Datomic Peer Buildpack installs Datomic REST service bound to
running as a daemon on the same
dyno as the app. This is useful for non-JVM Heroku apps that wish to
use Datomic.
Naturally, the app and the datomic peer (REST service) will compete for resources of a dyno. The buildpack addresses that by restricting memory resources dedicated to Datomic REST service based on Heroku dyno size.
Add this buildpack to your APP like so:
heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/upworthy/datomic-peer-svc.git -a APP
Ensure your app has Datomic-related configuration, mutatis mutandis:
heroku config:set -a APP \
[email protected] \
You may specify more than one Datomic storage using the command line
syntax of Datomic's bin/console
program: DATOMIC_STORAGE_SPECS="alias1 uri1 alias2 uri2 ..."
For example: DATOMIC_STORAGE_SPECS="db1 datomic:ddb://us-east-1/abc db2 datomic:ddb://us-west-2/xyz"
Datomic Peer Service allows you to run Datomic Console or REST API as a Heroku app. It consists of two components:
- oauth2_proxy, a proxy that ensures only authorized Google-authenticated users may access your Datomic infrastructure (aka OA2P).
- Datomic Console, a graphical UI that makes it easy to work with Datomic databases. It provides tools for exploring schema, building and executing queries, examining transactions and more.
You must specify AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
credentials of an AWS IAM user with the following statement among its
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:*:<YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT>:table/<YOUR-STORAGE-TABLE>"
So far only Dynamo DB storage had been tested/used by the author.