This repository contains the plugins for the KNIME Deep Learning Integration and the KNIME Deep Learning - Keras Integration.
This extension enables you to create deep neural networks, train them on training data and use them to predict on new data with the Keras API. Additionally, it provides core interfaces which can be used to integrate new deep learning frameworks into KNIME.
This repository contains the source code for the KNIME Deep Learning Integration. The code is organized as follows:
- org.knime.dl: Generic deep learning framework
- org.knime.dl.python: Framework for Python based deep learning integrations
- org.knime.dl.keras: Keras Integration nodes
(version: 2.1.6)
Additional information on how to install this extension and set up your python environment can be found on the KNIME Deep Learning - Keras Website.
You can download the example workflows from the KNIME public example server (See here how to connect...) or from the KNIME node guide.
You can find instructions on how to work with our code or develop extensions for KNIME Analytics Platform in the knime-sdk-setup repository on BitBucket or GitHub.