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Matthias Heizmann edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 27 revisions

Polyhedral Danger Invariants

High level comparison of danger invariants and safety invariants implementation


  • Input is ICFG (interprocedural control flow graph)

  • We map templates to locations of program

  • Calls and Returns are not yet supported. We use our Boogie procedure inlining to handle programs with several procedures (hence, we cannot handle recursive programs).

  • Polyhedra-based (both use Boolean combinations of linear inequalities) Need translation of transition relation into linear inequalities.

  • Apply Motzkin transformation to constraints in order to reduce non-linear arithmetic and to get rid of quantifier alternation

  • Use SMT solver to get satisfying assignments for contraints. Apply simplification to obtain simple solution.

  • We start with small templates and iteratiable increase the size of the template.

  • Use large block encoding to improve performance (LargeBlockEncodingIcfgTransformer, mApplyLargeBlockEncoding)

  • Use live variables to optimize size of templates (generateLiveVariables, USE_LIVE_VARIABLES)

  • We use classes that implement the IPredicate interface to represent sets of states

  • Different strategies to increase size of templates. (maybe we can use the same classes and interfaces, maybe not ILinearInequalityInvariantPatternStrategy)


  • Synthesis of safety invariants also works with overapproximations of transition relation.
  • We can check correctness of a safety invariant (by checking Hoare triples)
  • safety invariants: error locations annotated with false, danger invariants: error locations annotated with true
  • we do not use unsatisfiable cores while synthesizing danger invariants
  • we do not use over/underapproximations of reachable states to guide constrution of templates ( loc2underApprox loc2overApprox)
  • We have Skolem function
  • Code of safety invariant synthesis is probably not well-structures and only partly documented. The code for danger invariant should be fully documented


  • Translation of transition relation into linear inequalities: check if we can detect overapproximations.
  • How can we check correctness of a danger invariant (warning: do not implement this, something similar might have been already implemented in Ultimate)?
  • Which statistical data is interesting for our synthesis of danger invariants?
  • Generalize LinearInequalityInvariantPatternProcessor
    1. Change hardcoded init and error annotation
    2. Allow multiple init locations and error locations (not important)
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