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A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries and software.

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A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries and software.

  • ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
  • nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • pi-hole/pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements
  • acmesh-official/ - A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
  • dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
  • zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
  • gpakosz/.tmux - 🇫🇷 Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️
  • asdf-vm/asdf - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
  • zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
  • spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt - 🚀⭐ Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
  • Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
  • rbenv/rbenv - Manage your app's Ruby environment
  • Bash-it/bash-it - A community Bash framework.
  • kaldi-asr/kaldi - kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.
  • sorin-ionescu/prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
  • mack-a/v2ray-agent - Xray、Tuic、hysteria2、sing-box 八合一一键脚本
  • sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
  • CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
  • oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish - The Fish Shell Framework
  • RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup - Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
  • Gogh-Co/Gogh - Gogh is a collection of color schemes for various terminal emulators, including Gnome Terminal, Pantheon Terminal, Tilix, and XFCE4 Terminal also compatible with iTerm on macOS.
  • babun/babun - Babun - a Windows shell you will love!
  • dnschneid/crouton - Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment
  • thoughtbot/laptop - A shell script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
  • juewuy/ShellCrash - Run sing-box/mihomo as client in shell
  • zsh-users/antigen - The plugin manager for zsh.
  • pystardust/ani-cli - A cli tool to browse and play anime
  • holman/dotfiles - @holman does dotfiles
  • oldratlee/useful-scripts - 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc.
  • zsh-users/zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
  • prasanthrangan/hyprdots - // Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
  • xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
  • dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible - 📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
  • arzzen/git-quick-stats - ▁▅▆▃▅ Git quick statistics is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in git repository.
  • holman/spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
  • dehydrated-io/dehydrated - letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water
  • ohmybash/oh-my-bash - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your bash configuration, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
  • hyperupcall/autoenv - Directory-based environments.
  • niieani/bash-oo-framework - Bash Infinity is a modern standard library / framework / boilerplate for Bash
  • todotxt/todo.txt-cli - ☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
  • git-ftp/git-ftp - Uses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
  • petervanderdoes/gitflow-avh - AVH Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
  • dunwu/linux-tutorial - 🐧 Linux教程,主要内容:Linux 命令、Linux 系统运维、软件运维、精选常用Shell脚本
  • binpash/try - Inspect a command's effects before modifying your live system
  • spotify/docker-gc - INACTIVE: Docker garbage collection of containers and images
  • teddysun/across - Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world
  • bats-core/bats-core - Bash Automated Testing System
  • MichaIng/DietPi - Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
  • GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM - The command-line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of Linux dedicated game servers.
  • OpenVPN/easy-rsa - easy-rsa - Simple shell based CA utility
  • Nyr/wireguard-install - WireGuard road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
  • fengyuhetao/shell - Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全案例
  • KittyKatt/screenFetch - Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots.
  • cknadler/vim-anywhere - Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
  • wslutilities/wslu - A collection of utilities for Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • erikw/tmux-powerline - ⚡️ A tmux plugin giving you a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments, written purely in bash.
  • laurent22/rsync-time-backup - Time Machine style backup with rsync.
  • paulirish/git-open - Type git open to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser.
  • jessfraz/dotfiles - My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)
  • Aloxaf/fzf-tab - Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf!
  • ekalinin/github-markdown-toc - Easy TOC creation for GitHub
  • jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode - 💻 A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
  • mvscode/frps-onekey - Frp server one-click configuration script. The script obtains the latest Frp version by default
  • kewlbear/FFmpeg-iOS-build-script - Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS
  • scop/bash-completion - Programmable completion functions for bash
  • teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
  • Winetricks/winetricks - Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine
  • tmux-plugins/tmux-yank - Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin.
  • e-m-b-a/emba - EMBA - The firmware security analyzer
  • babarot/enhancd - 🚀 A next-generation cd command with your interactive filter
  • jamesob/desk - A lightweight workspace manager for the shell
  • billw2/rpi-clone - A shell script to clone a booted disk.
  • polybar/polybar-scripts - This is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
  • GitAlias/gitalias - Git alias commands for faster easier version control
  • esc0rtd3w/wifi-hacker - Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools. Supports All Securities (WEP, WPS, WPA, WPA2)
  • megastep/makeself - A self-extracting archiving tool for Unix systems, in 100% shell script.
  • nodenv/nodenv - Manage multiple NodeJS versions.
  • dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk - backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
  • driesvints/dotfiles - Get started with your own dotfiles.
  • mathiasbynens/ - 🙊 Subtle and not-so-subtle shell tweaks that will slowly drive people insane.
  • phyver/GameShell - a game to learn (or teach) how to use standard commands in a Unix shell
  • trapd00r/LS_COLORS - A collection of LS_COLORS definitions; needs your contribution!
  • fsquillace/junest - The lightweight Arch Linux based distro that runs, without root privileges, on top of any other Linux distro.
  • create-dmg/create-dmg - A shell script to build fancy DMGs
  • dylanaraps/pfetch - 🐧 A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
  • hnarayanan/shpotify - A command-line interface to Spotify.
  • silinternational/ecs-deploy - Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
  • xero/dotfiles - rice 🍚 custom linux config files. as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist. dotfiles are perpetual wip
  • MegaManSec/SSH-Snake - SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
  • postmodern/ruby-install - Installs Ruby, JRuby, TruffleRuby, or mruby
  • bpkg/bpkg - Lightweight bash package manager
  • Bugswriter/notflix - Notflix is a shell script to search and stream torrent.
  • huyng/bashmarks - Directory bookmarks for the shell
  • udhos/update-golang - update-golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion
  • anyenv/anyenv - All in one for **env
  • tony/tmux-config - 📗 Example tmux configuration - screen + vim key-bindings, system stat, cpu load bar.
  • cytopia/pwncat - pwncat - netcat on steroids with Firewall, IDS/IPS evasion, bind and reverse shell, self-injecting shell and port forwarding magic - and its fully scriptable with Python (PSE)
  • mrworf/plexupdate - Plex Update script to simplify the life of Linux Plex Media Server users.
  • ffffffff0x/f8x - 红/蓝队环境自动化部署工具 | Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool
  • aqzt/kjyw - 快捷运维,代号kjyw,项目基于shell、python,运维脚本工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、php、redis、nagios、运维经常使用的脚本等等...
  • paxtonhare/demo-magic - A handy shell script that enables you to write repeatable demos in a bash environment.
  • cropsly/ffmpeg-android - FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi and lame (Supports Android 4.1+)
  • isaacs/nave - Virtual Environments for Node
  • kward/shunit2 - shUnit2 is a xUnit based unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts.
  • kerl/kerl - Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
  • hectorm/hblock - Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
  • wireghoul/graudit - grep rough audit - source code auditing tool
  • elasticdog/transcrypt - transparently encrypt files within a git repository
  • alrra/dotfiles - 💻 macOS / Ubuntu dotfiles
  • kvaps/kubectl-node-shell - Exec into node via kubectl
  • adtac/climate - The swiss-army knife of utility tools for Linux.
  • sickcodes/osx-optimizer - OSX Optimizer: Optimize MacOS - Shell scripts to speed up your mac boot time, accelerate loading, and prevent unnecessary throttling.
  • konstruktoid/hardening - Hardening Ubuntu. Systemd edition.
  • dyne/tomb - the Crypto Undertaker
  • marlonrichert/zsh-snap - ⚡️ Znap! Fast, easy-to-use tools for Zsh dotfiles & plugins, plus git repos
  • ZZROTDesign/docker-clean - A script that cleans docker containers, images, volumes, and networks.
  • pacstall/pacstall - An AUR-inspired package manager for Ubuntu
  • pwnesia/ssb - Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server
  • mchav/with - Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool.
  • pure-fish/pure - Pretty, minimal, and fast prompt for Fish shell inspired by sindresorhus/pure
  • denilsonsa/prettyping - prettyping is a wrapper around the standard ping tool, making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read.
  • shellfire-dev/shellfire - A repository of namespaced, composable shell (bash, sh and dash) function libraries. Takes aware the pain of shell scripting, making it robust and reusable. Includes secure curl usage, JSON, XML and Debian control file parsers, dependency documentation via attributes, and more. Batteries ARE included.
  • paulmillr/dotfiles - Colourful & robust configuration files and utilities for Mac, Linux & BSD
  • dustinkirkland/byobu - text window manager, shell multiplexer, integrated DevOps environment
  • liquanzhou/ops_doc - 运维简洁实用手册
  • swoodford/aws - A collection of bash shell scripts for automating various tasks with Amazon Web Services using the AWS CLI and jq.
  • myxuchangbin/dnsmasq_sniproxy_install - One-click Install and Configure Dnsmasq and Sniproxy for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
  • kuoruan/shell-scripts - Linux Shell Scripts
  • pch/welder - 👨‍🏭Set up your Linux server with plain shell scripts
  • goreliu/zshguide - Zsh 开发指南
  • visionmedia/deploy - Minimalistic deployment shell script
  • basherpm/basher - A package manager for shell scripts.
  • anti-ddos/Anti-DDOS - 🔒 Anti DDOS | Bash Script Project 🔒
  • shellspec/shellspec - A full-featured BDD unit testing framework for bash, ksh, zsh, dash and all POSIX shells
  • 0xacx/chatGPT-shell-cli - Simple shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal. No Python or JS required.
  • EternalPain/ZJL - ZJL 免流防跳脚本
  • webpro/dotfiles - Dotfiles for macOS
  • justinmayer/virtualfish - Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments
  • rehiy/dnspod-shell - 基于DNSPod用户API实现的纯Shell动态域名客户端
  • Installomator/Installomator - Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
  • jayrambhia/Install-OpenCV - shell scripts to install different version of OpenCV in different distributions of Linux
  • hwdsl2/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN server installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE and Raspberry Pi OS
  • techno-tim/ - Open Source, Community Driven, Documentation for Techno Tim YouTube Videos/ Complete with examples for all your copy pasta needs!
  • dsixda/Android-Kitchen - A text-based kitchen for Android ROM customization. Uses shell scripts and works with Cygwin/OS X/Linux.
  • hwdsl2/openvpn-install - OpenVPN server installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, Amazon Linux 2 and Raspberry Pi OS
  • wireghoul/htshells - Self contained htaccess shells and attacks
  • lework/kainstall - Use shell scripts to install kubernetes(k8s) high availability clusters and addon components based on kubeadmin with one click.使用shell脚本基于kubeadmin一键安装kubernetes 高可用集群和addon组件。
  • TermuxHackz/wifi-hacker - Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools. Supports All Securities (WEP, WPS, WPA, WPA2)
  • envygeeks/jekyll-docker - ⛴ Docker images, and CI builders for Jekyll.
  • andresgongora/synth-shell - Boost your terminal, script by script
  • stark/Color-Scripts - User contributed color scripts
  • matchai/spacefish - 🚀🐟 The fish shell prompt for astronauts
  • zap-zsh/zap - ⚡ Zap is a minimal zsh plugin manager
  • philcook/brew-php-switcher - Brew PHP switcher is a simple shell script to switch your apache and CLI quickly between major versions of PHP. If you support multiple products/projects that are built using either brand new or old legacy PHP functionality. For users of Homebrew (or brew for short) currently only.
  • icy/pacapt - An ArchLinux's pacman-like shell wrapper for many package managers. 56KB and run anywhere.
  • bash-my-aws/bash-my-aws - Bash-my-AWS provides simple but powerful CLI commands for managing AWS resources
  • cloudposse/geodesic - 🚀 Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker
  • geometry-zsh/geometry - geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
  • poetaman/arttime - arttime is a CLI application that blends beauty of ASCII / text art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager in terminal ⏰
  • TermuxArch/TermuxArch - Experience the pleasure of the Linux command prompt in Android, Chromebook, Fire OS and Windows on smartphone, smartTV, tablet and wearable
  • lemnos/ - A script which lets you set your $terminal theme.
  • reobin/typewritten - A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme
  • riobard/bash-powerline - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script. See also
  • cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq - A shell script which convert gfwlist into dnsmasq rules. Python version:
  • aurora/rmate - Remote TextMate 2 implemented as shell script
  • jmcerrejon/PiKISS - PiKISS for Raspberry Pi: A bunch of scripts with menu to make your life easier.
