Tree-based joint lineage inference and somatic mutation calling
usage: [-h] <command> ...
positional arguments:
<command> sub-commands
tview view tree
compare compare tree topology
compat calculate pairwise compatibility between all pairs of sites
nbjoin neighbor-joining
part a top-down method that recursively partition samples based on partition cost
gtype genotype samples with help of a lineage tree
annot annotate lineage tree with genotype calls
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: tview [-h] [-a STR] [-l FILE] <nwk>
positional arguments:
<nwk> input tree in Newick format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a STR node attributes to print given by a comma separated list
-l FILE leaves label
usage: compare [-h] -t FILE [FILE ...] -r FILE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t FILE [FILE ...] input tree(s), in Newick format
-r FILE reference tree, in Newick format
usage: compat [-h] [-v INT] <vcf> <output>
positional arguments:
<vcf> input vcf/vcf.gz file, "-" for stdin
<output> output compatibility matrix
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v INT minimum evidence in Phred scale for a site to be considered, default 60
usage: nbjoin [-h] [-m INT] [-e INT] [-v INT] <vcf> output
positional arguments:
<vcf> input vcf/vcf.gz file, "-" for stdin
output output basename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m INT mutation rate in Phred scale, default 80
-e INT heterozygous rate in Phred scale, default 30
-v INT minimum evidence in Phred scale for a site to be considered, default 60
usage: part [-h] [-m INT] [-e INT] [-v INT] <vcf> <output>
positional arguments:
<vcf> input vcf/vcf.gz file, "-" for stdin
<output> output basename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m INT mutation rate in Phred scale, default 80
-e INT heterozygous rate in Phred scale, default 30
-v INT minimum evidence in Phred scale for a site to be considered, default 60
usage: gtype [-h] -t FILE [-n INT] [-m INT] [-e INT] <vcf> <output>
positional arguments:
<vcf> input vcf/vcf.gz file, "-" for stdin
<output> output basename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t FILE lineage tree
-n INT number of sites processed once, default 1000
-m INT mutation rate in Phred scale, default 80
-e INT heterozygous rate in Phred scale, default 30, 0 for uninformative
usage: annot [-h] -t FILE <gtcall> <outnwk>
positional arguments:
<gtcall> input gtype calls, "-" for stdin
<outnwk> output tree in Newick format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t FILE lineage tree