Scalable Hyperbolic Browser for Information Visualization with three.js
Check stable versions here:
- Working with shaders code
- Working with javascript code
- First sketches adding temporality
Some parameters may be set in the query string:
- graph = random || languages || life (default is random)
- depth = int within [1,15] - (default is 4)
For example:
To view it locally simply open hyperbrowser.html
And to play around check the interactivity:
- Click on a node to redraw the graph with this node in the center
- Press shift and drag and drop the mouse anywhere to explore the graph
- Drag and drop the mouse to change the point of view
- Swap between graphs in the upper right list
Check the provided examples:
- Random generated graph
- Tree of Life
- Languages of the world
- Countries of the world (TODO)
- Linux filesystem (TODO)
Here you can see all modifieble things, and some examples of its use
To load your data, various methods are supported:
- JSON (TODO define formats, check for standards)
To change the colour of every node //TODO
At the moment, transformations can be executed both in:
- JavasCript code
- Shader code
To change between both, you need to define the material as follows:
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'vertexShader' ).textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'fragmentShader' ).textContent,
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexColors: true
var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial({size:0.1,vertexColors:true});
And in the drag and drop event (onDocumentMouseDown + document.onmousemove), use the appropriate code:
//then pass the transformation to the shaders
uniforms.trans.value = initialTrans;
var p = math.complex(clickedX-initialPointX,clickedY-initialPointY);
var recalculatedGraph = moveGraph(p);
hgraph = recalculatedGraph;
//Update the rendered system on the screen
for (var i=0 ; i<system.geometry.vertices.length ; i++){
system.geometry.vertices[i].set(recalculatedGraph.vertices[i].position.x, recalculatedGraph.vertices[i].position.y, 0);
This project uses makes use of the following libraries:
- three.js (thanks to @mrdoob and the rest of collaborators)