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Disclaimer: A have a full rework planned for the near future, so probably breaking changes are coming.

Warning: Bubbly is a highly experimental plugin and can have its functionality changed overnight without any warning. I recommend you to check the readme in case the plugin doesn't work as before after an update.


Hello! Bubbly is a plugin created by me with the intention of creating a good looking and efficient status line. Bubbly is modular and easily extensible — more about this later in the documentation for developers.

As this plugin tries to be truly modular, you can enable and disable its modules — or bubbles, as I like to call them — with a simple configuration.

This plugin has support for these bubbles, feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you have an idea for a new bubble.

  • Mode bubble (e.g. Insert mode).
  • Current file bubble.
  • Git branch bubble.
  • Signify changes bubble.
  • Coc.nvim diagnostics bubble.
  • Lsp-status diagnostics and messages bubble.
  • Neovim built-in LSP current function and diagnostics bubble.
  • Filetype bubble.
  • Progress bubble.
  • Total buffer number bubble.

Table of Contents


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Screenshot using the Windows Terminal and WSL 2


Note: the bar in the upper part is my custom tmux bar, you can see it in my dotfiles.


These are the requirements to use this plugin:

  • Neovim nightly — this is because this plugin uses the newest Lua API from this Neovim version.
  • True color support — this may change in the future, but currently you need to have true color in your neovim configuration enabled (e.g. set termguicolors).


You can install this plugin with any package manager you want, for example I use packer.nvim.

Example of how to install this plugin using packer.nvim

File name: init.lua

vim.cmd [[packadd]]
return require('packer').startup(function()
  use {'wbthomason/packer.nvim', opt = true}
  use {'datwaft/bubbly.nvim', config = function()
    -- Here you can add the configuration for the plugin
    vim.g.bubbly_palette = {
      background = "#34343c",
      foreground = "#c5cdd9",
      black = "#3e4249",
      red = "#ec7279",
      green = "#a0c980",
      yellow = "#deb974",
      blue = "#6cb6eb",
      purple = "#d38aea",
      cyan = "#5dbbc1",
      white = "#c5cdd9",
      lightgrey = "#57595e",
      darkgrey = "#404247",
    vim.g.bubbly_statusline = {






Bubbly is also a highly configurable plugin, so you can configure almost anything. If you have an idea about something you would want to configure feel free to open an issue.

Bubbly is configured using a dictionary in a global vim variable and is configured to use the default key in the dictionary as a fallback in case a key doesn't exist. If you set the variable without some key that exists by default it will use the value defined in the default configuration.


This variable is used to configure which modules/bubbles are used in the statusline, and their order. Its a list of strings or lists of tables (that should follow the same structure as the components), like the following:

{ 'component1', 'divisor', 'component2', {{ data = 'string', color = 'red', style = 'bold' }}, 'component 4' }

This list can also contain strings like the following, that work like a reserved keyword, and have special functionality:

  • divisor or division: this divides the right part of the statusline from the left part, every component after this keyword goes to the right.
  • truncate or trunc: this marks where, if the size of the window is insufficient to show the whole statusline, the statusline is truncated (everything to the left will be conserved).

Every string that is not a keyword should be the name of a module inside lua/bubbly/components, and if an autocommand in a file with the same name exists, it will be loaded.

List of supported modules

  • mode
  • path
  • branch
  • signify
  • coc
  • builtinlsp.diagnostic_count
  • builtinlsp.current_function
  • filetype
  • progress
  • total_buffer_number
  • lsp_status.diagnostics
  • lsp_status.messages

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_statusline = {






This variable is used to activate or deactivate Bubbly tabline.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_tabline = 1


This variable is used to define the palette available to every component and their respective colors. You can define more colors than the default and use them in your components or in the configuration variable without any worry.

Accepted values are cterm-colors naming such as LightGrey or DarkMagenta, hexadecimal values such as #123abc and highlight groups such as Normal background or LineNr foreground.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_palette = {
  background = "Black",
  foreground = "White",
  black = "Black",
  red = "Red",
  green = "Green",
  yellow = "Yellow",
  blue = "Blue",
  purple = "Magenta",
  cyan = "Cyan",
  white = "White",
  lightgrey = "LightGrey",
  darkgrey = "Grey",


This variable is used to define a blacklist for in which filetypes do you want to disable some component.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_filter = {
  default = {},

Example configuration

vim.g.bubbly_filter = {
  branch = {
  total_buffer_number = {
  path = {
  filetype = {


This variable is used to define special characters used in the bubbles.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_characters = {
  -- Bubble delimiters
  left = '',
  right = '',
  -- Close character for the tabline
  close = 'x',
  -- Bubble separators
  bubble_separator = ' ',


This variable is used to define the symbols used in some bubbles. Every string follows the format from the C library for formatting strings.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_symbols = {
  default = 'PANIC!',

  path = {
    readonly = 'RO',
    unmodifiable = '',
    modified = '+',
  signify = {
    added = '+%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
    modified = '~%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
    removed = '-%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
  coc = {
    error = 'E%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
    warning = 'W%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
  builtinlsp = {
    diagnostic_count = {
      error = 'E%s', -- requires 1 '%s'
      warning = 'W%s', --requires 1 '%s'
  branch = ' %s', -- requires 1 '%s'
  total_buffer_number = '﬘ %s', --requires 1 '%d'
  lsp_status = {
    diagnostics = {
      error = 'E%d',
      warning = 'W%d',
      hint = 'H%d',
      info = 'I%d',


This variable defines the test used in some bubbles, if it's empty the bubble disappears.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_tags = {
  default = 'HELP ME PLEASE!',

  mode = {
    normal = 'NORMAL',
    insert = 'INSERT',
    visual = 'VISUAL',
    visualblock = 'VISUAL-B',
    command = 'COMMAND',
    terminal = 'TERMINAL',
    replace = 'REPLACE',
    default = 'UNKOWN',
  paste = 'PASTE',
  filetype = {
    noft = 'no ft',


This variable defines which colors is used by which bubble. Every color can be a string with the name of the color or a table with foreground and background keys, which define which color is used for foreground and background.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_colors = {
  default = 'red',

  mode = {
    normal = 'green', -- uses by default 'background' as the foreground color.
    insert = 'blue',
    visual = 'red',
    visualblock = 'red',
    command = 'red',
    terminal = 'blue',
    replace = 'yellow',
    default = 'white'
  path = {
    readonly = { background = 'lightgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
    unmodifiable = { background = 'darkgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
    path = 'white',
    modified = { background = 'lightgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
  branch = 'purple',
  signify = {
    added = 'green',
    modified = 'blue',
    removed = 'red',
  paste = 'red',
  coc = {
    error = 'red',
    warning = 'yellow',
    status = { background = 'lightgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
  builtinlsp = {
    diagnostic_count = {
      error = 'red',
      warning = 'yellow',
    current_function = 'purple',
  filetype = 'blue',
  progress = {
    rowandcol = { background = 'lightgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
    percentage = { background = 'darkgrey', foreground = 'foreground' },
  tabline = {
    active = 'blue',
    inactive = 'white',
    close = 'darkgrey',
  total_buffer_number = 'cyan',
  lsp_status = {
    messages = 'white',
    diagnostics = {
      error = 'red',
      warning = 'yellow',
      hint = 'white',
      info = 'blue',


This variable defines the color used by bubbles when the statusline is inactive. It follows the same structure for colors as g:bubbly_colors (e.g. it can be 'red' or { foreground = 'red', background = 'blue' }).