  • mattmc3/antidote - - the cure to slow zsh plugin management
  • carloscuesta/materialshell - A material design theme for your terminal. ✨
  • Spearfoot/disk-burnin-and-testing - Shell script for burn-in and testing of new or re-purposed drives
  • iam-veeramalla/shell-scripting-projects - Projects on shell scripting. Goal is to simulate real time projects as much as posible.
  • getfatday/keytool-importkeypair - A shell script to import key/certificate pairs into an existing Java keystore
  • churchers/vm-bhyve - Shell based, minimal dependency bhyve manager
  • robotshell/magicRecon - MagicRecon is a powerful shell script to maximize the recon and data collection process of an objective and finding common vulnerabilities, all this saving the results obtained in an organized way in directories and with various formats.
  • wukongdaily/OrangePiShell - 在Linux上快速部署一些好用的docker项目。起初只是为了香橙派制作。推荐使用1panel面板轻松管理docker。
  • rmarquis/pacaur - [unmaintained] An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction
  • arget13/DDexec - A technique to run binaries filelessly and stealthily on Linux by "overwriting" the shell's process with another.
  • loyess/Shell - Shadowsocks with plugins one-click installation. e.g. v2ray-plugin, kcptun, simple-obfs, goquiet, cloak, mos-tls-tunnel, rabbit-tcp, simple-tls, gost-plugin, xray-plugin, qtun, gun
  • franciscolourenco/done - A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
  • bestswifter/macbootstrap - A bootstrap script for new Mac
  • jgmdev/ddos-deflate - Fork of DDoS Deflate with fixes, improvements and new features.
  • spencerwooo/dotfiles-archive - Dotfiles for all :D
  • mafredri/zsh-async - Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools!
  • unofficial-unifi/unifi-pfsense - A script that installs the UniFi Controller software on pfSense and other FreeBSD systems
  • summerblue/laravel-ubuntu-init - A shell script for setting up Laravel Production environment on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 16 & Ubuntu 18 system.
  • modernish/modernish - Modernish is a library for writing robust, portable, readable, and powerful programs for POSIX-based shells and utilities.
  • tclahr/uac - UAC is a Live Response collection script for Incident Response that makes use of native binaries and tools to automate the collection of AIX, Android, ESXi, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, NetScaler, OpenBSD and Solaris systems artifacts.
  • xwmx/bash-boilerplate - A collection of Bash scripts for creating safe and useful command line programs.
  • z-shell/zi - ✨ A Swiss Army Knife for Zsh - Unix Shell
  • cykerway/complete-alias - automagical shell alias completion;
  • na--/ebook-tools - Shell scripts for organizing and managing ebook collections
  • ovh/debian-cis - PCI-DSS compliant Debian 10/11/12 hardening
  • x1mdev/ReconPi - ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive scanning with the latest tools.
  • screetsec/Vegile - This tool will setting up your backdoor/rootkits when backdoor already setup it will be hidden your spesisifc process,unlimited your session in metasploit and transparent. Even when it killed, it will re-run again. There always be a procces which while run another process,So we can assume that this procces is unstopable like a Ghost in The Shell
  • raylee/tldr-sh-client - Simplified and community-driven man pages
  • ianthehenry/sd - a cozy nest for your scripts
  • caarlos0/dotfiles.zsh - Config files for ZSH, Java, Ruby, Go, Editors, Terminals and more.
  • neverpanic/google-font-download - Locally host Google's web fonts
  • trick77/ipset-blacklist - A bash script to ban large numbers of IP addresses published in blacklists.
  • snwh/ubuntu-post-install - A set of post-installation shell scripts for Ubuntu
  • monlor/Monlor-Tools - 小米路由器Shell工具箱,本人自用,主要参考了小米的Misstar Tools制作,仅学习之用!Telegram群组:
  • mfaerevaag/wd - 🚀 Jump to custom directories in zsh
  • microsoft/shell-intune-samples - Sample shell scripts for Intune admins.
  • fteem/git-semantic-commits - Tiny semantic commit messages for Git.
  • clangcn/kcp-server - kcp-server one key install shell,build for
  • glenpike/npm-g_nosudo - A shell script which will fix the problem where you want to stop using sudo for npm -g on Ubuntu.
  • kdabir/has - ✅ checks presence of various command line tools and their versions on the path
  • freekmurze/dotfiles - My personal dotfiles
  • centminmod/centminmod - CentOS Shell menu based Nginx LEMP web stack auto installer (GPLv3 licensed)
  • hoaye/AutoPacking-iOS - iOS自动打包脚本 多项选择 一行上传指定位置
  • Wooder/ios_17_required_reason_api_scanner - A simple shell script collection to scan your Xcode Swift project for required reason API usage to ensure privacy compliance and to simplify the creation of privacy manifests.
  • Ventto/mons - POSIX Shell script to quickly manage monitors on X
  • cswl/tsu - Gain root shell on Termux.
  • mdo/config - Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment.
  • agarciadom/ipwebcam-gst - Simple shell script for using IP Webcam as a V4L2 webcam / sound source
  • geerlingguy/dotfiles - My configuration. Minimalist, but helps save a few thousand keystrokes a day.
  • jhillyerd/plugin-git - Git aliases plugin for the Fish shell (similar to oh-my-zsh git)
  • Har-Kuun/OneClickCDN - A one-click shell script to set up a CDN node for your websites.
  • clangcn/onekey-install-shell - 一大坨一键安装脚本
  • changs/slimzsh - Small, usable configuration for ZSH
  • plyint/ - Lightweight solution for using encrypted passwords in shell scripts
  • techarkit/shell-scripting-tutorial - A complete begineers guide to learn shell scripting from scratch which includes Videos, Practice scenarios and project idea.
  • holzschu/a-Shell-commands - shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
  • evanlucas/fish-kubectl-completions - kubectl completions for fish shell
  • cloudsec/brootkit - Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.10
  • RaymiiOrg/bash-http-monitoring - HTTP(s) monitoring webpage via shell script
  • mig1984/bashible - Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.
  • olets/zsh-abbr - The zsh manager for auto-expanding abbreviations, inspired by fish. ~18,000 clones by ~12,000 unique cloners as of Sept '24, and averaging ~60 Homebrew installs monthly since June 2023
  • bach-sh/bach - Bach Testing Framework
  • jcsalterego/historian - Command-line utility for managing shell history in a SQLite database.
  • binpash/pash - PaSh: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing
  • justchokingaround/lobster - mmm lobster
  • Nick233333/phper-linux-gitbook - 💡PHPer 必知必会的 Linux 命令
  • epety/100-shell-script-examples - Collection of shell scripts found on the internet
  • canha/golang-tools-install-script - Simple Bash script to automate Go language tools single user installation or even removal.
  • Washington-University/HCPpipelines - Processing pipelines for the HCP
  • alestic/lambdash - Lambda shell - Run sh commands inside AWS Lambda environment
  • mrjohannchang/ - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature for the z jump around command.
  • pstadler/ - Real-time stock tickers from the command-line.
  • szepeviktor/debian-server-tools - Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers and Web Applications
  • JElchison/format-udf - Bash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.
  • FabioAntunes/fish-nvm - nvm wrapper for fish-shell
  • servisys/ispconfig_setup - ISPConfig autoinstaller and setup
  • biox/pa - a simple password manager. encryption via age, written in portable posix shell
  • fieu/ - Write-only command-line Discord webhooks integration written in 100% Bash script
  • natelandau/shell-scripting-templates - Shell scripting utility functions and a bash script boilerplate template
  • chris-marsh/pureline - A Pure Bash Powerline PS1 Command Prompt
  • marzocchi/zsh-notify - Desktop notifications for long-running commands in zsh.
  • docopt/docopts - Shell interpreter for docopt, the command-line interface description language.
  • containrrr/shepherd - Docker swarm service for automatically updating your services whenever their image is refreshed
  • nordtheme/gnome-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant GNOME Terminal color theme.
  • sapegin/dotfiles - My macOS environment: zsh, Git, Visual Studio Code, etc.
  • chromedp/docker-headless-shell - Minimal container for Chrome's headless shell, useful for automating / driving the web
  • MinecraftServerControl/mscs - Powerful command-line control for UNIX and Linux powered Minecraft servers
  • diogocavilha/fancy-git - That's a terminal prompt changer that shows a few cool git informations about your repository state. You can choose among different styles and enjoy all the aliases it provides you. Feel free for contributing, pull requests and issues are always welcome! ;)
  • clu3bot/owt - Update Version 3.1 added free SMS messaging.
  • bkuhlmann/mac_os - Shell scripts for automated macOS machine setup.
  • tanersener/ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts - Shell scripts to create video slideshows using images and videos
  • kisslinux/kiss - KISS Linux - Package Manager
  • mbucc/shmig - Database migration tool written in BASH.
  • OreosLab/VIP - 🏃‍💨 Gone
  • Checksum/ - Dead simple testing framework for Bash with coverage reporting
  • 4ndr34z/shells - Script for generating revshells
  • Mangeshrex/rxfetch - A custom system info fetching tool
  • foxundermoon/vs-shell-format - the shellscript、Dockerfile、properties ...... format extension
  • odb/shml - SHell Markup Language | Style Framework for The Terminal
  • EivindArvesen/prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal.
  • mstinaff/PMS_Updater - Shell script for updating the Plex Media Server inside the FreeNAS Plex plugin
  • enomothem/Whoamifuck - 用于Linux应急响应,快速排查异常用户登录情况和入侵信息排查,准确定位溯源时间线,高效辅助还原攻击链。
  • centos-bz/ezhttp - The bash shell script stack for installation of Nginx OpenResty Tengine lua_nginx_module nginx_concat_module nginx_upload_module ngx_substitutions_filter_module Apache-2.2 Apache-2.4 MySQL-5.1 MySQL-5.5 MySQL-5.6 MySQL-5.7 PHP-5.2 PHP-5.3 PHP-5.4 PHP-5.5 PHP-5.6 ZendOptimizer ZendGuardLoader Xcache Eaccelerator Imagemagick IonCube Memcache Memcached Redis Mongo Xdebug Mssql Memcached PureFtpd PhpMyAdmin Redis Mongodb PhpRedisAdmin MemAdmin RockMongo Jdk7 Jdk8 Tomcat7 Tomcat8
  • h4l/json.bash - Command-line tool and bash library that creates JSON
  • vaamonde/ubuntu-2004 - 🔵 REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO: Curso GRÁTIS de GNU/Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04.x LTS - DevOps utilizando Shell Script, Git e Github
  • netkiller/shell - Infrastructure Management Shell - Linux
  • bmizerany/roundup - eliminate bugs and weeds from shell scripts
  • tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu - Plug and play cpu percentage and icon indicator for Tmux.
  • hollystandring/dwm-bar - A modular statusbar for dwm
  • kaelzhang/shell-safe-rm - 😎 Safe-rm: A drop-in and much safer replacement of bash rm with nearly full functionalities and options of the rm command! Safe-rm will act exactly the same as the original rm command.
  • iljaiwas/objc-run - A shell script that makes it easy to use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks.
  • whiteinge/ - A Bourne shell GitHub API client library focused on interfacing with shell scripts
  • jaywcjlove/shell-tutorial - Shell入门教程(Shell tutorial book)
  • github-modules/ghwd - Open the github URL that matches your shell's current branch and working directory
  • denny0223/scrabble - Simple tool to recover .git folder from remote server
  • kejilion/sh - 分享定制化的shell脚本!
  • iridakos/stup - Daily notes in the terminal 🐧
  • xiaoyunjie/Shell_Script - Linux系统的安全,通过脚本对Linux系统进行一键检测和一键加固
  • verygenericname/SSHRD_Script - Shell script that creates a ssh ramdisk
  • budlabs/i3ass - A collection of shell scripts to ease the use of i3wm
  • ko1nksm/getoptions - An elegant option/argument parser for shell scripts (full support for bash and all POSIX shells)
  • colbycheeze/dotfiles - Setup and install scripts for a new machine + dotfiles for various apps. Linux, Mac, and Mac (Amazon specific) branches are included.
  • ericoc/zabbix-slack-alertscript - Zabbix AlertScript for chat
  • vmavromatis/gnome-layout-manager - A bash script that batch installs and tweaks GNOME extensions as well as GTK/Shell themes. There are currently three options available: Unity, Windows and macOS.
