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The Leaky Cauldron Blog

Personal blog powered by Astro & Decap CMS

🚀 Getting Started

pnpm create astro@latest -- --template v4iv/nebula

🧑‍🚀 Seasoned astronaut? Delete this file. Have fun!

Project Structure

Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│   ├── admin/
│   │   └── config.yml
│   ├── favicon.svg
│   └── banner.jpg
├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── content/
│   ├── hooks/
│   ├── i18n/
│   ├── layouts/
│   ├── lib/
│   ├── pages/
│   ├── plugins/
│   ├── styles/
│   └── content.config.ts
└── package.json

To learn more about the folder structure of an Astro project, refer to the guide on project structure.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
pnpm install Installs dependencies
pnpm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
pnpm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
pnpm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

👀 Want to learn more?

Feel free to check the documentation or jump into the Astro Discord server.