This repository contains the Breakout environments used to evaluate Schema Networks against A3C and Progressive Networks, as described in our ICML '17 paper.
Clone the repository:
git clone schema_games
Install (setting up a virtual environment beforehand is recommended):
cd schema_games
pip install -r requirements.txt
You may then play games in interactive mode:
python schema_games/breakout/ StandardBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ MiddleWallBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ HalfNegativeBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ OffsetPaddleBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ RandomTargetBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ JugglingBreakout
python schema_games/breakout/ MovingObstaclesBreakout
Control the paddle to move left and right. Get points when the ball hits a brick. Lose points when the ball goes below the paddle.
python schema_games/breakout/ StandardBreakout
When the ball hits the wall in the middle, it rebounds. To hit bricks, the wall must be avoided.
python schema_games/breakout/ MiddleWallBreakout
The yellow bricks give negative points when struck by the ball.
python schema_games/breakout/ HalfNegativeBreakout
The paddle is slightly raised with respect to the standard version.
python schema_games/breakout/ OffsetPaddleBreakout
The block of bricks randomly moves every time it is struck by the ball.
python schema_games/breakout/ RandomTargetBreakout
There are three balls and no bricks. The maximum possible score is zero.
python schema_games/breakout/ JugglingBreakout