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Releases: utybo/BST

OpenBST 2.0 Beta 2

21 Apr 18:19
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OpenBST 2.0 Beta 2 Pre-release

Merge branch 'dev'

OpenBST 2.0 Beta 1

31 Jul 16:06
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OpenBST 2.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

Changelog : see the file

Blog post : Not available yet

BST 1.1

02 Apr 22:21
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OpenBST, bst-java and the BST project version 1.1

The BST Tutorial version 7 revision 0

More information available on the website.

Examples unavailable, as these will not be published for the time being.

BST 1.0

26 Dec 15:05
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For more information, visit the BST website here ==>

BST 0.3 -- Release Candidate 1

06 Dec 11:09
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For more information, visit the BST website here

BST 0.2 -- Release Candidate 1

13 Nov 14:55
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Well, not that BST had any significant amount of time on this planet cough, cough.

What's new?

Version 0.2 of BST has improved many things in all domains.

Good news for everyone

OpenBST :

  • Brand new interface with very useful tools!
  • Bug fixes!
  • Whoo!

Good news for story creators

OpenBST :

  • Save states!
  • A useful tool for watching variable values! This is mostly a continuation of attempts to make story creation more pleasant.
  • "Jump to Node", hard and soft reload, reset, and tons of new features to make your life easier!

bst-java (the engine that runs your story) :

  • Fixed many occurrences where operations would fail. Scripting is now reliable! (finally!)

Tutorial :

  • Updated with new information, and a new Part 3 with details about more advanced mechanisms!
  • New examples
  • Do note that some information may be still outdated. The Tutorial will be updated soon-ish with all the things you need to know about the tools inside the new OpenBST.

Good news for developers

OpenBST :

  • Switched to a more modular system. Whereas OpenBST was just one class, the new system is way less monolithic and split up in 2 main classes
  • Much more functional, with functions for everything.
  • Added Gson as a dependance (required for Save States)

bst-java :

  • Many improvements with stability
  • Modular Action and Checker system
  • Fixed undetected ${&nodeid}

Useful information

This release candidate WILL contain bugs 🐛, please report them here : If you don't do that, I won't be able to fix them! 😢

If this Release Candidate is stable enough, it will be transformed in a Release.

You will find below all the necessary files for playing around with it. The most important ones are openbst-0.2-RC1-full.jar and TheBSTTutorial.pdf

The former requires Java to be ran, and allows you to read BST files and play them nicely. If you do not have it installed, you can download Java from Then, double click the .jar file you downloaded (you may need to chmod +x it first on Linux and Mac OS) and that's it!

If you wish to obtain details on what is going on in the program, open a command prompt and launch the JAR file using java -jar openbst-0.1-RC2-full.jar.

The PDF file is a tutorial on how to create your very own branching story. It's pretty simple and was entirely made using LibreOffice Writer -- who said LibreOffice couldn't make good looking files? 😄

Bundle details

⬇️ Information version on what is bundled in the downloads from this page. If you don't know what this means, don't worry. ⬇️

openbst-0.1-RC2-full.jar :
- [Java] OpenBST 0.1-RC2
- [Java] bst-java 0.1-RC2
- [Java] miglayout-swing 5.0
- [Java] commons-lang 2.6
- [Java] txtmark 0.13
- *NEW* [Java] classindex 3.4
- *NEW* [Java] gson 2.8
- *NEW* [PNG] Some icons from

TheBSTTutorial.pdf :
- [PDF (from ODT)] TheBSTTutorial v3rev0 : 
- [BST] All the examples related to the version v3rev0 of the BST Tutorial 

BST 0.1 -- Release Candidate 2

04 Nov 23:09
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What's new?

This release candidate fixes minor bugs, adds a basic logging system (that will be improved in version 0.2) and fixes some formatting mistakes inside the TUtorial

This release candidate WILL contain bugs 🐛, please report them here : If you don't do that, I won't be able to fix them! 😢

If this Release Candidate is stable enough, it will be transformed in a Release.

Useful information

You will find below all the necessary files for playing around with it. The most important ones are openbst-0.1-RC2-full.jar and TheBSTTutorial.pdf

The former requires Java to be ran, and allows you to read BST files and play them nicely. If you do not have it installed, you can download Java from Then, double click the file (on Linux and Mac OS, you may need to chmod +x the file first). You will see a dialog box asking for a file : select a BST file to launch, and you'll be able to play it! If you are stuck on "Please wait...", your file has a serious problem. Double check that you selected the right file and send a bug report. 📁

If you wish to obtain details on what is going on in the program, open a command prompt and launch the JAR file using java -jar openbst-0.1-RC2-full.jar.

The latter is a tutorial on how to create your very own branching story. It's pretty simple and was entirely made using LibreOffice Writer -- who said LibreOffice couldn't make good looking files? 😄

Bundle details

⬇️ Information version on what is bundled in the downloads from this page. If you don't know what this means, don't worry. ⬇️

openbst-0.1-RC2-full.jar :
- [Java] OpenBST 0.1-RC2
- [Java] bst-java 0.1-RC2
- [Java] miglayout-swing 5.0
- [Java] commons-lang 2.6
- [Java] txtmark 0.13

TheBSTTutorial.pdf :
- [PDF (from ODT)] TheBSTTutorial v2rev3 : Unavailable. Please use one from a previous release.

BST 0.1 -- Release Candidate 1

02 Nov 18:01
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This is the first version of BST. This release candidate WILL contain bugs 🐛, please report them here : If you don't do that, I won't be able to fix them! 😢

You will find below all the necessary files for playing around with it. The most important ones are openbst-0.1-RC1-full.jar and TheBSTTutorial.pdf

The former requires Java to be ran, and allows you to read BST files and play them nicely. If you do not have it installed, you can download Java from Then, double click the file (on Linux and Mac OS, you may need to chmod +x the file first). You will see a dialog box asking for a file : select a BST file to launch, and you'll be able to play it! If you are stuck on "Please wait...", your file has a serious problem. Double check that you selected the right file and send a bug report. 📁

The latter is a tutorial on how to create your very own branching story. It's pretty simple and was entirely made using LibreOffice Writer -- who said LibreOffice couldn't make good looking files? 😄

You can also downlaod the file which contains all the examples seen in the Tutorial, ready to be ran right away. 📝

No additional functionality will be added to this version, as I will now focus on fixing important bugs. 🎉

⬇️ Information version on what is bundled in the downloads from this page. If you don't know what this means, don't worry. ⬇️

openbst-0.1-RC1-full.jar :
- [Java] OpenBST 0.1-RC1
- [Java] bst-java 0.1-RC1
- [Java] miglayout-swing 5.0
- [Java] commons-lang 2.6
- [Java] txtmark 0.13

TheBSTTutorial.pdf :
- [PDF (from ODT)] TheBSTTutorial v2rev2 :
- [zip (from .bst)] examples from tutorial v2rev2