  • denysdovhan/dotfiles - My lovely dots ~/.💖
  • bkuhlmann/mac_os-config - Shell scripts for customized macOS machine setup.
  • sudofox/shell-mommy - Mommy is here for you on the command line ~ ❤️
  • kalasutra/Clash_For_Magisk - 使用shell启动clash内核,以及创建iptables tproxy规则,以此在Android上达到透明代理的目的.
  • zoltan-dulac/css3FontConverter - A shell script that can use other command line tools to produce @font-face compatible fonts in all browsers. Works under Windows (using Cygwin), Mac OS X and Linux
  • puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE - woof - the Puppy builder
  • Heavybullets8/heavy_script - Bash script for managing Truenas SCALE applications, automatically update applications, backup applications datasets, open a shell for containers.
  • swcarpentry/shell-novice - The Unix Shell
  • petobens/trueline - Fast and extensible bash powerline prompt with true color and fancy icon support
  • freebsd/poudriere - Port/Package build and test system
  • Aegrah/PANIX - Customizable Linux Persistence Tool for Security Research and Detection Engineering.
  • rylnd/shpec - Test your shell scripts!
  • flplv/ssh-allow-friend - A shell script to temporary allow ssh logins for friends
  • ghaiklor/iterm-fish-fisher-osx - Semi-automatic installer for Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisher + Plugins/Themes
  • danhper/fundle - A minimalist package manager for fish shell
  • felipec/sharness - Shell library to test your tools like Git does
  • chisui/zsh-nix-shell - zsh plugin that lets you use zsh in nix-shell shells.
  • eepykate/ - 🐢 a fetch written in posix shell without any external commands (sponsored by
  • adoyle-h/lobash - A modern, safe, powerful utility/library for Bash script development.
  • llitfkitfk/docker-tutorial-cn - docker 教程
  • jstrieb/paperify - Transform any document, web page, or eBook into a research paper (ChatGPT not required)
  • matteocorti/check_ssl_cert - A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.
  • A-BenMao/pure-bash-bible-zh_CN - 📖 一个纯bash实现外部命令的脚本集合(中文版)【翻译自pure-bash-bible仓库】
  • nystudio107/craft-scripts - Shell scripts to manage database backups, asset backups, file permissions, asset syncing, cache clearing, and database syncing between Craft CMS environments
  • client9/shlib - portable functions for posix shell environments
  • yanncam/UnSHc - UnSHc - How to decrypt SHc *.sh.x encrypted file ?
  • jandamm/zgenom - A lightweight and fast plugin manager for ZSH
  • ellipsis/ellipsis - ◦◦◦ Ellipsis is a package manager for dotfiles.
  • IGPenguin/mobile-toolkit - 📱 Terminal tool for Android & iOS device management
  • zpm-zsh/zpm - Zpm— Zsh Plugin Manager
  • bntzio/wipe-modules - 🗑️ Easily remove the node_modules folder of non-active projects
  • kasparsd/php-7-debian - Install PHP 7 on Debian/Ubuntu
  • nichobi/sponsorblockcast - A shell script that skips sponsored YouTube content on all local Chromecasts
  • Baiyuetribe/baiyue_onekey - 佰阅部落一键脚本合集工具箱,集合25+优质开源项目,一步到位,全程中文交互提示,不懂代码也可以轻松搭建很多程序
  • rgomezcasas/dotfiles - 🐧 Simple, fast, productivity-increaser dotfiles
  • petrockblog/OwncloudPie - Shell script for installing Owncloud on the Raspberry Pi
  • wolandark/bash-dungeon - An educational dungeon crawler in the shell
  • pythops/jetson-image - 💾 Create minimalist, Ubuntu based images for the Nvidia jetson boards
  • zelrgezhi/clash-for-gigabit - 为可执行Shell的光猫提供clash代理服务,适用与任何不超过armv7l内核架构的设备
  • ellerbrock/fish-shell-setup-osx - 🐡 Tutorial: Fish, Fisher, Powerline Fonts + iTerm2
  • CikeyQi/unidbg-fetch-qsign-shell - Linux一键快速部署Qsign服务
  • xonixx/makesure - Simple task/command runner with declarative goals and dependencies
  • importpw/import - import is a simple and fast module system for Bash and other Unix shells
  • black7375/BlaCk-Void-Zsh - 🔮 Awesome, Customable Zsh Starter Kit 🌠🌠
  • FICS/atcmd - Android AT command scripts and firmware extraction
  • minamarkham/yonce - 👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
  • SixArm/unix-shell-script-tactics - Unix shell script tactics - best practices style guide
  • risfeng/aliyun-ddns-shell - 阿里云域名解析动态更新IP Shell脚本
  • Mr-xn/subdomain_shell - 一键调用subfinder+ksubdomain+httpx 强强联合 从域名发现-->域名验证-->获取域名标题、状态码以及响应大小 最后保存结果,简化重复操作命令
  • F4dl0/keydroid - Android Keylogger + Reverse Shell
  • ekalinin/envirius - Universal Virtual Environments Manager
  • brujoand/sbp - Simple Bash Prompt (SBP) is a bash prompt, which strives to be simple. But it isn't. But it looks kind of nice. I think.
  • magicant/yash - Yet another shell
  • hctilg/root-termux - install pseudo-root(sudo) in the termux
  • XIU2/Shell - 🐧 自用的一些乱七八糟 Linux 脚本~
  • Spearfoot/FreeNAS-scripts - Handy shell scripts for use on FreeNAS servers
  • erichs/composure - Don't fear the Unix chainsaw
  • sheharyarn/mongo-sync - Sync Remote and Local MongoDB Databases 🔥
  • joelagnel/adeb - A debian-based shell environment designed for Android and adb
  • fff7d1bc/better-initramfs - Small and reliable initramfs solution supporting (remote) rescue shell, lvm, dmcrypt luks, software raid, tuxonice, uswsusp and more.
  • reegnz/jq-zsh-plugin - jq zsh plugin
  • PhrozenByte/rmtrash - Put files (and directories) in trash using the trash-put command in a way that is, otherwise as trash-put itself, compatible to GNUs rm and rmdir
  • 18F/laptop - DEPRECATED: A shell script which turns your Mac into an awesome web development machine.
  • sund/auto-gitlab-backup - A simple script to backup your Gitlab data. This script will copy the backup archives of your gitlab installation via rsync, or scp. Also, you can copy backups to Backblaze’s B2 Cloud Storage service.
  • dominiksalvet/asus-fan-control - Fan control for ASUS devices running Linux
  • SafeBreach-Labs/pwndsh - Post-exploitation framework (and an interactive shell) developed in Bash shell scripting
  • RayViljoen/Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X - Shell Script for creating Raspberry PI SD card on OS X.
  • vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts - Collection of small scripts
  • spiritLHLS/one-click-installation-script - 一键修复与安装脚本(各种linux系统修复与服务器环境安装脚本) One-click repair and installation scripts (various linux system repair and server environment installation scripts)
  • pr1ntf/iohyve - FreeBSD bhyve manager utilizing ZFS
  • bevry/dorothy - 🧙🏻‍♀️ Bring your dotfile commands and configuration to any shell. Sensible defaults and hundreds of commands preloaded. Supports Bash, Zsh, Fish, Nu, Xonsh, Elvish, Dash, KornShell, macOS, Linux, Windows.
  • jgigault/42FileChecker - 42FileChecker is a tiny bash script developed at 42 school for testing and checking files according to the rules of the subjects
  • gdubw/gdub - A gradlew / gradle wrapper.
  • Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader - Download a gdrive folder or file easily, shell ftw.
  • redcode-labs/Revssl - A script that automates generation of OpenSSL reverse shells
  • JoshuaMart/AutoRecon - Simple shell script for automated domain recognition with some tools
  • whihail/AutoArchive - 一个基于Jenkins的iOS/Android自动构建系统,它实现了最大程度的自动化,让你的iOS自动打包,Android自动打包流程变得更加高效。此项目包含了各种实现细节的讲解说明,你能够使用它解决大多数跟客户端构建/分发相关的问题,并将这种能力进行开放,提高研发效率。
  • MatheuZSecurity/D3m0n1z3dShell - Demonized Shell is an Advanced Tool for persistence in linux.
  • chrismytton/shoreman - 🐚 foreman in shell
  • archlinux/asp - Arch Build Source Management Tool
  • simnalamburt/shellder - 🐚 Featured zsh/fish shell theme
  • rocky/zshdb - gdb-like "trepan" debugger for zsh
  • agkozak/agkozak-zsh-prompt - A fast, asynchronous Zsh prompt with color ASCII indicators of Git, exit, SSH, virtual environment, and vi mode status. Framework-agnostic and customizable.
  • ludeeus/action-shellcheck - GitHub action for ShellCheck.
  • gennaro-tedesco/gh-f - 🔎 the ultimate compact fzf gh extension
  • vlevit/ - drop-in replacement for notify-send with more features
  • kward/shflags - shFlags is a port of the Google gflags library for Unix shell.
  • srillia/devops - let devops for docker, dockerswarm ,k8s easy
  • felipecrs/dotfiles - Bootstrap your Ubuntu in a single command!
  • LukeSmithxyz/lb - Blog & RSS system in less than 100 lines of shell script
  • laughedelic/pisces - ♓️ Fish shell plugin that helps you to work with paired symbols in the command line
  • eryajf/magic-of-sysuse-scripts - 🪄 运维外挂小工具
  • andrep/git-svn-clone-externals - Simple shell script to import svn:externals into a local git-svn repository
  • xwp/wp-dev-lib - DEPRECATED. Common code used during development of WordPress plugins and themes
  • davideolgiati/PartyLoud - A simple tool to generate fake web browsing and mitigate tracking
  • ko1nksm/shdotenv - dotenv for shells with support for POSIX-compliant and multiple .env file syntax
  • hanoglu/TermiC - GCC powered interactive C/C++ REPL terminal created with BASH
  • tokyoneon/Armor - Armor is a simple Bash script designed to create encrypted macOS payloads capable of evading antivirus scanners.
  • oneclickvirt/lxd - 通过LXD命令批量或单独开设NAT服务器以及维护(简称母鸡开小鸡)(Bulk or individual NAT server provisioning and maintenance via LXD commands)
  • graysky2/pulseaudio-ctl - Control pulseaudio volume from the shell or mapped to keyboard shortcuts. No need for alsa-utils.
  • w00fz/xdebug-osx - Simple bash script to toggle xdebug on/off in OSX
  • PacktPublishing/Complete-Bash-Shell-Scripting- - Code Repository for Complete Bash Shell Scripting; Published by Packt
  • geekcomputers/Shell - Some of the handy shell scripts I have created/acquired
  • examplecode/unused-image - This is shell script used to check and clean unused image resource , support Android and IOS project
  • lilyball/ - Nix environment setup for the fish shell
  • DFabric/DPlatform-Shell - Deploy self-hosted apps easily: simple, bloat-free, independent installation
  • kvz/cronlock - cronlock lets you deploy cronjobs cluster-wide without worrying about overlaps. It uses Redis to keep track of locks.
  • miohtama/ztanesh - Improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with ztanesh project: the tools will make your shell more powerful and easier to use.
  • Staubgeborener/Klipper-Backup - Klipper backup script for manual or automated GitHub backups. Lightweight, pragmatic and comfortable.
  • Micro0x00/Arsenal - Arsenal is a Simple shell script (Bash) used to install tools and requirements for Bug Bounty
  • MikeMcQuaid/dotfiles - 💻 My dot files shared between machines.
  • haskell/ghcup - DEPRECATED IN FAVOR OF haskell/ghcup-hs
  • PeterMosmans/security-scripts - A collection of security related Python and Bash shell scripts. Analyze hosts on generic security vulnerabilities. Wrapper around popular tools like nmap (portscanner), nikto (webscanner) and (SSL/TLS scanner)
  • TristanBrotherton/netcheck - A shell script to check and log when your internet connection goes down. Pull requests are welcome.
  • haslersn/any-nix-shell - fish and zsh support for the nix run and nix-shell environments of the Nix package manager
  • fikrado/qurxin - Termux shell with jarvis wellcome voice and beutiful interface for hackers
  • jgamblin/MacOS-Maid - Shell Script I Use To Automatically Clean Up My Mac.
