We use the command line for many different operations in different environments across the program. These different use cases share some common features, like loading config files; detecting the runtime environment; interacting with Docker, GitHub, Kubernetes; and streaming the output of shell commands among others.
This library is a foundation from which to build the other solutions. It implements a single command line tool and loads application-specific plugins using the python entry point system.
With no plugins installed, running mads
presents this usage output:
usage: mads [-h] {docker,github,kube,setup} ...
MADS commands
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available commands
docker Helpers for interacting with Docker
github Helpers for interacting with GitHub
kube Helpers for interacting with Kubernetes
setup Helpers for setting up a build environment
This tool lives at https://github.com/umsi-mads/mads-cli
In order to add a plugin, you need to publish a module with a few attributes:
Your python package should include an entry point in your setup metadata. For example,
# pyproject.toml
fizz = "mypackage.fizzbuzz"
The subcommand will use the entrypoint name, in this case fizz
The module and its metadata is used to set up your subcommand.
The "help" description of the subcommand is either mod.__doc__
or mod.help
The module also needs to include a function, which may look like the following:
# fizzbuzz.py
"""Print the Fizzbuzz sequence up to a given number"""
import argparse
from mads.cli.command import command
def register_subcommand(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""Register the fizzbuzz command"""
fbcmd = parser.add_subparsers(title="Fizzbuzz commands", help="Available commands")
def run(upto: int, fizz: int = 3, buzz: int = 5):
"""Run Fizzbuzz with custom numbers"""
for i in range(1, upto + 1):
if i % fizz == 0:
print("fizz", end="")
if i % buzz == 0:
print("buzz", end="")
if i % fizz != 0 and i % buzz != 0:
print(i, end="")
This code will install the fizz
subcommand with a usage doc that looks
like the following:
usage: mads fizz [-h] {run} ...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Fizzbuzz commands:
{run} Available commands
run Run Fizzbuzz with custom numbers