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Daniel Dietsch edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 13 revisions

Build and Usage

If you only want to build and use Ultimate, maybe to run your own experiments, use the instructions here. Please be aware that Ultimate and the associated tools are all ongoing research, and thus (a) may contain bugs, and (b) have quite unfriendly user interfaces. If you only want to play around with our various tools, we recommend you visit our web interface.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate and open an issue or write a mail to one of the tool authors.

Building Ultimate

Ultimate should run on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS) and the build process is always the same.

Build Prerequisites

  • Java JDK (1.8) - note: Java JRE is not sufficient
  • Maven (>3.0)


  • Checkout Ultimate to ultimate/
  • cd ultimate/trunk/source/BA_MavenParentUltimate
  • mvn install -Pmaterialize

Now you can find binaries for various platforms, architectures and tools in ultimate/trunk/source/BA_SiteRepository/target/products.



Instructions coming soon

Developer GUI

Ultimate has a graphical user interface which can be used by Ultimate developers. For users we recommand the command line interface or the web interface.

In Eclipse this developer GUI is called Debug-E4.product. Please follow the Download and Installation in order to start it.

A run of Ultimate is defined by three "things".

  1. The actual input file(s) which can be e.g.,

    You select the input files by pressing the "Open Source" button.

  2. The toolchain. E.g.,

    • Procedure Inlining, Large Block Encoding, Automizer, Witness Printer
    • Automata Script interpreter and a graphical visualization of its output After selecting the source button the you get a dialog that asks you to compose your toolchain from existing plugins. We recommand that you do not compose a toolchain by yourself but press the "XML Toolchain" button and take one of the toolchains from the trunk/examples/toolchains folder.
  3. The preferences. In "Settings > Preferences" you can configure each plugin. Alternatively you can load a preference file by pressing the "Load settings" button and select a .epf file from the trunk/examples/settings folder.

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