  • utsanjan/Android-Pin-Bruteforce - Turn your Kali NetHunter phone into a brute-force PIN cracker for screen locked Android devices
  • rjbaker/simple-magento-vagrant - A VERY simple Magento environment provisioner for Vagrant
  • ftrvxmtrx/split2flac - Split flac/ape/wv/wav + cue sheet into separate tracks
  • tadly/ - Automagically hide/show a window by its name when the cursor is within a defined region or you mouse over it.
  • mitchweaver/bin - 🗑️ helpful scripts and snippets
  • h46incon/AliDDNSBash - 阿里云域名解析动态更新(DDNS)的 Shell 脚本
  • breunigs/bravia-auth-and-remote - Shell snippets to auth and send remote control commands to Sony Bravia TVs
  • atarallo/TECMINT_MONITOR - A Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM Usage in Linux. Originally published on
  • woefe/git-prompt.zsh - A fast, customizable, pure-shell, asynchronous Git prompt for Zsh
  • niko-dunixi/git-openssl-shellscript - Shellscript to compile git with OpenSSL
  • Sepero/temp-throttle - A shell script for throttling system CPU frequency based on a desired maximum temperature
  • frederic/superbird-bulkcmd - Spotify Car Thing (superbird) resources to access U-Boot shell over USB
  • brandonprry/wicked_cool_shell_scripts_2e - Full shell scripts for the second edition of Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
  • rwxrob/dot - Migrating to z Bonzai stateful command tree monolith
  • jotyGill/ezsh - quickly install zsh, oh-my-zsh with power-level-9k zsh-completions zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting history-substring-search
  • IzzySoft/Adebar - Android DEvice Backup And Report, using Bash and ADB. Moved to -- this is only a mirror now.
  • meefik/linuxdeploy-cli - Linux Deploy CLI
  • Cyclenerd/gallery_shell - 📷 Bash Script to generate static responsive image web galleries.
  • edouard-lopez/ - Simple & sexy progress bar for bash, give it a duration and it will do the rest.
  • h4ck3r0/Termux-os - Termux Theme Installer , Zsh Shell , Easy to use .
  • rachpt/AutoSeed - 全自动发种姬 [流程图 ]
  • bill-auger/git-branch-status - A shell script that prints out pretty git branch sync status reports
  • weibeld/k1s - The world's simplest Kubernetes dashboard (50 lines of Bash code)
  • PacktPublishing/Linux-Shell-Scripting-Cookbook-Third-Edition - Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook Third Edition, published by Packt
  • nordtheme/xfce-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Xfce Terminal color theme.
  • codecov/codecov-bash - Global coverage report uploader for Codecov
  • derekstavis/plugin-nvm - Node version manager wrapper for Fish shell
  • Roshan-R/termv - A terminal iptv player written in bash
  • zxui/shell - 🍁 Centos运维常用工具
  • jakewmeyer/Geo - 🌎 A Bash utility for easy wan, lan, router, dns, mac address, and geolocation output, with clean stdout for piping
  • LevisWings/Auto-PWE - Script en Bash que te permite convertir una distribución de Linux en un entorno de trabajo profesional de manera automática.
  • huijunchen9260/dmenufm - A simple file manager using dmenu
  • bfontaine/rfc - 📄 Read RFCs from the command-line
  • gaenserich/hostsblock - an ad- and malware-blocking script for Linux
  • ninrod/dotfiles - :octocat: Ninrod's sharpened dotfiles for emacs, vim, zsh, tmux. Since '15.
  • justinmayer/tacklebox - Framework for organizing and sharing fish shell functions
  • htr-tech/termux-shell - Beautify your Termux App with this Shell 😍
  • Ljohn001/ljohn_ops - Linux运维工作中常用的shell脚本
  • xuxiaodong/tmuxen - tmux environment made easy.
  • ungleich/cdist - usable configuration management
  • sigoden/argc-completions - {bash,zsh,fish,powershell,nushell}-completions for 1000+ commands.
  • oldmanpushcart/shell - 我在unix/linux下积累的常用工具
  • ivandavidov/minimal-linux-script - One script which generates live Linux ISO image with minimal effort. Based on the first published version of Minimal Linux Live:
  • liuran001/GJZS - 搞机助手·R(原「搞机助手重制版」)
  • rany2/ - WARP wireguard config generator in POSIX Shell
  • mattly/bork - the Bash-Operated Reconciling Kludge
  • jamielinux/bashmount - Tool to mount and unmount removable media from the command-line
  • rogalmic/vscode-bash-debug - Bash shell debugger extension for VSCode (based on bashdb)
  • pretzelhands/jinx - ✨jinx - a magical nginx wrapper
  • dylanaraps/shfm - file manager written in posix shell
  • codeship/scripts - Scripts for use on Codeship Basic
  • raphaelcohn/bish-bosh - MQTT shell script client, for bash, dash, BusyBox ash and others. Gives you MQTT on anything Unix like, from embedded routers to AIX servers with almost no dependenices.
  • wick3dr0se/sysfetch - A super tiny system information fetch script written in BASH
  • MarioCatuogno/Clean-macOS - 💻 A script to set up a clean macOS environment.
  • SixArm/zsh-config - → Z shell → zsh configuration
  • rusty-bits/OC-tool - POSIX shell script that builds an OpenCore EFI folder from an OpenCore config.plist
  • IsaacSchemm/MultiCD - A shell script package for creating combination disks from Linux ISOs.
  • fabacab/ - A bash shell script wrapper for git-archive that archives a git superproject and its submodules, if it has any.
  • shellgei/shellgei160 - 書籍: シェル・ワンライナー160本ノックの情報ページ #shellgei160
  • renemarc/dotfiles - ~/. Cross-platform, cross-shell configuration files. ⚙️💻
  • SleepTheGod/iPhone-SSH-Backdoor - This is a shell script that creates an SSH backdoor on an iPhone.
  • sheerun/dotfiles - Dotfiles meet chocolate and unicorns
  • brunelli/gnome-shell-extension-installer - A bash script to search and install extensions from
  • tw-yshuang/Git_SSH-Account_Switch - A CLI tool can switch ssh account to your current shell. You will easily switch to your git account & ssh key when using the server, and using your account to manipulate the project on the server.
  • teracow/googliser - a fast BASH multiple-image downloader
  • jirutka/esh - Simple templating engine based on shell.
  • chris-rock/vesper - 🍸Vesper - HTTP Framework for Bash Shell
  • AutisticShark/Airport-toolkit - Cat's Shell Script for "Airport" operator
  • zszszszsz/.config - # # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # OpenWrt Configuration # CONFIG_MODULES=y CONFIG_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y # CONFIG_TARGET_sunxi is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_apm821xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ath25 is not set CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx=y # CONFIG_TARGET_ath79 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_bcm27xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_bcm53xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_brcm47xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_brcm63xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_cns3xxx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_octeon is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_gemini is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_mpc85xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_imx6 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_mxs is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ixp4xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_lantiq is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_malta is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_pistachio is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_mvebu is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_kirkwood is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_mediatek is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ramips is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_at91 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_rb532 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_tegra is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_layerscape is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_octeontx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_oxnas is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_armvirt is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ipq40xx is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ipq806x is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ipq807x is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_samsung is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_arc770 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_archs38 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar7 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_omap is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_uml is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_zynq is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_x86 is not set CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic=y # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_tiny is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_nand is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_mikrotik is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_MULTI_PROFILE is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_Default is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_carambola2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_lima is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALFAAP120C is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ap121f is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ap91-5g is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALFAAP96 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_HORNETUB is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_HORNETUBx2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALFANX is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_n5q is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_r36a is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_TUBE2H16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_TUBE2H8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_fritz4020 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_fritz300e is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_fritz450e is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_sc1750 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_sc300m is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_sc450 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_c-55 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALL0258N is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALL0305 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ALL0315N is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_antminer-s1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_antminer-s3 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_antrouter-r1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_arduino-yun is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP121_16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP121_8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP132 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP135 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP136_010 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP136_020 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP96 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DB120 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_PB42 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_PB44 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_BXU2000N2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZR450HP2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZR600DHP is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZRHPAG300H is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZRHPG300NH is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZRHPG300NH2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WZRHPG450H is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e316n-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e320n-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e355ac-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e355ac-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e375ac is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e380ac-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e380ac-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e385ac is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e520n is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cf-e530n is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WP543_16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WP543_8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WPE72_16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WPE72_8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wpj342 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wpj344 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wpj531 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wpj558 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wpj563 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dap-1330-a1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dap-2695-a1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DGL5500A1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DHP1565A1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DIR505A1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DIR825B1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DIR825C1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DIR835A1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dir-869-a1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dragino2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_el-m150 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_el-mini is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ew-balin is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ew-dorin is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ew-dorin-router is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_EAP300V2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ens202ext is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_EPG5000 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ESR1750 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ESR900 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-inet-6408A-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-inet-6416A-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-domino is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-ar150 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-ar300 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-ar300m is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-ar750 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-ar750s is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-mifi is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_gl-usb150 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_SGRW500N85BV2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_minibox-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_oolite-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_oolite-v5.2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_oolite-v5.2-dev is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_lan-turtle is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_packet-squirrel is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wifi-pineapple-nano is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_hiwifi-hc6361 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP147_010 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WRT160NL is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WRT400N is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mr12 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mr16 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mc-mac1200r is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mc-mw4530r is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_smart-300 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WNDAP360 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndr3700 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndr3700v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndr3800 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndr3800ch is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndrmac is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wndrmacv2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_WNR2200 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_koala is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_omy-g1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_omy-x1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_onion-omega is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_som9331 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_A60 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MR1750 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MR600 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MR900 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_OM2P is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_OM5PAC is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_OM5P is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe505n is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_r602n is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ts-d084 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_pqi-air-pen is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_k2t is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MZKW04NU is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MZKW300NH is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cap324 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cr3000 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cr5000 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_DLRTDEV01 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_qihoo-c301 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP143_16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP143_8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_AP152_16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e1700ac-v2-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e1700ac-v2-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e558-v2-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e558-v2-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e600g-v2-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e600g-v2-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e600gac-v2-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e600gac-v2-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e750a-v4-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e750a-v4-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e750g-v8-16M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_e750g-v8-8M is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ap531b0 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wam250 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_CAP4200AG is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_EAP7660D is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wlr8100 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_bsb is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c25-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c5-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c58-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c59-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c59-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c60-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c60-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c7-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c7-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c7-v2-il is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr7500-v3 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c7-v4 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_archer-c7-v5 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe210-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe210-220-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe510-520-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_eap120-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_re355-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_re450-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-mr6400-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr3227-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr3500-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr3600-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr4300-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr4300-v1-il is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr4310-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr4900-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr5800-v1 is not set CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr6500-v2=y # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr6500-v6 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wdr8500-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wpa8630-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr1043n-v5 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr1043nd-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr1043nd-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr1043nd-v3 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr1043nd-v4 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr2041n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr2041n-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr2543-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr710n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr710n-v2.1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr810n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr810n-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr842n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr842n-v2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr842n-v3 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr880n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr881n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr902ac-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr941n-v7 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tl-wr942n-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wbs210-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wbs510-v1 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_TEW673GRU is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_TEW732BR is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_TEW823DRU is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_tellstick-znet-lite is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_rut900 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-air-gateway is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-air-gateway-pro is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-airrouter is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-bullet-m is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-ls-sr71 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-lbe-m5 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-loco-m-xw is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-nano-m-xw is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-nano-m is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_rw2458n is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-rocket-m-ti is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-rocket-m-xw is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-rocket-m is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-rs is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-rspro is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-uap-pro is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifi is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifiac-lite is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifiac-mesh is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifiac-pro is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifi-outdoor is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubnt-unifi-outdoor-plus is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ubdev01 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_wrtnode2q is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dr342 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dr531 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_weio is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mynet-n600 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_mynet-n750 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_MYNETREXT is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ap90q is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe830 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_cpe870 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_sr3200 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_t830 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_xd3200 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ZCN1523H28 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_ZCN1523H516 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_NBG6616 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dLAN_Hotspot is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dLAN_pro_1200_ac is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_dLAN_pro_500_wp is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_rme-eg200 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_JA76PF is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_JA76PF2 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_JWAP003 is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_DEVICE_jwap230 is not set CONFIG_HAS_SUBTARGETS=y CONFIG_HAS_DEVICES=y CONFIG_TARGET_BOARD="ar71xx" CONFIG_TARGET_SUBTARGET="generic" CONFIG_TARGET_PROFILE="DEVICE_tl-wdr6500-v2" CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES="mips_24kc" CONFIG_DEFAULT_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-Os -pipe -mno-branch-likely -mips32r2 -mtune=24kc" CONFIG_CPU_TYPE="24kc" CONFIG_LINUX_4_9=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ath10k-firmware-qca988x=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_base-files=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_block-mount=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_busybox=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ca-certificates=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_coremark=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ddns-scripts_aliyun=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ddns-scripts_dnspod=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_default-settings=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_dnsmasq-full=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_dropbear=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_firewall=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_fstools=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_iptables=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-ath10k=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-ath9k=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-gpio-button-hotplug=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-ipt-offload=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-ipt-raw=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-nf-nathelper=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-nf-nathelper-extra=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-tcp-bbr=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-usb-core=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_kmod-usb2=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_libc=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_libgcc=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_libustream-openssl=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_logd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-accesscontrol=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-adbyby-plus=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-arpbind=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-autoreboot=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-cpufreq=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-ddns=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-filetransfer=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-flowoffload=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-nlbwmon=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-ramfree=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-sfe=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-ssr-plus=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-unblockmusic=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-upnp=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-vlmcsd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-vsftpd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_luci-app-wol=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_mtd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_netifd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_opkg=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ppp=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_ppp-mod-pppoe=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_swconfig=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_uboot-envtools=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_uci=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_uclient-fetch=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_urandom-seed=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_urngd=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_wget=y CONFIG_DEFAULT_wpad-openssl=y CONFIG_AUDIO_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_GPIO_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_PCI_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_USB_GADGET_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN=y CONFIG_USES_SQUASHFS=y CONFIG_SMALL_FLASH=y CONFIG_HAS_MIPS16=y CONFIG_mips=y CONFIG_ARCH="mips" # # Target Images # # CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS is not set CONFIG_EXTERNAL_CPIO="" # # Root filesystem archives # # CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIOGZ is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_TARGZ is not set # # Root filesystem images # # CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT4FS is not set CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_SQUASHFS=y CONFIG_TARGET_SQUASHFS_BLOCK_SIZE=1024 CONFIG_TARGET_UBIFS_FREE_SPACE_FIXUP=y CONFIG_TARGET_UBIFS_JOURNAL_SIZE="" # # Image Options # # # Global build settings # # CONFIG_JSON_ADD_IMAGE_INFO is not set # CONFIG_ALL_NONSHARED is not set # CONFIG_ALL_KMODS is not set # CONFIG_ALL is not set # CONFIG_BUILDBOT is not set # CONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES is not set # CONFIG_SIGNATURE_CHECK is not set # # General build options # # CONFIG_DISPLAY_SUPPORT is not set CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED=y # CONFIG_BUILD_NLS is not set CONFIG_SHADOW_PASSWORDS=y # CONFIG_CLEAN_IPKG is not set # CONFIG_INCLUDE_CONFIG is not set # CONFIG_COLLECT_KERNEL_DEBUG is not set # # Kernel build options # CONFIG_KERNEL_BUILD_USER="" CONFIG_KERNEL_BUILD_DOMAIN="" CONFIG_KERNEL_PRINTK=y CONFIG_KERNEL_CRASHLOG=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_SWAP is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_FS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_MIPS_FPU_EMULATOR=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_PERF_EVENTS is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_PROFILING is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_TASKSTATS is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_KALLSYMS is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_FTRACE is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_KERNEL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_INFO is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DYNAMIC_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_KPROBES is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_AIO is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_FHANDLE is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_FANOTIFY is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_BLK_DEV_BSG is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_PINCTRL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_GPIO is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_ELF_CORE is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_PROVE_LOCKING