What is Cataloguing? The objective of Cataloguing is to maintain a universal product catalogue for the various items that we receive in order to make better decisions in the future. Example: Whether the product is dangerous with respect to shipment in the air. This would help to compare actual/client given/manifest weights versus predicted weights.
To create feature vectors for each product in a particular category, provide input the delhivery category ID. Or Create an object of class Sentence with input as a string and call the function getNouns on it.
From command line: python processData.py delhivery_category_id
delhivery_category_id: INTEGER
Create an instance of class Sentence and invoke getNouns() tokenize = Sentence(“Moto G 2nd Generation, a brilliant display, stereo sound.......”) tokenize.getNouns()
The function getProducts takes input as delhivery category ID(INTEGER) and count of products required (INTEGER)
From command line: python fetchProducts delhivery_category_id count
delhivery_category_id - INTEGER count - INTEGER
Import function getProducts with parameters delhivery_category_id and count.
Products table should exist in the database. Run Products/database/InitialiseDB.py to perform following operations:
Create and Insert data into Channel_Category_Mapping and Category Tables.
Update Products table
To change or add database details, go to database folder under Products/ and modify dbInfo.py: