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Owicki Gries Proofs

maul.esel edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

Project Goal

Define a notion of an Owicki-Gries annotation for a concurrent program, analogously to a Floyd-Hoare annotation for a sequential program. The program is given as a 1-safe Petri net, i.e., threads can be created and destroyed at runtime. Construct Owicki-Gries annotations from a Floyd-Hoare annotation of the product automaton / marking graph. Design techniques to simplify such proofs, i.e., to eliminate ghost variables and simplify the formulae.


Work Packages

  • Formal Definitions & Results
    • Formal definition of an Owicki-Gries annotation for automata.
    • Formal definition of an Owicki-Gries annotation for Petri nets.
    • Program safety theorem base on Owickie-Gries annotations.
  • Construction & Simplification
    • Construction from a Floyd-Hoare annotation.
    • Define a notion of the size of an Owicki-Gries annotation.
    • Design simplification methods.
  • Ultimate Implementation (branch: wip/dk/owickigries)
    • Setup
    • Owicki-Gries annotation
    • Construction from Floyd-Hoare
    • Validity Check
    • Simplification

Current Tasks

  • Find example programs.
  • Formally describe construction from Floyd-Hoare. In particular, do we need to use negated ghost variables?
  • Implement construction & checking in Ultimate.


A preliminary version of the computation of Floyd-Hoare annotations for concurrent programs is now available on the project branch. This can be used as input to the construction of an Owicki-Gries annotation (to be implemented).

The annotation class itself is located in the TraceAbstraction project, in package de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.plugins.generator.traceabstraction.concurrency. The construction is currently located in a static method in this class (to be implemented). The validity check is in a separate class, OwickiGriesValidityCheck (to be implemented) in the same package.

The construction and validity check will be called from the BasicCegarLoop class (de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.plugins.generator.traceabstraction), in the method computeOwickiGries.


Run Ultimate with the settings in trunk/examples/settings/automizer/concurrent/svcomp-Reach-32bit-Automizer_Default-noMmResRef-FA-NoLbe.epf and the XML toolchain trunk/examples/toolchains/AutomizerBplInline.xml. Use Boogie programs (file extension .bpl).

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