CMA-ES using average fitness selection strategy
Compare the performance of standard Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) with CMA-ES using average fitness implementation.
- The baseline is to run some independent trials of CMA-ES, each starting from a different random start point.
- CMA-ES invokes a function to determine the fitness at the location x -- i.e. f(x). Instead of x, we will use x1, x2, x3, ..., xn where n = 10 (for starters).
- Each of these n solutions is created by adding a number in the range of [-r,+r] that is drawn from a uniform distribution to each term of x. For starters, r can be 10% of the search space, so r = 10. Then, favg(x) = f(x1) + f(x2) + f(x3) + ... + f(xn) / n
- After CMA-ES with average fitness finishes, we should use that point as the start point for standard CMA-ES with a small sigma (~0.25). That should hopefully get close to 0.
- Compare the result of the step 4 with the standard CMA-ES
OVerall, the result looks promising. Standard CMA-ES has an average performace around 50, and the average fitness has a final avergae performsnce less than 5 The result can be seen here
Supported Python versions are 3.6 or later.
$ pip install cmaes
Or you can install via conda-forge.
$ conda install -c conda-forge cmaes
This library provides an "ask-and-tell" style interface. [1]
import numpy as np
from cmaes import CMA
import random
def cmaes(n, dim):# n: trials, dim:dimensions
countFinal =[] # store the last average fitness of each trial
for i in range(n):
holdValue, holdSigma = [], [] # store all fitness values and sigma in this trial
bounds = np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]])
for _ in range(dim-1):
bounds = np.append(bounds,np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]]))
bounds = bounds.reshape(dim,2)
lower_bounds, upper_bounds = bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1]
mean = lower_bounds + (np.random.rand(1) * (upper_bounds - lower_bounds)) # original point for CMAES
sigma = 5.12 * 2 / 5 # 1/5 of the domain width
optimizer = CMA(mean=mean, sigma=sigma, bounds=bounds, seed=0)
print("\nevals f(x)")
print("======== ==========")
evals = 0
while True:
generation = 1
solutions = []
for _ in range(optimizer.population_size):
x = optimizer.ask()
#print(f"solution generated: {x}")
value = rastrigin(x)
#print(f"values: {value}")
solutions.append((x, value))
evals += 1
if evals % 3000 == 0:
print(f"{evals:5d} {value:10.5f}")
if optimizer.should_stop():
#popsize multiplied by 2 (or 3) before each restart.
popsize = optimizer.population_size * 2
mean = lower_bounds + (np.random.rand(1) * (upper_bounds - lower_bounds))
optimizer = CMA(mean=mean, sigma=sigma, population_size=popsize)
#print(f"Restart CMA-ES with popsize={popsize}")
generation += 1
if i == (n-1):
print(f"mean fitness:{np.mean(countFinal):10.5f}")
print(f"best fitness of {n} runs:{np.min(countFinal):10.5f}")
This is the CMA-ES with average fitness selection.
- Function cmaesFavg(n, dim, points): Put the arguments of trials, dimensions, and the number of neighbors into the function to calculate the values over evaluations in each trial (Note: the initial start points are random)
- Function cmaesTest(point, dim): After finishing each trial of CMA-ES with average fitness, its final point is used for the standard CMA-ES with the default sigma(~0.25).
def cmaesFavg(n, dim, points): # n: trials; dim:dimensions; points: the number of neighbors
countFinal =[] # store the last average fitness of each trial
for k in range(n):
bounds = np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]])
for _ in range(dim-1):
bounds = np.append(bounds,np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]]))
bounds = bounds.reshape(dim,2)
lower_bounds, upper_bounds = bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1]
mean = lower_bounds + (np.random.rand(1) * (upper_bounds - lower_bounds)) # random start point
sigma = 5.12 * 2 / 5 # 1/5 of the domain width
optimizer = CMA(mean=mean, sigma=sigma, bounds=bounds, seed=0)
print("\navg-evals f(x)")
print("========= ==========")
evals = 0 # number of function evaluations
holdValue, holdSigma, finalPoint = [], [], [] # store all fitness values, sigma, final point in each trial
while True:
solutions = []
for _ in range(optimizer.population_size):
x = optimizer.ask() # get list of new solutions
#print(f"solution generated: {x}")
neighbors, numbers = [], points
values = [] # store the neighboring value
#generate a random point within a range of [-0.5,0.5]
# check if a point is within the bounds of the search
# if not, the point should be regenerated
for _ in range(numbers):
nb = []
for j in range(dim):
xj = 0
while True:
if x[j] == 5.12:
xj = x[j] + random.uniform(-0.5, 0)
elif x[j] == -5.12:
xj = x[j] + random.uniform(0, 0.5)
xj = x[j] + random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
if np.all(-5.12 <= xj) and np.all(xj<= 5.12):
# print(f"neighbors: {neighbors}")
# calculate the fitness of these neighbors
for i in range(numbers):
value = rastrigin(neighbors[i])
#print(f"values: {values}; len: {len(values)}")
avg = sum(values)/len(values) # the average fitness of the neighbors
#print(f"avg: {avg}")
solutions.append((x,avg)) #use favg for its final fitness and start normal CMA-ES from the final x location
evals += 1
if evals % 30000 == 0:
print(f"{evals:5d} {value:10.5f}")
if optimizer.should_stop():
finalPoint = solutions[-1][0]
#popsize multiplied by 2 (or 3) before each restart.
popsize = optimizer.population_size * 2
mean = lower_bounds + (np.random.rand(1) * (upper_bounds - lower_bounds))
optimizer = CMA(mean=mean, sigma=sigma, population_size=popsize)
#print(f"Restart CMA-ES with popsize={popsize}")
print(f"#{k} cmaesFavg evals: {evals}")
if k == (n-1):
print(f"mean fitness:{np.mean(countFinal):10.5f}")
print(f"best fitness of {n} runs:{np.min(countFinal):10.5f}")
def cmaesTest(point, dim):
holdValue, holdSigma = [], [] # store all fitness values and sigma in this trial
bounds = np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]])
for _ in range(dim-1):
bounds = np.append(bounds,np.array([[-5.12, 5.12]]))
bounds = bounds.reshape(dim,2)
lower_bounds, upper_bounds = bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1]
optimizer = CMA(mean=point, sigma=0.25, bounds=bounds, seed=0)
print("\nt-evals f(x)")
print("======== ==========")
evals = 0
while True:
solutions = []
for _ in range(optimizer.population_size):
x = optimizer.ask()
value = rastrigin(x)
solutions.append((x, value))
evals += 1
if evals % 300 == 0:
print(f"{evals:5d} {value:10.5f}")
if optimizer.should_stop():
#popsize multiplied by 2 (or 3) before each restart.
popsize = optimizer.population_size * 2
mean = lower_bounds + (np.random.rand(1) * (upper_bounds - lower_bounds))
optimizer = CMA(mean=mean, sigma=0.25, population_size=popsize)
#print(f"Restart CMA-ES with popsize={popsize}")
print(f"best fitness of cmaesTest:{np.min(holdValue[len(holdValue)-1]):10.5f}")
The Rastrigin function I used to be my objective function
def rastrigin(x): # will put a list of points into the function
val = 10*len(x)
for i in range(len(x)):
val += x[i]**2 - 10*np.cos(2*np.pi*x[i])
return val
- [1] [cmaes 0.8.2] (
- [1] [A Collection of 30 Multidimensional Functions for Global Optimization Benchmarking]