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Zach Plata edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 3 revisions

You finally have your own local CDS Services to stand up from a localhost server. You understand how to add CDS Services and know how to test them with the CDS Hooks Sandbox app. That is the bulk of the job as a service provider. But now, you can try and look at additional considerations.

  1. Find a place to host your services. If you want a quick and free place that will host your services, check out Heroku.
  2. Handle error codes. Always validate against an incoming request for malformed request bodies, invalid JSON, etc.
  3. Handle unexpected situations. Your service may not always get the data it needs to execute decision support. So make sure you check if you have all the data you need to proceed. Otherwise, your service should gracefully return a response to the EHR.
  4. Contribute and learn from the CDS Hooks community. CDS Hooks is a specification that is always being added to and improved upon. Check out the links below to see discussions and contribute or ask questions.

Additional: See Frequently Asked Questions