Underwater images find application in various fields, like marine research, inspection of aquatic habitat, underwater surveillance, identification of minerals, and more. However, underwater shots are affected a lot during the acquisition process due to the absorption and scattering of light.Hence, underwater images need enhancement to improve the quality of images to be used for various applications while preserving the valuable information contained in them.
- To enhace underwater images for reserach purpose to explore acquatic system.
- To study various methods available for enhancing under water images.
- Blur and Sharpen filters
- Histogram Equalisation
- Clahe Filter
- Laplacian Filter
- High Boost Filter
- Bilateral Filter
- Ideal Low Pass and High Pass Filters
- Butterworth Low Pass and High Pass Filters
- Gaussian Low Pass and High Pass Filters
- Homomorphic Filter
- Wavelet Transform
- Denoising Filter
- Neural Network
Image data set:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1N0i6OxNmk2QOTvJS857XZKjsOyLA9nUS?usp=share_link
These images are taken from http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/26347/
- Enhance the under water images using a suitable method as per required application.
- Use the "CV_PROJECT_1.ipynb" file to enhance the images.
- Make sure u downloaded below mentioned files before running CV_PROJECT_1.
Colorization model reference https://github.com/balajisrinivas/Colorizing-black-and-white-images-using-Python/tree/master
Report Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b1Zdz4bXU7G_fEhVsqw430OT1NdrCv_6/view?usp=share_link
Youtube Link:https://youtu.be/a1sDvbHq46w
-tensor flow
-Image Enhacement measures reference https://github.com/andrewekhalel/sewar/blob/master/sewar/full_ref.py
-Book Referred https://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files4/01c56e081202b62bd7d3b4f8545775fb.pdf