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_inactive_color = { background = 'lightgrey', foreground = 'foreground' }


This variable defines which style is used by which bubble. Styles can be '', 'bold' and 'italic'.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_styles = {
  default = 'bold',

  mode = 'bold',
  path = {
    readonly = 'bold',
    unmodifiable = '',
    path = '',
    modified = '',
  branch = 'bold',
  signify = {
    added = 'bold',
    modified = 'bold',
    removed = 'bold',
  paste = 'bold',
  coc = {
    error = 'bold',
    warning = 'bold',
    status = ''
  builtinlsp = {
    diagnostic_count = {
      error = '',
      warning = ''
    current_function = ''
  filetype = '',
  progress = {
    rowandcol = '',
    percentage = '',
  tabline = {
    active = 'bold',
    inactive = '',
  total_buffer_number = '',
  lsp_status = {
    messages = '',
    diagnostics = {
      error = '',
      warning = '',
      hint = '',
      info = '',


This variable defines the style for the bubbles in an inactive statusline.

Default configuration

-- Can be '' or 'bold' or 'italic'.
vim.g.bubbly_inactive_style = ''


This variable defines the minimum width of some bubbles.

If the value is 0 it doesn't have a minimum width.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_width = {
  default = 0,

  progress = {
    rowandcol = 8,


This variable defines some timing configuration related to some bubbles.

Default configuration

vim.g.bubbly_timing = {
  default = 0,

  lsp_status = {
    messages = {
      update_delay = 500, -- ms

For Developers

Bubbly is a fully modular plugin, so you can add new modules using the folders lua/bubbly/components and lua/bubbly/autocommands. Every Lua file in these folders is loaded if the option g:bubbly_statusline has the module name in its list.

For example, if in these folders there is a file named thingy.lua and g:bubbly_statusline contains the string "thingy", the file lua/bubbly/components/thingy.lua will be loaded as a bubble and the file lua/bubbly/autocommands/thingy.lua (if it exists) will have its return value used as autocommands. Additionally, I haven't tested it yet, but you technically should be able to have your own lua/bubbly/components and lua/bubbly/autcommands in your neovim configuration folder and those components should work with this plugin.

Note: If the component is inside another folder (e.g. lua/bubbly/components/folder/thingy.lua) you should use it inside g:bubbly_statusline with the same syntax of a Lua module (e.g. folder.thingy).


Components are bubbles inside the statusline that have some functionality. They can have two states, active and inactive; in their active state they should use the color the user defined for them in the configuration, and in their inactive state they should use the inactive color that the user defined.

The components go inside the lua/bubbly/components folder. They should be a Lua file that returns a function. This function should follow the following structure:

  return {
    -- This is a list of tables
    -- Every table follows the following structure:
      -- This is what the component shows in the statusline
      data = 'string',
      -- This is what color the component uses when it is active. It should be the name of a color.
      color = 'string' or { foreground = 'string', background = 'string' },
      -- This is the style the component uses (optional).
      style = '' or 'bold' or 'italic',
      -- This is a string to place before the bubble (optional) (usually not used).
      pre = 'string',
      -- This is a string to place after the bubble (optional) (usually not used).
      post = 'string',
      -- Overwrite the left character
      left = 'string',
      -- Overwrite the right character
      right = 'string',

Usually every part of the bubble gets its data from the g:bubbly_something variables, to be fully configurable.

You can use components like path as a reference to create your own.


These are used to automate some part of a bubble. For example they are used to automate the branch of the branch bubble so that every time a different file is opened the bubble changes to the branch of the file.

These go inside the lua/bubbly/autocommands folder and should be a Lua file that returns a list of tables with the following structure:

return {
  -- Every table inside the list should follow the following structure:
    -- These are the events that activate the autocommand.
    events = { 'Event1', 'Event2' },
    -- This is the variable that contains the result of the autocommand.
    variable = {
      -- This is the type of the variable, it can be either 'buffer', 'window' or 'global'.
      type = 'buffer' or 'window' or 'global',
      -- This is the name the global function will have and also the name of the variable that contains the result.
      name = 'string',
    -- This is the command that is executed by the autocommand, its return value will be saved into the variable.
    command = function() end,

You can use components' autocommands like branch as a reference to create your own.


Bubbly statusline for neovim







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  • Lua 97.6%
  • Vim Script 2.4%