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A web interface for building requests for the USA National Phenology Network's Geoserver instance


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USA-NPN Geoserver Request Builder

This repository contains the front end angular8 code for the USA-NPN geoserver request builder. The main purpose of this project is to guide a user through downloading USA-NPN phenology maps from the geoserver.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To run the geoserver request builder the following need to be installed:

  • nodejs - it is recommended to use nvm to manage multiple versions of nodejs

All additional dependancies are managed through npm, the node package manager which is included with node.


After cloning the project you will need to take the following steps.

cd into the main directory and install all dependancies through npm.

cd geoserver-request-builder
npm install

The command installs all dependencies listed in the package.json file into a folder called node_modules.

This project takes advantage of the angular cli which uses webpack to build and bundle the project. An npm build script is setup to trigger this process putting the built project in the dist folder.

cd geoserver-request-builder
ng build --prod

If you are not running the project a webserver like apache or nginx, you can use the webpack dev server to serve the pages

cd geoserver-request-builder
ng serve


This project is automatically deployed using TeamCity. The dist folder created from npm run build contains all javascript and assets needed with index.html being the application entry point.

Related Projects

This repository only contains the front end used to deliver phenology maps to public. The following repository contains the server scripts used to generate the phenology maps nightly which are then delivered through the USA-NPN geoserver instance.


  • Jeff Switzer - NPN
  • Lee Marsh - NPN

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.