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Legacy Tools

Peter Powers edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 5 revisions

The following table lists the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP) online tools that were recently retired. Many of the tools were model edition sepcific. Most have been replaced by, or will soon be added to, the new Unified Hazard Tool (UHT) or the web services that underlie it.

Application Year Status
Custom Hazard Maps multiple 🔶
Earthquake Probabiltiy Maps multiple 🔶
Hazard Curve Tool†† multiple
Deaggregation (a.k.a Interactive Deaggregation)
   – Conterminous U.S. 2014
   – Conterminous U.S. 2008
   – Conterminous U.S. 2002
   – Conterminous U.S. 1996
   – Alaska 2007
   – Alaska 1999
   – American Samoa 2012 🔶
   – Guam & Northern Mariana Islands 2012 🔶
   – Hawaii 1998 🔶
   – Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands 2003 🔶
Banded Deaggregation†††
Conditional Spectrum (deaggregation add-on)††† 🔶
Fault Source Map multiple ✳️
Fault Source Database Search multiple ✳️
Vs30 Global Map Server‡‡

✅ = implemented in UHT
✳️ = updated tool with new URL
🔶 = partial implementation or under development for inclusion in UHT
❌ = retired

Custom hazard and earthquake probability maps are now included in the Earthquake Hazard and Probability Maps module of the UHT. The current set of layers is limited but will be expanded in the future. Earthquake probabilities for a site of interest are available via a web service.

†† The legacy Hazard Curve Tool reported precomputed, static hazard curves for multiple site classes and spectral periods, and for the 2008 Conterminous U.S. model exclusively. This functionality has been transferred to the UHT, along with support for numerous outher models. See also the explanation of Editions.

††† Banded deaggregation will likely be replaced by the ability to deaggregate on the probability of occurrence, as opposed to exceedance. Conditional spectra data will initially be included in deaggregation service responses; in the future the UHT will render these data in plot form.

The fault source map and database search tools that accompanied many model releases are now available in updated locations. For example, for the 2014 Conterminous U.S. model see this map and database search. The fault source maps are slated for inclusion in the Earthquake Hazard and Probability Maps module of the UHT.

‡‡ A web service replacement for the the global Vs30 map server is planned.

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