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Repository files navigation

Quick source management tool

Installation Prerequisites

gh version > 2.27


  • $Git\usr\bin must be in PATH
    • gives yes, grep, sed and other Unix utilities


For linux additionally: sudo apt install xclip


go install

Basic Usage

Must be run in cloned github repo folder. Path qs.exe should be added to system PATH env variable.

  • qs: show status of current folder

  • qs d : Download sources (git pull)

  • qs u -m [message] : Upload sources (git add + commit + push)

  • qs r : Create release

  • qs g : Shows Git GUI

  • qs -h, qs --help : Help for qs

  • qs -v, qs --verbose : Verbose output

  • qs fork : Forks repo to user's account and creates upstream

  • qs dev repo-name : Make new dev branch with name repo-name Repo-name can be copied as - [Name and Permanent link] from Project Kaiser task. - URL of github issue with issue number. If a buffer contains link on issue number, qs dev creates brnach and links it to github issue

  • qs dev -d : Deletes branches in user's repository, which were accepted & mergred to parent repo

  • qs dev -i, qs dev --ignore-hook : Create developer branch and does not ask to add hook against large files.

  • qs dev -n, qs dev --no-fork : Allows to create developer branch in trunk.

  • qs pr : Create pull request. Title is taken from name of topic in "qs dev" command : If a branch is linked to github issue, qs pr makes a pull request, linked to that issue.

  • qs pr -d, qs pr --draft : Create pull request draft.

  • qs pr merge [PR URL] : Merge pull request.

  • qs upgrade : Shows command to install qs

  • qs version : Shows version of currently installed qs


  • qs u takes comment from clipboard. If current branch is "main/master", and message is empty or very short (<3 symbols), qs willask to enter message. If the message is too short, it shows error:
    ---- Too short comment not allowed! ---

Prevent large commits

Command 'qs dev' creates a developer branch and after success, it shows the following question:

   Git pre-commit hook, preventing commit large files does not exist.
   Do you want to set hook(y/n)?
  • On 'y', qs creates github local pre-commit hook script for current repository.

If local pre-commit hook found, 'qs dev' does not asks to create the hook.