is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_PRINTK_TIME=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_SLABINFO is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_KEXEC is not set # CONFIG_USE_RFKILL is not set # CONFIG_USE_SPARSE is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEVTMPFS is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_KEYS=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_PERSISTENT_KEYRINGS is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_BIG_KEYS is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED_KEYS is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUPS=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_DEBUG is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_FREEZER=y CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_FREEZER=y CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_DEVICE=y CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_PIDS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_CPUSETS=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_PROC_PID_CPUSET is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_CPUACCT=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_RESOURCE_COUNTERS is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_MM_OWNER=y CONFIG_KERNEL_MEMCG=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_MEMCG_SWAP is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_MEMCG_KMEM is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_PERF is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_CGROUP_SCHED=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_RT_GROUP_SCHED is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_BLK_CGROUP=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_CFQ_GROUP_IOSCHED is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_BLK_DEV_THROTTLING is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_NET_CLS_CGROUP=y CONFIG_KERNEL_NETPRIO_CGROUP=y CONFIG_KERNEL_NAMESPACES=y CONFIG_KERNEL_UTS_NS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_IPC_NS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_USER_NS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_PID_NS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_NET_NS=y CONFIG_KERNEL_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y CONFIG_KERNEL_POSIX_MQUEUE=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_SECCOMP_FILTER is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_SECCOMP is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_IP_MROUTE=y CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6=y CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES=y CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6_SUBTREES=y CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6_MROUTE=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6_PIMSM_V2 is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_IP_PNP is not set # # Filesystem ACL and attr support options # # CONFIG_USE_FS_ACL_ATTR is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_BTRFS_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_F2FS_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_JFFS2_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_CIFS_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_HFS_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_HFSPLUG_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_NFS_ACL_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_NFS_V3_ACL_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_NFSD_V2_ACL_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_NFSD_V3_ACL_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_REISER_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_XFS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_JFS_POSIX_ACL is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEVMEM is not set # CONFIG_KERNEL_DEVKMEM is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_CACHE_SIZE=2 # CONFIG_KERNEL_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_PERFORMANCE is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE=y # # Package build options # # CONFIG_DEBUG is not set CONFIG_IPV6=y # # Stripping options # # CONFIG_NO_STRIP is not set # CONFIG_USE_STRIP is not set CONFIG_USE_SSTRIP=y # CONFIG_STRIP_KERNEL_EXPORTS is not set # CONFIG_USE_MKLIBS is not set CONFIG_USE_UCLIBCXX=y # CONFIG_USE_LIBCXX is not set # CONFIG_USE_LIBSTDCXX is not set # # Hardening build options # CONFIG_PKG_CHECK_FORMAT_SECURITY=y CONFIG_PKG_ASLR_PIE_NONE=y # CONFIG_PKG_ASLR_PIE_REGULAR is not set # CONFIG_PKG_ASLR_PIE_ALL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_NONE is not set CONFIG_PKG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_NONE is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG is not set CONFIG_KERNEL_STACKPROTECTOR=y # CONFIG_KERNEL_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG is not set # CONFIG_PKG_FORTIFY_SOURCE_NONE is not set CONFIG_PKG_FORTIFY_SOURCE_1=y # CONFIG_PKG_FORTIFY_SOURCE_2 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_RELRO_NONE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_RELRO_PARTIAL is not set CONFIG_PKG_RELRO_FULL=y # CONFIG_DEVEL is not set # CONFIG_BROKEN is not set CONFIG_BINARY_FOLDER="" CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER="" CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="" CONFIG_AUTOREBUILD=y # CONFIG_AUTOREMOVE is not set CONFIG_BUILD_SUFFIX="" CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_DIR="" # CONFIG_CCACHE is not set CONFIG_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TREE="" CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI="" CONFIG_EXTRA_OPTIMIZATION="-fno-caller-saves -fno-plt" CONFIG_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-Os -pipe -mno-branch-likely -mips32r2 -mtune=24kc" CONFIG_SOFT_FLOAT=y CONFIG_USE_MIPS16=y # CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH is not set CONFIG_EXTRA_BINUTILS_CONFIG_OPTIONS="" CONFIG_EXTRA_GCC_CONFIG_OPTIONS="" # CONFIG_GCC_DEFAULT_PIE is not set # CONFIG_GCC_DEFAULT_SSP is not set # CONFIG_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_INSTALL_GFORTRAN is not set CONFIG_GDB=y CONFIG_USE_MUSL=y CONFIG_SSP_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_31_1=y CONFIG_BINUTILS_VERSION="2.31.1" # CONFIG_GCC_USE_EMBEDDED_PATH_REMAP is not set CONFIG_GCC_VERSION="7.5.0" CONFIG_LIBC="musl" CONFIG_TARGET_SUFFIX="musl" # CONFIG_IB is not set # CONFIG_SDK is not set # CONFIG_MAKE_TOOLCHAIN is not set # CONFIG_IMAGEOPT is not set # CONFIG_PREINITOPT is not set CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_SUPPRESS_STDERR=y # CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_DISABLE_FAILSAFE is not set CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_TIMEOUT=2 # CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_SHOW_NETMSG is not set # CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_SUPPRESS_FAILSAFE_NETMSG is not set CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_IFNAME="" CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_IP="" CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_NETMASK="" CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_BROADCAST="" # CONFIG_INITOPT is not set CONFIG_TARGET_INIT_PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" CONFIG_TARGET_INIT_ENV="" CONFIG_TARGET_INIT_CMD="/sbin/init" CONFIG_TARGET_INIT_SUPPRESS_STDERR=y # CONFIG_VERSIONOPT is not set CONFIG_PER_FEED_REPO=y CONFIG_FEED_packages=y CONFIG_FEED_luci=y CONFIG_FEED_routing=y # # Base system # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_attendedsysupgrade-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_auc is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_base-files=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_block-mount=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_blockd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bridge is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_busybox=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_CUSTOM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DESKTOP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXTRA_COMPAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEDORA_COMPAT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SUSv2=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LONG_OPTS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHOW_USAGE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VERBOSE_USAGE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_COMPRESS_USAGE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LFS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PAM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DEVPTS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UTMP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WTMP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PIDFILE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PID_FILE_PATH="/var/run" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BUSYBOX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SHOW_SCRIPT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSTALLER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_NO_USR is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SUID=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SUID_CONFIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SUID_CONFIG_QUIET is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PREFER_APPLETS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BUSYBOX_EXEC_PATH="/proc/self/exe" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SELINUX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SYSLOG=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_LINUX=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_STATIC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PIE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NOMMU is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BUILD_LIBBUSYBOX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LIBBUSYBOX_STATIC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INDIVIDUAL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SHARED_BUSYBOX is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SYSROOT="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXTRA_CFLAGS="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXTRA_LDLIBS="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USE_PORTABLE_CODE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_STACK_OPTIMIZATION_386 is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_APPLET_SYMLINKS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_APPLET_HARDLINKS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_APPLET_SCRIPT_WRAPPERS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_APPLET_DONT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_SH_APPLET_SYMLINK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_SH_APPLET_HARDLINK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL_SH_APPLET_SCRIPT_WRAPPER is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PREFIX="./_install" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEBUG_PESSIMIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEBUG_SANITIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNIT_TEST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WERROR is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NO_DEBUG_LIB=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DMALLOC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EFENCE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_USE_BSS_TAIL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLOAT_DURATION is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RTMINMAX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RTMINMAX_USE_LIBC_DEFINITIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BUFFERS_USE_MALLOC is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BUFFERS_GO_ON_STACK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BUFFERS_GO_IN_BSS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PASSWORD_MINLEN=6 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MD5_SMALL=1 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHA3_SMALL=1 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FAST_TOP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ETC_NETWORKS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ETC_SERVICES is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_MAX_LEN=512 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_VI is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_HISTORY=256 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_SAVEHISTORY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_SAVE_ON_EXIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_REVERSE_SEARCH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAB_COMPLETION=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_USERNAME_COMPLETION is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_FANCY_PROMPT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_WINCH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EDITING_ASK_TERMINAL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOCALE_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_USING_LOCALE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHECK_UNICODE_IN_ENV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SUBST_WCHAR=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_COMBINING_WCHARS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_WIDE_WCHARS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_BIDI_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_NEUTRAL_TABLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNICODE_PRESERVE_BROKEN is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NON_POSIX_CP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VERBOSE_CP_MESSAGE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_USE_SENDFILE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_COPYBUF_KB=4 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SKIP_ROOTFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MONOTONIC_SYSCALL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IOCTL_HEX2STR_ERROR=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HWIB is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_XZ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_LZMA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_BZ2 is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_GZ=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_Z is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_AR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_AR_LONG_FILENAMES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_AR_CREATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNCOMPRESS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GUNZIP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ZCAT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GUNZIP_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BUNZIP2=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BZCAT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNLZMA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LZCAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LZMA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNXZ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_XZCAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_XZ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BZIP2 is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BZIP2_SMALL=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BZIP2_DECOMPRESS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CPIO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CPIO_O is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CPIO_P is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DPKG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DPKG_DEB is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GZIP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GZIP_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GZIP_FAST=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GZIP_LEVELS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GZIP_DECOMPRESS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LZOP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNLZOP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LZOPCAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LZOP_COMPR_HIGH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RPM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RPM2CPIO is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TAR=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_CREATE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_AUTODETECT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_FROM=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_OLDGNU_COMPATIBILITY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_OLDSUN_COMPATIBILITY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_GNU_EXTENSIONS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_TO_COMMAND is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_UNAME_GNAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_NOPRESERVE_TIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TAR_SELINUX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNZIP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UNZIP_CDF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UNZIP_BZIP2 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UNZIP_LZMA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UNZIP_XZ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LZMA_FAST is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BASENAME=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CAT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CATN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CATV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHGRP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHMOD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHOWN=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHOWN_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHROOT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CKSUM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_COMM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CP_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CP_REFLINK is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CUT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DATE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DATE_ISOFMT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DATE_NANO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DATE_COMPAT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DD_SIGNAL_HANDLING=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DD_THIRD_STATUS_LINE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DD_IBS_OBS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DD_STATUS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DF=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DF_FANCY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DIRNAME=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DOS2UNIX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNIX2DOS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DU=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DU_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE_1K=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ECHO=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FANCY_ECHO=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ENV=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXPAND is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNEXPAND is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXPR=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EXPR_MATH_SUPPORT_64=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FACTOR is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FALSE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FOLD is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FSYNC=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HEAD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FANCY_HEAD=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HOSTID is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ID=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GROUPS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSTALL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSTALL_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LINK is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LN=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGNAME is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_FILETYPES=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_FOLLOWLINKS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_RECURSIVE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_WIDTH=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_SORTFILES=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_TIMESTAMPS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_USERNAME=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_COLOR=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LS_COLOR_IS_DEFAULT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MD5SUM=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHA1SUM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHA256SUM=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHA512SUM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHA3SUM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MD5_SHA1_SUM_CHECK=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKDIR=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKFIFO=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKNOD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKTEMP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MV=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NICE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NOHUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NPROC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_OD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PASTE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PRINTENV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PRINTF=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PWD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_READLINK=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_READLINK_FOLLOW=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_REALPATH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RM=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RMDIR=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SEQ=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHRED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHUF is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SLEEP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FANCY_SLEEP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SORT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SORT_BIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SORT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SPLIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SPLIT_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_STAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_STAT_FORMAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_STAT_FILESYSTEM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_STTY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SUM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SYNC=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SYNC_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TAC is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TAIL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FANCY_TAIL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TEE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TEE_USE_BLOCK_IO=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TEST=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TEST1=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TEST2=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TEST_64=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TOUCH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOUCH_NODEREF is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOUCH_SUSV3=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TR=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TR_CLASSES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TR_EQUIV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TRUE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TRUNCATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TTY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNAME=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNAME_OSNAME="GNU/Linux" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BB_ARCH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNIQ=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNLINK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USLEEP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UUDECODE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BASE64 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UUENCODE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WC=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WC_LARGE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WHO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_W is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USERS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WHOAMI is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_YES=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VERBOSE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PRESERVE_HARDLINKS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HUMAN_READABLE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHVT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CLEAR=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEALLOCVT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DUMPKMAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FGCONSOLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_KBD_MODE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOADFONT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETFONT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETFONT_TEXTUAL_MAP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_SETFONT_DIR="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LOADFONT_PSF2 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LOADFONT_RAW is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOADKMAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_OPENVT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RESET=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RESIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RESIZE_PRINT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETCONSOLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETCONSOLE_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETKEYCODES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETLOGCONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SHOWKEY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PIPE_PROGRESS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUN_PARTS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RUN_PARTS_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RUN_PARTS_FANCY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_START_STOP_DAEMON=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_START_STOP_DAEMON_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_START_STOP_DAEMON_FANCY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WHICH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MINIPS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NUKE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RESUME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUN_INIT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_AWK=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_AWK_LIBM=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CMP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DIFF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DIFF_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DIFF_DIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PATCH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SED=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VI=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_MAX_LEN=1024 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_8BIT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_COLON=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_YANKMARK=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_SEARCH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_REGEX_SEARCH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_USE_SIGNALS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_DOT_CMD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_READONLY=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_SETOPTS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_SET=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_WIN_RESIZE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_ASK_TERMINAL=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_UNDO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_UNDO_QUEUE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VI_UNDO_QUEUE_MAX=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ALLOW_EXEC=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FIND=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_PERM=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_EXECUTABLE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_INUM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC_PLUS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_USER=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_NOT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_DEPTH=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_QUIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_PATH=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FIND_LINKS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GREP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EGREP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FGREP=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GREP_CONTEXT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_XARGS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_CONFIRMATION=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_QUOTES=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_TERMOPT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_ZERO_TERM=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_REPL_STR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_PARALLEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_XARGS_SUPPORT_ARGS_FILE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BOOTCHARTD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BOOTCHARTD_BLOATED_HEADER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BOOTCHARTD_CONFIG_FILE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HALT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_POWEROFF=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_REBOOT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WAIT_FOR_INIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CALL_TELINIT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TELINIT_PATH="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LINUXRC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_USE_INITTAB is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_KILL_REMOVED is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_KILL_DELAY=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INIT_SCTTY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INIT_SYSLOG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INIT_QUIET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INIT_COREDUMPS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INIT_TERMINAL_TYPE="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INIT_MODIFY_CMDLINE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SHADOWPASSWDS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USE_BB_PWD_GRP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USE_BB_SHADOW is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USE_BB_CRYPT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_USE_BB_CRYPT_SHA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ADD_SHELL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_REMOVE_SHELL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ADDGROUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ADDUSER_TO_GROUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ADDUSER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHECK_NAMES is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LAST_ID=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FIRST_SYSTEM_ID=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LAST_SYSTEM_ID=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHPASSWD is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DEFAULT_PASSWD_ALGO="md5" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CRYPTPW is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKPASSWD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DELUSER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DELGROUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DEL_USER_FROM_GROUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GETTY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGIN=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGIN_SESSION_AS_CHILD=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGIN_SCRIPTS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NOLOGIN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SECURETTY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PASSWD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PASSWD_WEAK_CHECK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SU is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SU_SYSLOG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SU_CHECKS_SHELLS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SU_BLANK_PW_NEEDS_SECURE_TTY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SULOGIN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VLOCK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHATTR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FSCK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSATTR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TUNE2FS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MODPROBE_SMALL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEPMOD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INSMOD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSMOD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LSMOD_PRETTY_2_6_OUTPUT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MODINFO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MODPROBE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RMMOD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CMDLINE_MODULE_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MODPROBE_SMALL_CHECK_ALREADY_LOADED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_2_4_MODULES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_VERSION_CHECKING is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_KSYMOOPS_SYMBOLS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_LOADINKMEM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_LOAD_MAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_LOAD_MAP_FULL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHECK_TAINTED_MODULE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INSMOD_TRY_MMAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MODUTILS_ALIAS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MODUTILS_SYMBOLS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_MODULES_DIR="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_DEPMOD_FILE="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ACPID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ACPID_COMPAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BLKDISCARD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BLKID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BLKID_TYPE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BLOCKDEV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CAL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHRT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DMESG=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DMESG_PRETTY=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_EJECT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_EJECT_SCSI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FALLOCATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FATATTR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FBSET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FBSET_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FBSET_READMODE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FDFORMAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FDISK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FDISK_SUPPORT_LARGE_DISKS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FDISK_WRITABLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_AIX_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SGI_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SUN_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_OSF_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GPT_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FDISK_ADVANCED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FINDFS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLOCK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FDFLUSH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FREERAMDISK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FSCK_MINIX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FSFREEZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FSTRIM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GETOPT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_GETOPT_LONG is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HEXDUMP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HEXDUMP_REVERSE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_XXD is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HWCLOCK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HWCLOCK_ADJTIME_FHS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IONICE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPCRM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPCS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LAST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LAST_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOSETUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSPCI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSUSB is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MDEV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MDEV_CONF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MDEV_RENAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MDEV_RENAME_REGEXP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MDEV_EXEC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MDEV_LOAD_FIRMWARE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MESG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MESG_ENABLE_ONLY_GROUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKE2FS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKFS_EXT2 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKFS_MINIX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MINIX2 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKFS_REISER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKDOSFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKFS_VFAT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MKSWAP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MKSWAP_UUID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MORE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MOUNT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_FAKE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_VERBOSE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_HELPERS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_LABEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_NFS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_CIFS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_FLAGS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_FSTAB=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_OTHERTAB is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MOUNTPOINT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NOLOGIN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NOLOGIN_DEPENDENCIES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NSENTER is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PIVOT_ROOT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RDATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RDEV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_READPROFILE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RENICE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_REV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RTCWAKE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SCRIPT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SCRIPTREPLAY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETARCH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LINUX32 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LINUX64 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETPRIV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETPRIV_DUMP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETPRIV_CAPABILITIES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETPRIV_CAPABILITY_NAMES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETSID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SWAPON is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SWAPON_DISCARD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SWAPON_PRI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SWAPOFF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SWAPONOFF_LABEL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SWITCH_ROOT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TASKSET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TASKSET_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UEVENT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UMOUNT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UMOUNT_ALL=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UNSHARE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WALL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_LOOP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MOUNT_LOOP_CREATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MTAB_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VOLUMEID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_BCACHE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_BTRFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_CRAMFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_EXFAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_EXT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_F2FS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_FAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_HFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_ISO9660 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_JFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_LFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_LINUXRAID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_LINUXSWAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_LUKS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_MINIX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_NILFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_NTFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_OCFS2 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_REISERFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_ROMFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_SQUASHFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_SYSV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_UBIFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_UDF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_VOLUMEID_XFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ADJTIMEX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BBCONFIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_COMPRESS_BBCONFIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DC_BIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DC_LIBM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BC_INTERACTIVE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BC_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BEEP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BEEP_FREQ=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BEEP_LENGTH_MS=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_NOFAIL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_TTY_HIFI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_IMPLICIT_CR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_SWALLOW_OPTS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_SEND_ESCAPES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_VAR_ABORT_LEN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CHAT_CLR_ABORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CONSPY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CROND=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CROND_D is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CROND_CALL_SENDMAIL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CROND_SPECIAL_TIMES is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_CROND_DIR="/etc" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CRONTAB=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEVFSD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEVFSD_MODLOAD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEVFSD_FG_NP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEVFSD_VERBOSE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_DEVFS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DEVMEM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FBSPLASH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLASH_ERASEALL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLASH_LOCK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLASH_UNLOCK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FLASHCP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HDPARM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_GET_IDENTITY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_HDIO_SCAN_HWIF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_HDIO_DRIVE_RESET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HDPARM_HDIO_GETSET_DMA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HEXEDIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_I2CGET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_I2CSET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_I2CDUMP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_I2CDETECT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INOTIFYD is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LESS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_MAXLINES=9999999 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_BRACKETS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_FLAGS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_TRUNCATE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_MARKS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_REGEXP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_WINCH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_ASK_TERMINAL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_DASHCMD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_LINENUMS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_RAW is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LESS_ENV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOCK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSSCSI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MAKEDEVS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MAKEDEVS_LEAF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MAKEDEVS_TABLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MAN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MICROCOM is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NANDWRITE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NANDDUMP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PARTPROBE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RAIDAUTORUN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_READAHEAD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RFKILL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETFATTR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETSERIAL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_STRINGS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TIME=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TTYSIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIATTACH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIDETACH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIMKVOL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIRMVOL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIRSVOL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIUPDATEVOL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UBIRENAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VOLNAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WATCHDOG is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IPV6=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PREFER_IPV4_ADDRESS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VERBOSE_RESOLUTION_ERRORS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TLS_SHA1 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ARP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ARPING is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BRCTL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BRCTL_FANCY=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_BRCTL_SHOW=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DNSD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ETHER_WAKE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FTPD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FTPD_WRITE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FTPD_ACCEPT_BROKEN_LIST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FTPD_AUTHENTICATION is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FTPGET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FTPPUT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FTPGETPUT_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DNSDOMAINNAME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HTTPD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_RANGES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_SETUID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_BASIC_AUTH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_AUTH_MD5 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_CGI is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_CONFIG_WITH_SCRIPT_INTERPR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_SET_REMOTE_PORT_TO_ENV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_ENCODE_URL_STR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_ERROR_PAGES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_PROXY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_HTTPD_GZIP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFCONFIG=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_STATUS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_SLIP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_MEMSTART_IOADDR_IRQ is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_HW=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_BROADCAST_PLUS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFENSLAVE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFPLUGD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFDOWN is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFUPDOWN_IFSTATE_PATH="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_IP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_IPV4 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_IPV6 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_MAPPING is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_EXTERNAL_DHCP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_INETD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_SUPPORT_BUILTIN_ECHO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_SUPPORT_BUILTIN_DISCARD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_SUPPORT_BUILTIN_TIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_SUPPORT_BUILTIN_DAYTIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_SUPPORT_BUILTIN_CHARGEN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_INETD_RPC is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPADDR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPLINK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPROUTE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPTUNNEL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPRULE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPNEIGH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_ADDRESS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_LINK=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_ROUTE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_ROUTE_DIR="/etc/iproute2" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_TUNNEL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_RULE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_NEIGH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IP_RARE_PROTOCOLS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IPCALC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IPCALC_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IPCALC_FANCY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FAKEIDENTD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NAMEIF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NAMEIF_EXTENDED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NBDCLIENT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NC=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NETCAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NC_SERVER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NC_EXTRA is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NC_110_COMPAT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NETMSG=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NETSTAT=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NETSTAT_WIDE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NETSTAT_PRG=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NSLOOKUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NSLOOKUP_BIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NSLOOKUP_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NSLOOKUP_OPENWRT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NSLOOKUP_OPENWRT_LONG_OPTIONS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NTPD=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NTPD_SERVER=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NTPD_CONF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_NTP_AUTH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PING=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PING6=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_FANCY_PING=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PSCAN is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ROUTE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SLATTACH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SSL_CLIENT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TC_INGRESS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TCPSVD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDPSVD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TELNET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TELNET_TTYPE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TELNET_AUTOLOGIN is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TELNET_WIDTH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TELNETD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TELNETD_STANDALONE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TELNETD_INETD_WAIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TFTP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TFTP_PROGRESS_BAR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TFTPD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TFTP_GET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TFTP_PUT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TFTP_BLOCKSIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TFTP_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TLS is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TRACEROUTE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TRACEROUTE6=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TRACEROUTE_VERBOSE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TRACEROUTE_USE_ICMP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TUNCTL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TUNCTL_UG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_VCONFIG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WGET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_LONG_OPTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_STATUSBAR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_AUTHENTICATION is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_TIMEOUT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_HTTPS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_WGET_OPENSSL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WHOIS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ZCIP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCPD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPD_BASE_IP_ON_MAC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPD_WRITE_LEASES_EARLY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DHCPD_LEASES_FILE="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DUMPLEASES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_DHCPRELAY is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCPC=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC_ARPING is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC_SANITIZEOPT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCPC_DEFAULT_SCRIPT="/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCPC6 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC6_RFC3646 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC6_RFC4704 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC6_RFC4833 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCPC6_RFC5970 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCP_PORT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCP_DEBUG=0 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UDHCPC_SLACK_FOR_BUGGY_SERVERS=80 CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCP_RFC3397=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UDHCP_8021Q is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IFUPDOWN_UDHCPC_CMD_OPTIONS="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LPD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LPR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LPQ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MAKEMIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_POPMAILDIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_POPMAILDIR_DELIVERY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_REFORMIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_REFORMIME_COMPAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SENDMAIL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_MIME_CHARSET="" CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FREE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FUSER is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_IOSTAT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_KILL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_KILLALL=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_KILLALL5 is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LSOF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MPSTAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_NMETER is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PGREP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PKILL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PIDOF=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PIDOF_SINGLE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PIDOF_OMIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PMAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_POWERTOP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_POWERTOP_INTERACTIVE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PS_WIDE=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PS_LONG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PS_TIME is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PS_UNUSUAL_SYSTEMS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_PS_ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PSTREE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PWDX is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SMEMCAP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BB_SYSCTL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_TOP=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_INTERACTIVE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_CPU_USAGE_PERCENTAGE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_CPU_GLOBAL_PERCENTS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_SMP_CPU is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_DECIMALS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOP_SMP_PROCESS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_TOPMEM is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_UPTIME=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_UPTIME_UTMP_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_WATCH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SHOW_THREADS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHPST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETUIDGID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ENVUIDGID is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ENVDIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SOFTLIMIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUNSV is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUNSVDIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_RUNSVDIR_LOG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SV is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SV_DEFAULT_SERVICE_DIR="" # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SVC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SVOK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SVLOGD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CHCON is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GETENFORCE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_GETSEBOOL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOAD_POLICY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_MATCHPATHCON is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RUNCON is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SELINUXENABLED is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SESTATUS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETENFORCE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETFILES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SETFILES_CHECK_OPTION is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_RESTORECON is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SETSEBOOL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SH_IS_ASH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SH_IS_HUSH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SH_IS_NONE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BASH_IS_ASH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BASH_IS_HUSH is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_BASH_IS_NONE=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_INTERNAL_GLOB=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_BASH_COMPAT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_BASH_SOURCE_CURDIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_BASH_NOT_FOUND_HOOK is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_JOB_CONTROL=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_ALIAS=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_RANDOM_SUPPORT is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_EXPAND_PRMT=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_IDLE_TIMEOUT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_MAIL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_ECHO=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_PRINTF=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_TEST=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_HELP