The project is a template when you use Unity develop.
Now support Unity version is 2022.3.15 LTS (download 22.3.15f1).
The project include:
- Resources
- Prefabs
- AlertPrefab
- ProgressBarPrefab
- Scenes
- Main: all user interface in there, use
assembled, suggest useUIManager
control show/hide.
- Main: all user interface in there, use
- Scripts
- GameManager: control user/config data and related logical
- UIManager: control user interface when to global logical
- SoundManager: control music and effect sound
- ADManager: control advertisement logical
- Assets
- StreamingAssets
- config
- config.xlsx: Game designer's config file
- config
- StreamingAssets
and .gitignore
file, set manager "Script Execution Order".
- Lean Localization/精益本地化 using 2.0.3 version.
- Excel 配置读取器/F8ExcelTool using "master" branch.
- 穿山甲广告/CSJ Advertisement using version.
- ADManager not active.
- Prefab Text must replace use TMP_Text (WTH of Unity UI upgrade...more and more).