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Progressive request tool based on axios. It does not destroy the original abilities of axios, and helps you process requests more easily.
# Install with npm, yarn or pnpm
# npm
npm i @varlet/axle -S
yarn add @varlet/axle
pnpm add @varlet/axle
Axle normalizes the parameters of the request function, and expands more request functions for different interface requirements. Here is a simple example.
import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'
const axle = createAxle(/** @see https://axios-http.com **/)
axle.get('/url', { current: 1, pageSize: 10 }, { headers: {} })
axle.post('/url', { name: 'Axle' }, { headers: {} })
Axle fully supports all configuration abilities of axios.
const axle = createAxle(/** @see https://axios-http.com **/)
// The built-in axios of the axle, the usage is exactly the same as that of axios, and shares the configuration with the axle.
const { axios } = axle
axios.defaults.baseURL = 'https://api.example.com'
axios.defaults.headers.common['TOKEN'] = TOKEN
axios.defaults.timeout = 2500
// Add a request interceptor
(config) => {
// Do something before request is sent
return config
(error) => {
// Do something with request error
return Promise.reject(error)
// Add a response interceptor
(response) => {
// Any status code that lie within the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger
// Do something with response data
return response
(error) => {
// Any status codes that falls outside the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger
// Do something with response error
return Promise.reject(error)
The request function provided by Axle can help you send requests more easily. Here are some examples including comparison with axios.
Tips: Take get
and post
as examples below, Axle also supports options
, head
, delete
, patch
, put
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 } })
// axle
axle.get('/url', { id: 1 })
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'blob' })
// axle
axle.getBlob('/url', { id: 1 })
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'text' })
// axle
axle.getText('/url', { id: 1 })
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'document' })
// axle
axle.getDocument('/url', { id: 1 })
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' })
// axle
axle.getArrayBuffer('/url', { id: 1 })
// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'stream' })
// axle
axle.getStream('/url', { id: 1 })
Same with axios.
// axios
axios.post('/url', { name: 'foo' })
// axle
axle.post('/url', { name: 'foo' })
// axios
axios.post('/url', qs.stringify({ name: 'foo' }), {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
// axle
axle.postUrlEncode('/url', { name: 'foo' })
// axios
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('name', 'foo')
formData.append('file', new File())
axios.post('/url', formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
// axle
axle.postMultipart('/url', { name: 'foo', file: new File() })
import { download } from '@varlet/axle'
download(await axle.getBlob('/url', { id: 1 }), 'filename')
import { withResponse } from '@varlet/axle'
const { response, errorResponse } = await withResponse(axle.get('/url'))
const headers = axle.getHeaders()
axle.setHeader('TOKEN', TOKEN)
axle provides some practical requests/response interceptors, and is compatible with axle
and axios
import { requestHeadersInterceptor, responseTimeoutInterceptor } from '@varlet/axle'
const headersInterceptor = requestHeadersInterceptor({
headers: () => ({
token: localStorage.getItem('token'),
'Axle-Custom-Header': 'Axle-Custom-Header',
const retryInterceptor = responseRetryInterceptor({ count: 3 })
axios.interceptors.response.use(retryInterceptor.onFulfilled, retryInterceptor.onRejected, retryInterceptor.options)
import { requestHeadersInterceptor, responseTimeoutInterceptor } from '@varlet/axle'
headers: () => ({
token: localStorage.getItem('token'),
'Axle-Custom-Header': 'Axle-Custom-Header',
axle.useResponseInterceptor(responseRetryInterceptor({ count: 3 }))
Each built-in interceptor supports include
axiosInterceptorOptions (same with Axios interceptor)
It is used to request filtering to determine what request should apply the interceptor and support specifying the method
、 glob
syntax or status
code. The usage method is as follows.
