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valhuber edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Rules to Automate Business Logic

For most transaction-oriented database applications, backend database logic is a substantial portion of the effort. It includes multi-table derivation and constraint logic, and actions such as sending mail or messages.

Such backend logic is typically coded in before_flush events, database triggers, and/or stored procedures. The prevailing assumption is that such domain-specific logic must surely be domain-specific code.

The problem is that this is a lot of code. Often nearly half the effort for a transactional database-oriented systems, it is time-consuming, complex and error-prone.

This project introduces a declarative alternative: you specify a set of spreadsheet-like rules, which are then executed by a login engine operating as a plugin to sqlalchemy. As in a spreadsheet, there are dramatic gains in conciseness and clarity.

Rules: 40X more concise, automatic optimization and re-use

This declarative, rule-oriented approach contrasts sharply with traditional hand-coded procedural after_flush events or triggers:

Consideration Declarative Rules Procedural (after_flush, Triggers, ...)
Conciseness 5 spreadsheet-like rules implement the check-credit requirement (shown below) The same logic requires 200 hundred of lines of code (shown here) - a factor of 40:1
Performance SQLs are automatically pruned and optimized (examples below) Optimizations require hand-code, often over-looked due to project time pressure
Quality Rules are automatically re-used over all transactions, minimizing missed corner-cases Considerable test and debug is required to find and address all corner cases, with high risk of bugs
Agility Rule execution is automatically re-ordered per dependencies, simplifying iteration cycles

Business Users can read the rules, and collaborate

Collaboration is further supported by running screens - see also Fab-QuickStart below
Changes require code to be re-engineered, at substantial cost and time
Architecture Rules are extracted from UI controllers, so logic is automatically re-used between apps and APIs Manual logic is often coded in UI controllers; this eliminates re-use, leading to bugs and inconsistencies

This can represent a meaningful reduction in project delivery. Experience has shown that such rules can address over 95% of the backend logic, reducing such logic by 40X (200 vs. 5).

Extensible, Manageable, Debuggable

Importantly, logic is:

  • Low Code: Rules are complemented by Python events, providing extensibility, so you can address the last 5%
  • Manageable: logic is expressed in Python, enabling the use of standard IDE and Source Code Control systems
  • Debuggable: Debug your logic with logs that show which rules execute, and breakpoints in formula/constraint/action rules expressed in Python


  1. Your logic is declared as Python functions (see example below).

  2. Your application makes calls on sqlalchemy for inserts, updates and deletes.

    • By bundling transaction logic into sqlalchemy data access, your logic is automatically shared, whether for hand-written code (Flask apps, APIs) or via generators such as Flask AppBuilder.
  3. The python-rules logic engine handles sqlalchemy before_flush events on Mapped Tables

  4. The logic engine operates much like a spreadsheet: watch for changes at the attribute level, react by running rules that referenced changed attributes, which can chain to still other attributes that refer to those changes. Note these might be in different tables, providing automation for multi-table logic.

Logic does not apply to updates outside sqlalchemy, or to sqlalchemy batch updates or unmapped sql updates.

Declaring Logic as Spreadsheet-like Rules

To illustrate, let's use an adaption of the Northwind database, with a few rollup columns added. For those not familiar, this is basically Customers, Orders, OrderDetails and Products, as shown in the diagrams below.

Declare rules using Python

Logic is declared as spreadsheet-like rules as shown below from nw/nw_logic/, which implements the check credit requirement:

def activate_basic_check_credit_rules():
    """ Check Credit Requirement:
        * the balance must not exceed the credit limit,
        * where the balance is the sum of the unshipped order totals
        * which is the rollup of OrderDetail Price * Quantities:
    Rule.constraint(validate=Customer, as_condition=lambda row: row.Balance <= row.CreditLimit,
                    error_msg="balance ({row.Balance}) exceeds credit ({row.CreditLimit})")
    Rule.sum(derive=Customer.Balance, as_sum_of=Order.AmountTotal,
             where=lambda row: row.ShippedDate is None)  # *not* a sql select sum
    Rule.sum(derive=Order.AmountTotal, as_sum_of=OrderDetail.Amount)
    Rule.formula(derive=OrderDetail.Amount, as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Quantity)
    Rule.copy(derive=OrderDetail.UnitPrice, from_parent=Product.UnitPrice)

We add 3 more rules to manage UnitsInStock:

  • when orders are shipped, reduce the UnitsInStock for the ordered items
    Rule.formula(derive=OrderDetail.ShippedDate, as_expression=lambda row: row.OrderHeader.ShippedDate)
    Rule.sum(derive=Product.UnitsShipped, as_sum_of=OrderDetail.Quantity,
             where="row.ShippedDate is not None")
    Rule.formula(derive=Product.UnitsInStock, calling=units_in_stock)

That defines the rules; we activate them as follows.

Activate Rules

One of the test programs is nw/trans_tests/ It activates the rules using this import:

from nw.nw_logic import session  # opens db, activates logic listener <--

This executes nw/nw_logic/, which sets up the rule engine:

by_rules = True  # True => use rules, False => use hand code (for comparison)
if by_rules:
    rule_bank_setup.setup(session, engine)     # setup rules engine
    activate_basic_check_credit_rules()        # loads rules above
    rule_bank_setup.validate(session, engine)  # checks for cycles, etc
    # ... conventional after_flush listeners (to see rules/code contrast)

Logic Execution: Watch, React, Chain

The activation does not execute any logic. It simply registers some listeners, and loads the rules into memory.

