations of the post-related APIs.

      • post.repository.js All the data operations of the post-related APIs.

      • post.route.js All the route configurations of the post-related APIs.

      • post.schema.js Database schema of posts using Mongoose.

    • user/

      • user.controller.js All the controlling operations of the user-related APIs.

      • user.repository.js All the data operations of the user-related APIs.

      • user.route.js All the route configurations of the user-related APIs.

      • user.schema.js Database schema of users using Mongoose.

  • middleware/

    • fileUpload.middleware.js Middleware for uploading image files.

    • jwt.middleware.js Authentication token middleware.

    • logger.middleware.js Middle for logging request URL and request body.

  • uploads/:This folder contains all the uploaded images.

  • index.js: Entry point of the application.

  • log.txt logger.middleware.js file is logging data in this file.

  • package-lock.json This file contains information about the versions of all the dependencies.

  • package.json: File containing project metadata and dependencies.

  • File containing complete project details.

  • swagger.json Documentation file of all the APIs.

API Endpoints

  • User Route

    • User Registration

      POST /api/users/signup

    • User login

      POST /api/users/signin

    • Returns a specific user's details by user id

      GET /api/users/get-details/:userId

    • Returns details of all registered users

      GET /api/users/get-all-details

    • Update details of a specific user by user id

      PUT /api/users//update-details/:userId

    • Log out

      GET /api/users/logout

    • Log out from all devices

      GET /api/users/logout-all-device

  • Post Route

    • Returns all posts

      GET /api/posts/all

    • Returns a specific post by post id

      GET /api/posts/:postId

    • returns posts of logged-in user

      GET /api/posts/

    • Create post

      POST /api/posts/

    • Delete post by post id

      DELETE /api/posts/:postId

    • Update post by post id

      PUT /api/posts/:postId

  • Comment Route

    • Returns all comments by post id

      GET /api/comments/:postId

    • Create new comment by post id

      POST /api/comments/:postId

    • Delete comment by comment id

      DELETE /api/comments/:commentId

    • Update comment by comment id

      PUT /api/comments/:commentId

  • Like Route

    • Returns all likes for a specific post or comment

      GET /api/likes/:id

    • Toggle like for a specific post or comment

      GET /api/likes/toggle/:id

  • OTP Route

    • Sends a unique 6-digit OTP to the user's email

      POST /api/otp/send

    • Verifies the OTP

      POST /api/otp/verify

    • Resets the password

      POST /api/otp/reset-password

  • Friendship Route

    • Toggles friendship status

      GET /api/friends/:friendId

    • Returns pending friend requests

      GET /api/friends/get-pending-requests

    • Responds to the friend requests

      GET /api/friends/:friendId

    • Returns the friend list of the user

      GET /api/friends/get-friends/:userId

  • Documentation Route

    • Get the complete API Docs

      GET /api-docs


Vinayak Gupta

Contact me

LinkedIn LeetCode Email Naukari


This project is licensed under the ISC License.


A Social Media backend API's application built on express-Js & mongoose.







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