This repository contains templates to deploy sample environments to test and validate Azure Private Link. The scenarios are:
201-service-simple-vnet Deploys a sample Azure hosted web application, then creates a Private Link to make the application accessible from VNets in Azure. After Private Link is created, the templates deploy a single VNet consumer environment, and allows to create a Private Endpoint with both, auto aproval and manual approval.
201-service-hub-and-spoke Deploy a sample Azure hosted web application, then creates a Private Link to make the application accessible from VNets in Azure. After Private Link is created, the templates deploy a hub & spoke consumer environment, and creates a Private Endpoint with auto aproval in one of the spoke VNets.
201-service-to-private-link Converts an existing Azure hosted application to a Private Link Service. It assumes you already have an Azure hosted application behind a Standard Load Balancer (either public or internal).
For more information about Azure Private Link, refer to the documentation on: