In this repository, you will find a set of tutorials of metabarcode analyses using different approaches
- Mothur
- Dada2
- The whole set of tutorials from the download link (top-right above file list)
Terminal program. For Windows MobaXterm is highly recommended :
Notepad++ if you are using windows :
mothur :
R studio :
Download and install the following libraries by running under R studio the following lines
install.packages("readr") # To read and write files
install.packages("readxl") # To read excel files
install.packages("dplyr") # To manipulate dataframes
install.packages("tibble") # To work with data frames
install.packages("tidyr") # To work with data frames
install.packages("stringr") # To manipulate strings
install.packages("ggplot2") # To do plots
biocLite('dada2') # metabarcode data analysis
biocLite('phyloseq') # metabarcode data analysis
biocLite('Biostrings') # needed for fastq.geometry
/fastq : fastq files
/dada2 : dada2 processed files
/databases : PR2 database files (contains PR2 database formatted for dada2 and mothur -
/img : Images
/R_dada2 : Dada2 tutorial for Illumina files
/mothur/454 : Mothur Tutorial for 454 files
/mothur/illumina : Mothur Tutorial for Illumina files
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