count: 3,
include: ['method:put', 'method:post', 'status:500'],
exclude: ['/system/**', '/user/addUser', 'status:400'],
Name | Description |
requestHeadersInterceptor | Used to customize the request header |
requestMockInterceptor | Used to mock data |
requestMd5Interceptor | Used for md encryption of parameters and headers |
responseRetryInterceptor | Used to realize the request abnormal retry |
responseStatusInterceptor | Used to intercept status code |
responseBlobInterceptor | Used to intercept blob type |
responseTimeoutInterceptor | Used to abnormal timeout |
Axle provides the usage of Vue Composition API style, which encapsulates the loading status
, error status
, upload and download progress
of the request, return data
, lifecycle
, etc., And inherit all the configuration of axios
<script setup>
import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'
import { createUseAxle } from '@varlet/axle/use'
const axle = createAxle(/** @see https://axios-http.com **/)
const useAxle = createUseAxle({
// Optional value: Default immediate of the useAxle, defaults true
immediate: false,
// Optional value: Default onTransform of the useAxle
onTransform: (response) => response,
const [
// request runner/invoker
// extra properties
{ loading, error, uploadProgress, downloadProgress, abort, resetValue },
] = useAxle({
// Request initial value
value: [],
// Request method
method: 'get',
// Request url can be a getter function
url: '/user',
// Whether to send the request immediately, defaults true
immediate: false,
// Whether the value needs to be reset before requesting, defaults false
resetValue: true,
// Whether to clone when resetting value, defaults false
// When set to true, use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)) cloned
// When set to a function, the set function will be used as the clone function, such as v => _.cloneDeep(v)
cloneResetValue: true,
// Request params, defaults {}, can be a getter function
params: { current: 1, pageSize: 10 },
// Axios config, see https://axios-http.com can be a getter function
config: { headers: {} },
// lifecycle
onBefore(refs) {
const { data, loading, error, uploadProgress, downloadProgress } = refs
console.log(data.value, loading.value, error.value, uploadProgress.value, downloadProgress.value)
// Do request before
onTransform(response, refs) {
// Handle data transform, The transformed data will be the value of users.
return response.data
onSuccess(response, refs) {
// Do request success
onError(error, refs) {
// Do request error
onAfter(refs) {
// Do request after
<span>{{ users }}</span>
<span>{{ loading }}</span>
<span>{{ error }}</span>
<span>{{ uploadProgress }}</span>
<span>{{ downloadProgress }}</span>
<button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
<button @click="abort">Abort Request</button>
is supported since v0.9.0
, which is used to define APIs.
import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'
import { createApi } from '@varlet/axle/api'
import { createUseAxle } from '@varlet/axle/use'
const axle = createAxle({
baseURL: '/api',
const useAxle = createUseAxle({
const api = createApi(axle, useAxle)
export const apiGetUsers = api<Response<User[]>>('/user', 'get')
export const apiGetUser = api<Response<User>>('/user/:id', 'get')
export const apiCreateUser = api<Response<User>, CreateUser>('/user', 'post')
export const apiUpdateUser = api<Response<User>, UpdateUser>('/user/:id', 'put')
export const apiDeleteUser = api<Response<User>>('/user/:id', 'delete')
export type Response<T> = {
data: T
code: number
message: string
success: boolean
export interface User {
id: string
name: string
export interface CreateUser {
name: string
export interface UpdateUser {
name: string
const route = useRoute()
const [users, getUsers] = apiGetUsers.use<Response<User[]>>(/** same as useAxle and extends pathParams **/)
const [user, getUser] = apiGetUser.use<Response<User>>({
pathParams: () => ({ id: route.params.id }),
async function handleCreate(params: CreateUser) {
const { success } = await apiCreateUser.load(params)
if (success) {
async function handleUpdate(params: UpdateUser, id: string) {
const { success } = await apiUpdateUser.load(params, { id })
if (success) {
async function handleDelete(id: string) {
const { success } = await apiDeleteUser.load({}, { id })
if (success) {
Since v0.10.0
, the runner
will include all the extra properties, so we can further simplify the work.
<script setup>
const [users, getUsers, { loading: isUsersLoading }] = useAxle({
method: 'get',
url: '/user',
const [posts, getPosts, { loading: isPostsLoading }] = useAxle({
method: 'get',
url: '/post',
<span>{{ isUsersLoading ? 'loading...' : users }}</span>
<span>{{ isPostsLoading ? 'loading...' : posts }}</span>
<button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
<button @click="getPosts">Send Request</button>
<script setup>
const [users, getUsers] = useAxle({
method: 'get',
url: '/user',
const [posts, getPosts] = useAxle({
method: 'get',
url: '/post',
<span>{{ getUsers.loading.value ? 'loading...' : users }}</span>
<span>{{ getPosts.loading.value ? 'loading...' : posts }}</span>
<button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
<button @click="getPosts">Send Request</button>
generation tool can generate all API dispatcher
and type declarations
through Schema
of Openapi3/Swagger2
We recommend using api-farmer, which has first-party support for axle
and is highly customizable.