Share opening times with your friends, so you can have a good night's sleep, and still compete.
NOTE: For historical data, install on all Browsers used to solve challenges to harvest those times. See the privacy policy about data collected, and how it is used.
- Install the browser extension
- Open a private leaderboard
- Click on [Ordering] and select the new [NoRush Score] option
- Hover over the * z Δ o ✔ # icons and day nums in the table header for more details
After you select the new [NoRush Score] ordering, the score table is enhanced with a few new options:
With the plugin installed, you can now:
Set scoring mode:
Local Score: The tradition AoC scoring mode. Measures time from publication aka 05:00AM UTC, aka gross timez
NoRush Score: Measures time from each players own opentime, aka net timeΔ
Delta time: Score is based on the time delta between solving the two partso
Opening time: Score is based on who was the quickest to open the challenge. (Okay, I know, this makes no much sense. However, hovering the table columns, this mode allows you to see the times when players started to solve the challenges)
NOTE: NoRush and Opening scoring mode only scores users who have the NoRush extension installed.
Set grid mode:
Completion mode: this is the traditional black/silver/gold star grid view#
Rank mode: display ranking for each part: 1, 2, 3, ..., y, z #base36
Details view:
- If you click the header for a day, you enable details mode
- This opens up a few new columns to the left of the grid view
- You can click these new columns to reorder the table by them
- Based on the scoring mode, the new columns display:
- For Local/NoRush mode: each user's time for part1 part2, and the delta time
- For Delta-time mode: the delta time
- For Opening-time mode: the relative time from 05:00AM UTC, when the user opened the challenge
Your browser captures page visitation info in its history. The extension scans this for the AoC challenge urls and uploads the earliest (first) times to its backend.
When you open a private leaderboard, the backend provides the opening times for all members with the extension installed.
NoRush score is calculated based on the time it took for you to solve the task from when you first opened its description.
NOTE: Opetimes are cached for 5 minutes. Even if you force reload the page. So the backend can chill. You should also ;)
NOTE: The official AoC API data (part completion times) is cached for 15 minutes (See the [API] link at the top of a private dashboard on why)
- Firefox: Click badge at the top
- Chrome: Click badge at the top
- Opera: Install from the Chrome Web Store
- Brave: Install from the Chrome Web Store
- It does not work!
- Make sure you have a private leadboard membership. It is required for the extension to work.
- Currently the extension only activates, if you navigate to a Private Leaderboard, click on [Ordering] and select [NoRush Score].
- If it is still not updating the view according to the screenshot, congrats, you found a bug. I might automatically see it in Sentry and fix it, but feel free to open an Issue about it.
- Where is the source, dude?
- I am planning to open up the source code of both the browser extension and the backend, but probably only in January due to EOY deliverables ate up all my free and personal time :(
Please be aware that "Advent of Code" and "AoC" are properties of Eric Wastl. This initiative is not an "official" project and is neither endorsed nor affiliated with Advent of Code or its creator/owner in any manner, either directly or indirectly. For further information about the Advent of Code project, you can visit this link.
If you enjoy playing Advent of Code, you might want to think about making a donation to support it!
I have spent ~150 hours to date aka 1 man-month on bringing this idea to reality.
If you find it useful, consider a small donation to support this effort.
But only do so if you already donated to AoC. AoC first, NoRush second. Thank you!