The rules run when you commit altered sqlalchemy row. No changes are required to the sqlalchemy api's.

The engine gains control on sqlalchemy after_flush. It operates much as you might imagine a spreadsheet:

  • Watch - for inserts, deletes, and updates at the attribute level

  • React - derivation rules referencing changes are (re)executed (forward chaining rule inference); unreferenced rules are pruned.

  • Chain - if recomputed values are referenced by still other rules, these are re-executed. Note this can be in other tables, thus automating multi-table transaction logic.

Let's see how.

The specification is fully executable, and governs around a dozen transactions. Here we look at 2 simple examples:

  • Add Order (Check Credit) - enter an order/orderdetails, and rollup to AmountTotal / Balance to check CreditLimit

  • Ship / Unship an Order (Adjust Balance) - when an Order's DateShippped is changed, adjust the Customers Balance

These representatively complex transactions illustrate common logic execution patterns, described in the following sections.

Example: Add Order - Multi-Table Adjustment, Chaining

The Add Order example illustrates chaining as OrderDetails are added:
  1. The OrderDetail.UnitPrice is referenced from the Product so it is copied

  2. OrderDetails are referenced by the Orders' AmountTotal sum rule, so AmountTotal is adjusted

  3. The AmountTotal is referenced by the Customers' Balance, so it is adjusted

  4. And the Credit Limit constraint is checked (exceptions are raised if constraints are violated)

All of the dependency management to see which attribute have changed, logic ordering, the SQL commands to read and adjust rows, and the chaining are fully automated by the engine, based solely on the rules above. This is how 5 rules represent the same logic as 200 lines of code.

Key points are discussed in the sub-sections below.

Multi-Table Logic

The sum rule that "watches" OrderDetail.AmountTotal changes is in a different table: Orders. So, the "react" logic has to perform a multi-table transaction, which means we need to be careful about performance.

Optimizations: Adjustment (vs. nested sum queries)

Note that rules declare end conditions, enabling / obligating the engine to optimize execution (like a SQL query optimizer). Consider the rule for Customer.Balance.

As in commonly the case (e.g. Rete engines, some ORM systems), you may reasonably expect this is executed as a SQL select sum.

It is not.

Instead, it is executed as an adjustment: as single row update to the Orders balance. This optimization dramatically reduces the SQL cost, often by orders of magnitude:

  • select sum queries are expensive - imagine a customer with thousands of Orders.

  • Here, it's lots worse, since it's a chained sum, so computing the balance requires not only we read all the orders, but all the OrderDetails of each order.

See here for more information on Rule Execution.

Example: Ship Order - Pruning, Adjustment and Cascade

The ship / unship order example illustrates pruning and adjustment:

If DueDate is altered, nothing is dependent on that, so the rule is pruned from the logic execution. The result is a 1 row transaction - zero SQL overhead from rules.

If ShippedDate is altered, 2 kinds of multi-table logic are triggered - adjustment and cascade:

  1. the logic engine adjusts the Customer.Balance with a 1 row update, as described above

    • Note that in this case, the triggering event is a change to the where condition, rather than a change to the summed value

    • The watch logic is monitoring changes to summed fields, where conditions, foreign keys, and inserts / updates / delete. This eliminates large amounts of clumsy, boring and error prone code

  2. the ShippedDate is also referenced by the OrderDetail.ShippedDate rule, so the system cascades the change to each OrderDetail to reevaluate referring rules

  3. This further chains to adjust Product.UnitsInStock, whose change recomputes Product.UnitsInStock (see below)

State Transition Logic (old values)

Logic often depends on the old vs. new state of a row. For example, here is the function used to compute Product.UnitsInStock:

def units_in_stock(row: Product, old_row: Product, logic_row: LogicRow):
    result = row.UnitsInStock - (row.UnitsShipped - old_row.UnitsShipped)
    return result

Note this logic is in Python: you can invoke Python functions, set breakpoints, etc.

DB-generated Keys

DB-generated keys are often tricky (how do you insert items if you don't know the db-generated orderId?), shown here in Order and OrderDetail. These were well-handled by sqlalchemy, where adding OrderDetail rows into the Orders' collection automatically set the foreign keys.

An Agile Perspective

The core tenant of agile is working software, driving collaboration, for rapid iterations. Here's how rules can help.

Working Software Now

The examples above illustrate how just a few rules can replace pages of code.

Collaboration - Running Screens

Certainly business users are more easily able to read rules than code. But honestly, rules are pretty abstract.

Business users relate best to actual working pages - their intepretation of working software. The fab-quick-start project enables you to build basic web app in minutes.

This project has already generated such an app, which you can run like this (note: work in progress - rules enforced, constraint message not properly shown).

cd nw_app
export FLASK_APP=app
flask run


Rules are self-organizing - they recognize their interdependencies, and order their execution and database access (pruning, adjustments etc) accordingly. This means:

  • order is independent - you can state the rules in any order and get the same result

  • maintenance is simple - just make changes, additions and deletions, the engine will reorganize execution order and database access, automatically

Background (Note: DB always refreshed)

The subject database is an adaption of nw, with a few rollup columns added. For those not familiar, this is basically Customers, Orders, OrderDetails and Products.

Important - the by-cde and by-rules approaches both share the same init module which opens the database.

  • It also copies a fresh database, so if you alter the nw.db between runs, be careful - your changes will be overridden very time you run a test