is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_GETOPTS=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_ASH_CMDCMD=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_CTTYHACK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_BASH_COMPAT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_BRACE_EXPANSION is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_LINENO_VAR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_BASH_SOURCE_CURDIR is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_INTERACTIVE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_SAVEHISTORY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_JOB is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_TICK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_IF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_LOOPS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_CASE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_FUNCTIONS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_LOCAL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_RANDOM_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_MODE_X is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_ECHO is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_PRINTF is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_TEST is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_HELP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_EXPORT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_EXPORT_N is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_READONLY is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_KILL is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_WAIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_COMMAND is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_TRAP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_TYPE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_TIMES is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_READ is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_SET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_UNSET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_ULIMIT is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_UMASK is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_GETOPTS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_HUSH_MEMLEAK is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_MATH=y CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_MATH_64=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_EXTRA_QUIET is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_STANDALONE is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_NOFORK=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_READ_FRAC is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_HISTFILESIZE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SH_EMBEDDED_SCRIPTS is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_KLOGD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_KLOGD_KLOGCTL is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGGER=y # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_LOGREAD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_LOGREAD_REDUCED_LOCKING is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SYSLOGD is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_ROTATE_LOGFILE is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_REMOTE_LOG is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_DUP is not set # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_CFG is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IPC_SYSLOG is not set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_IPC_SYSLOG_BUFFER_SIZE=0 # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_FEATURE_KMSG_SYSLOG is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ca-bundle is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ca-certificates=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq-dhcpv6 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq-full=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dhcp=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dhcpv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dnssec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_auth is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_ipset=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_conntrack is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_noid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_broken_rtc is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_dropbear=y # # Configuration # CONFIG_DROPBEAR_CURVE25519=y # CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ECC is not set # CONFIG_DROPBEAR_ZLIB is not set CONFIG_DROPBEAR_DBCLIENT=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ead is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_firewall=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_fstools=y # CONFIG_FSTOOLS_OVL_MOUNT_FULL_ACCESS_TIME is not set # CONFIG_FSTOOLS_OVL_MOUNT_COMPRESS_ZLIB is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_fwtool=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_getrandom=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_jsonfilter=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libatomic is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libc=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgcc=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgomp is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpthread=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_librt=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libstdcpp is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_logd=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_mtd=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_netifd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nft-qos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nvram is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_om-watchdog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openwrt-keyring is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_opkg=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_procd=y # # Configuration # # CONFIG_PROCD_SHOW_BOOT is not set # CONFIG_PROCD_ZRAM_TMPFS is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_procd-ujail is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qos-scripts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_resolveip is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcd-mod-file is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcd-mod-iwinfo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcd-mod-rpcsys is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snapshot-tool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sqm-scripts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sqm-scripts-extra is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_swconfig=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_ubox=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_ubus=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_ubusd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ucert is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ucert-full is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_uci=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_urandom-seed=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_urngd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usign is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wireless-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zram-swap is not set # # Administration # # # openwisp # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openwisp-config-cyassl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openwisp-config-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openwisp-config-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openwisp-config-openssl is not set # # zabbix # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-agentd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-extra-mac80211 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-extra-network is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-extra-wifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-get is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-proxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-sender is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zabbix-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_htop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipmitool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_monit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_monit-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_muninlite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netdata is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sudo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_syslog-ng is not set # # Boot Loaders # # # Development # # # Libraries # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libncurses-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxml2-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zlib-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_autoconf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_automake is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_binutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_diffutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gcc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gdbserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtool-bin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lpc21isp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lttng-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_m4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_make is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_meson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_meson-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ninja is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_objdump is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_patch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pkg-config is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_trace-cmd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_trace-cmd-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_valgrind is not set # # Extra packages # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_automount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_autosamba is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipv6helper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_k3wifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wireguard-tools is not set # # Firmware # # # ath10k IPQ4019 Boarddata # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_aircard-pcmcia-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_amdgpu-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ar3k-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca4019 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca4019-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca4019-ct-htt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca6174 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9887 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct-htt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9888 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct-htt is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca988x=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct-htt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9984 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9984-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca9984-ct-htt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca99x0 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca99x0-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath10k-firmware-qca99x0-ct-htt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath6k-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ath9k-htc-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_b43legacy-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bnx2-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bnx2x-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-4329-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43362-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43430-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43430-sdio-rpi-3b is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43430-sdio-rpi-zero-w is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43430a0-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio-rpi-3b-plus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio-rpi-4b is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-43602a1-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-4366b1-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-4366c0-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmfmac-firmware-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_brcmsmac-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_carl9170-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43012-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43340-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43362-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4339-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43430-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43455-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4354-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4356-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4356-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-43570-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4359-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4359-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4373-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-4373-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cypress-firmware-89459-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_e100-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_edgeport-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ibt-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwl3945-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwl4965-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl100 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl1000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl105 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl135 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl2000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl2030 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl3160 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl3168 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl5000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl5150 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl6000g2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl6000g2a is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl6000g2b is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl6050 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl7260 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl7265 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl7265d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl8260c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl8265 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl9000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwlwifi-firmware-iwl9260 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libertas-sdio-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libertas-spi-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libertas-usb-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mt7601u-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mt7622bt-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mwifiex-pcie-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mwifiex-sdio-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mwl8k-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_p54-pci-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_p54-spi-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_p54-usb-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_prism54-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_r8169-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radeon-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rs9113-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rt2800-pci-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rt2800-usb-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rt61-pci-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rt73-usb-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8188eu-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192ce-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192cu-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192de-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192eu-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192se-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8192su-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8723au-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8723bs-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8723bu-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8821ae-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8822be-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl8822ce-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ti-3410-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ti-5052-firmware is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_wireless-regdb=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wl12xx-firmware is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wl18xx-firmware is not set # # Fonts # # # DejaVu # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuMathTeXGyre is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans-Bold is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans-BoldOblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans-ExtraLight is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSans-Oblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansCondensed is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansMono is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansMono-Bold is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSansMono-Oblique is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerif is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerif-Bold is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerif-Italic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerifCondensed is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic is not set # # Kernel modules # # # Block Devices # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-aoe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ata-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-block2mtd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-dm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-dm-raid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-loop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-md-mod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nbd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-scsi-cdrom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-scsi-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-scsi-generic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-scsi-tape is not set # # CAN Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-can is not set # # Cryptographic API modules # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-aead=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-arc4=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-authenc=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-cbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-ccm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-cmac is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-crc32c=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-ctr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-cts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-deflate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-des is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-ecb=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-ecdh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-echainiv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-fcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-gcm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-gf128 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-ghash is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hash=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hw-ccp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hw-geode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hw-hifn-795x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hw-padlock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-hw-talitos is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-manager=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-md4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-md5 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-michael-mic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-misc is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-null=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-pcbc is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-pcompress=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-rmd160 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-rng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-seqiv is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-sha1=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-sha256 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-sha512 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-test is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-user is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-wq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-xcbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-crypto-xts is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cryptodev=y # # Filesystems # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-afs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-antfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-autofs4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-btrfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-cifs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-configfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-cramfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-exfat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-exportfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-ext4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-f2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-fscache is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-hfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-hfsplus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-isofs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-jfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-ksmbd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-minix is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-msdos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfs-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfs-common-rpcsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfs-v3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfs-v4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-nfsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-ntfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-reiserfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-squashfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-udf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-vfat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fs-xfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fuse is not set # # FireWire support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-firewire is not set # # Hardware Monitoring Support # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-core=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-adcxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-ads1015 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-adt7410 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-adt7475 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-gpiofan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-ina209 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-ina2xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-it87 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm63 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm75 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm77 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm85 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm90 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm92 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-lm95241 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-ltc4151 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-mcp3021 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-pwmfan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-sch5627 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-sht21 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-tmp102 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-tmp103 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-tmp421 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-vid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hwmon-w83793 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pmbus-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pmbus-zl6100 is not set # # I2C support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-i2c-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-i2c-gpio-custom is not set # # Industrial I/O Modules # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-ad799x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-am2315 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bh1750 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bme680 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bme680-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bme680-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bmp280 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bmp280-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-bmp280-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-ccs811 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-fxos8700 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-fxos8700-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-fxos8700-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-hmc5843 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-htu21 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-kfifo-buf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-si7020 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-sps30 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-st_accel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-st_sensors-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-st_sensors-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iio-tsl4531 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-industrialio-triggered-buffer is not set # # Input modules # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hid-generic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-evdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-gpio-encoder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-gpio-keys is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-gpio-keys-polled is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-joydev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-matrixkmap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-polldev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-touchscreen-ads7846 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-input-uinput is not set # # LED modules # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-leds-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-leds-nu801 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-leds-pca963x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-leds-rb750 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-leds-wndr3700-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-default-on is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-heartbeat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-netdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-oneshot is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-timer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ledtrig-transient is not set # # Libraries # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-cordic is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc-ccitt=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc-itu-t is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc16 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc32c=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc7 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-crc8 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib-textsearch=y # # Native Language Support # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-base=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp1250 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp1251 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp437 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp775 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp850 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp852 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp862 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp864 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp866 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp932 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp936 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-cp950 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-13 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-15 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-iso8859-8 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-koi8r is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nls-utf8 is not set # # Netfilter Extensions # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-arptables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-br-netfilter is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ebtables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ebtables-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ebtables-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ebtables-watchers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ip6tables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ip6tables-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-account is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-chaos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-checksum is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-cluster is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-clusterip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-compat-xtables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-condition is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-conntrack=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-conntrack-label is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-core=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-debug is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-delude is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-dhcpmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-dnetmap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-filter is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-fullconenat=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-fuzzy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-geoip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-hashlimit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-iface is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipmark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipopt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipp2p