This repo contains my personnal answers to all of the problems proposed by AdventOfCode.
You can use if you want to copy this repo template and answer the problems by yourself. Its functionnalities include making directories, downloading statements, downloading inputs, making code templates and making url links.
You need python 3 and its module "requests" installed. To install the module requests, use
pip install requests
To run, follow these steps:
- Create a new folder.
- Download and put it into the folder.
- Open in a text editor and put your session into USER_SESSION_ID (see below).
- Change other user parameters in the as desired (see below).
- Change the date of the last advent of code year and day if needed.
- Run from within the folder with
The parameters come as follow:
base_pos = "./" # Folders will be created here. If you want to make a parent folder, change this to ex "./adventofcode/"
USER_SESSION_ID = "" # Get your session by inspecting the session cookie content in your web browser while connected to adventofcode and paste it here as plain text in between the ". Leave at is to not download inputs.
DOWNLOAD_STATEMENTS = True # Set to false to not download statements. Note that only part one is downloaded (since you need to complete it to access part two)
DOWNLOAD_INPUTS = True # Set to false to not download inputs. Note that if the USER_SESSION_ID is wrong or left empty, inputs will not be downloaded.
MAKE_CODE_TEMPLATE = True # Set to false to not make code templates. Note that even if OVERWRITE is set to True, it will never overwrite codes.
MAKE_URL = True # Set to false to not create a direct url link in the folder.
author = "" # Name automatically put in the code templates.
OVERWRITE = False # If you really need to download the whole thing again, set this to true. As the creator said, AoC is fragile; please be gentle. Statements and Inputs do not change. This will not overwrite codes.
date = "December 2018" # Date automatically put in the code templates.
starting_advent_of_code_year = 2017 # You can go as early as 2015.
last_advent_of_code_year = 2018 # The setup will download all advent of code data up until that date included
last_advent_of_code_day = 6 # If the year isn't finished, the setup will download days up until that day included for the last year
The only important parameter is USER_SESSION_ID, which has to be set correctly for the script to download your personnal problems input. To recover your session:
- Go to AdventOfCode.
- Log in by any means (GitHub, Google, ...).
- Check for a cookie named session. This step depends on the browser used. It can be done through network inspection or, in advanced browser like Chrome, by simply clicking on the View site information button directly left of the url (shown as a padlock), then clicking Cookies.
- Copy this cookie content and paste it in in between the ". It might be automatically formated upon being copied and look different, do not worry. Other parameters are self explanatory.
Simply download the wanted solution folders. Script can be run from a parent directory:
python 2018/2/
Or set current directory to wanted solution folder:
cd 2018/2
Please do not rename the nor the input.txt files, as both their names are hardcoded in the solutions.