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Example Rails Uploaders

This is a collection of repositories that show how to upload files with Rails, by example.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. aws-sdk-rails-4.2 aws-sdk-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with the AWS SDK and Rails 4.2

    Ruby 13 5

  2. direct-aws-sdk-rails-4.2 direct-aws-sdk-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with the AWS SDK and Rails 4.2 and jQuery-File-Upload

    JavaScript 7

  3. paperclip_rails_4.2_demo paperclip_rails_4.2_demo Public

    Ruby 2 2

  4. carrierwave-direct-rails-4.1 carrierwave-direct-rails-4.1 Public

    Example repo for CarrierWaveDirect with Rails 4.1


  5. paperclip-s3-rails-4.0 paperclip-s3-rails-4.0 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with PaperClip and Rails 4.0

  6. carrierwave-rails-4.1 carrierwave-rails-4.1 Public

    Example repo for uploading files with CarrierWave and Rails 4.1



Showing 9 of 9 repositories
  • aws-sdk-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with the AWS SDK and Rails 4.2

    Ruby 13 5 1 0 Updated Feb 10, 2015
  • Ruby 2 2 0 0 Updated Oct 19, 2014
  • direct-aws-sdk-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with the AWS SDK and Rails 4.2 and jQuery-File-Upload

    JavaScript 7 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • carrierwave-rails-4.1 Public

    Example repo for uploading files with CarrierWave and Rails 4.1

    Ruby 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • paperclip-s3-rails-4.1 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with PaperClip and Rails 4.1

    Ruby 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • carrierwave-direct-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with CarrierWaveDirect and Rails 4.2

    0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • carrierwave-rails-4.2 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with CarrierWave and Rails 4.2

    0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • carrierwave-direct-rails-4.1 Public

    Example repo for CarrierWaveDirect with Rails 4.1

    Ruby 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014
  • paperclip-s3-rails-4.0 Public

    Example repo for uploading files to S3 with PaperClip and Rails 4.0

    0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 14, 2014