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Vasudevan Venkateshwaran edited this page Oct 24, 2013 · 1 revision

The waves program accepts a single file which contains the simulation parameters in the following format <parameter> = <value>. Each line contains a single parameter. Comments in the parameter file can be given using the '#' character. A typical parameter file is shown below

temperature = 300
nsteps      = 50000 
grid        = 0.15 0.15
hinit       = 2.50
box         = 4.0 4.0 5.0
diffusion   = no

The following is the list of all input parameters with a brief comment on what they mean

Parameter Type Default Value Units Comments
temperature float 300 K K
nsteps int Number of time steps to run
dt float ps Time step
tau float ps Timescale for momentum decorrelation
l float 0.9 nm nm
gamma float 72 mN/m mN/m Surface tension
grid float float nm Grid size
box float float float nm Simulation box dimensions in x y z
hinit float nm The z location of grid points in the starting configuration
diffusion bool yes Allow center of mass motion (yes/no)
field string File containing constraint parameters


  • The starting configuration is a flat interface with the same z location of all the grid points
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