Solutions for BlackHat MEA challenges
Visiting home page displays a link to login page.
Also, upon visiting homepage, a Cookie named session
is returned in headers. Base64 decoding first part before dot (.) shows an OTP. This OTP was later tried in OTP field.
Visiting Login page displays a form to enter Username, Password and OTP.
Using single quote in username
parameters gives error while using double quotes gives no error.
Using ' or 1=1-- -
or admin'-- -
doesnot login.
Using ' order by 2-- -
gives no error while ' order by 3-- -
gives error indicating that backend SQL query i using 2 rows.
Using username as ' UNION SELECT 'admin','admin'-- -
with any password with OTP got from session cookie successfully logs us in and provides new session cookie.
Using received session cookie shows up the flag.