is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-iprange is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipsec is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipset=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ipv4options is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-led is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-length2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-logmark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-lscan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-lua is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nat=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nat-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nat6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nathelper-rtsp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nflog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-nfqueue is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-physdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-psd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-quota2 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-raw=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-raw6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-rpfilter is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-sysrq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-tarpit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-tee is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-tproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-u32 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipt-ulog is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-conntrack=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-conntrack6=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-ipt=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-ipt6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-ipvs is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-nat=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-nat6 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-nathelper=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-nathelper-extra=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-reject=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nf-reject6 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nfnetlink=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nfnetlink-log is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nfnetlink-queue is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-arp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-bridge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-fib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-nat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-nat6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nft-netdev is not set # # Network Devices # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-3c59x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-8139cp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-8139too is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-alx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atl1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atl1c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atl1e is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atl2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-b44 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-be2net is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bnx2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bnx2x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-dm9000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-dummy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-e100 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-e1000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-et131x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ethoc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-forcedeth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gigaset is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hfcmulti is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hfcpci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-i40e is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-i40evf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ifb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-igb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ixgbe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ixgbevf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-libphy is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-macvlan=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mdio-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mii is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mlx4-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mlx5-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-natsemi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ne2k-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-niu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-of-mdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pcnet32 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-phy-broadcom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-phy-realtek is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r6040 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8125 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8168 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-r8169 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sfc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-siit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sis190 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sis900 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-skge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sky2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-solos-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-ks8995 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-swconfig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-ip17xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-mvsw61xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-rtl8306 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-rtl8366-smi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-rtl8366rb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-rtl8366s is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-switch-rtl8367b is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tg3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tulip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-via-rhine is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-via-velocity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-vmxnet3 is not set # # Network Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ax25 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-batman-adv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bonding is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bpf-test is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-capi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-dnsresolver is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fast-classifier=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fou is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fou6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-geneve is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gre is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gre6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ip6-tunnel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iptunnel6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-isdn4linux is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-jool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-l2tp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-l2tp-eth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-l2tp-ip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-macremapper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-macsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-misdn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mpls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nat46 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-netem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nlmon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-nsh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-openvswitch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-openvswitch-geneve is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-openvswitch-gre is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-openvswitch-vxlan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pktgen is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ppp=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mppe=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ppp-synctty is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pppoa is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pppoe=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pppol2tp is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pppox=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pptp is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-act-vlan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-bpf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-cake is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-connmark is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-core=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-ctinfo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-flower is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-ipset is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sched-mqprio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sctp is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-shortcut-fe-cm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sit is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-slhc=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-slip is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tcp-bbr=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-trelay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tun is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-veth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-vxlan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-wireguard is not set # # Other modules # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-6lowpan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath3k is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bcma is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bluetooth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bluetooth_6lowpan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bmp085 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bmp085-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-bmp085-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-btmrvl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-button-hotplug is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-echo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-eeprom-93cx6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-eeprom-at24 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-eeprom-at25 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-beeper is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-button-hotplug=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-mcp23s08 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-nxp-74hc164 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-pca953x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-gpio-pcf857x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ikconfig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-it87-wdt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-itco-wdt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mmc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mtd-rw is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mtdoops is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mtdram is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mtdtests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-parport-pc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ppdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pps-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-pps-ldisc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ptp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-random-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-random-tpm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-ds1307 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-ds1374 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-ds1672 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-em3027 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-isl1208 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-pcf2123 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-pcf2127 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-pcf8563 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-pt7c4338 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-rs5c372a is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtc-rx8025 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sdhci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-serial-8250 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-serial-8250-exar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-softdog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ssb is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-thermal=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tpm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tpm-i2c-atmel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-tpm-i2c-infineon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-w83627hf-wdt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-wifidog-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-zram is not set # # PCMCIA support # # # SPI Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mmc-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-bitbang is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-gpio-custom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-spi-vsc7385 is not set # # Sound Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-sound-core is not set # # USB Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-chaoskey is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-acm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-atm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-chipidea is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-chipidea2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-cm109 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-core=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-dwc2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-dwc3 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-ehci=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-cdc-composite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-ehci-debug is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-eth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-hid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-mass-storage is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-gadget-serial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-hid is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-net is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-net2280 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-ohci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-ohci-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-printer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-serial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-storage is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-storage-extras is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-storage-uas is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-uhci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-wdm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb-yealink is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb2=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb2-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usb3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usbip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usbip-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usbip-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-usbmon is not set # # Video Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-video-core is not set # # Virtualization # # # Voice over IP # # # W1 support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-w1 is not set # # WPAN 802.15.4 Support # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-at86rf230 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-atusb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cc2520 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-fakelb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ieee802154 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ieee802154_6lowpan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mac802154 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mrf24j40 is not set # # Wireless Drivers # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-adm8211 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath=y CONFIG_ATH_USER_REGD=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ATH_DEBUG is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ATH_DFS=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ATH_DYNACK is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath10k=y CONFIG_ATH10K_LEDS=y CONFIG_ATH10K_THERMAL=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath10k-ct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath5k is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath6kl-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath6kl-usb is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath9k=y # CONFIG_ATH9K_SUPPORT_PCOEM is not set # CONFIG_ATH9K_TX99 is not set CONFIG_ATH9K_UBNTHSR=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath9k-common=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ath9k-htc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-b43 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-b43legacy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-brcmfmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-brcmsmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-brcmutil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-carl9170 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cfg80211=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hermes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hermes-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-hermes-plx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iwl-legacy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iwl3945 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iwl4965 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-iwlwifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-lib80211 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-libertas-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-libertas-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-libertas-usb is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mac80211=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_MAC80211_DEBUGFS=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_MAC80211_TRACING is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_MAC80211_MESH=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mac80211-hwsim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt76 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt7601u is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt7603 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt7615e is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt76x0e is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt76x0u is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt76x2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt76x2u is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mt_wifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mwifiex-pcie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mwifiex-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-mwl8k is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-net-prism54 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-net-rtl8192su is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-owl-loader is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-p54-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-p54-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-p54-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rsi91x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rsi91x-sdio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rsi91x-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2400-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2800-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2800-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2x00-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt61-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt73-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8180 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8187 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8192ce is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8192cu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8192de is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8192se is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8821ae is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rtl8xxxu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-wl12xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-wl18xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-wlcore is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-zd1211rw is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifi-l1profile is not set # # Languages # # # Erlang # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-asn1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-compiler is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-crypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-hipe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-inets is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-mnesia is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-runtime-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-snmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-ssh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_erlang-syntax-tools is not set # # Go # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_golang is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_golang-doc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_golang-github-nextdns-nextdns-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_golang-src is not set # # Java # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jamvm is not set # # Lua # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dkjson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_json4lua is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ldbus is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiwinfo-lua=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lpeg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lsqlite3 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-bencode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-cjson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-copas is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-coxpcall is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-examples is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-lzlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-md5 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-mobdebug is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-mosquitto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-penlight is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-rings is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-rs232 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-sha2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-wsapi-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-wsapi-xavante is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lua-xavante is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luabitop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luaexpat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luafilesystem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luajit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lualanes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luaposix is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luarocks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasoap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasocket is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasql-mysql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasql-pgsql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luasql-sqlite3 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-fs=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lzmq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uuid is not set # # Node.js # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-arduino-firmata is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-cylon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-cylon-firmata is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-cylon-gpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-cylon-i2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-hid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-homebridge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-javascript-obfuscator is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-npm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-serialport is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_node-serialport-bindings is not set # # PHP # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_php7 is not set # # Perl # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_perl is not set # # Python # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gunicorn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gunicorn3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_micropython is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_micropython-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-astral is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-astral-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-attrs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-attrs-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-automat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-automat-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-awscli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-awscli-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-base-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-bcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-bcrypt-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-botocore is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-botocore-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-certifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-certifi-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cffi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cffi-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-chardet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-chardet-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-codecs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-codecs-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-colorama is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-colorama-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-compiler is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-compiler-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-constantly is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-constantly-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-crcmod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-crypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-crypto-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptodome is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptodome-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptodomex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptodomex-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptography is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-cryptography-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ctypes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ctypes-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-curl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-curl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dateutil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dateutil-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-db is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-db-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-decimal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-decimal-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-defusedxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-defusedxml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dev-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-distutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-distutils-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-django1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-django1-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-django1-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dns-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-docutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-docutils-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-dpkt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-egenix-mx-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-egenix-mx-base-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-email is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-email-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-enum34 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-enum34-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-et_xmlfile is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-et_xmlfile-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-evdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-evdev-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-flup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-flup-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-futures is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-futures-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gdbm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gdbm-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gmpy2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gmpy2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gnupg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gunicorn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-gunicorn-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-hyperlink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-hyperlink-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-idna is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-idna-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-incremental is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-incremental-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ipaddress is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ipaddress-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-jdcal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-jdcal-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-jmespath is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-jmespath-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ldap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-lib2to3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-lib2to3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-libmodbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-light is not set # # Configuration # # CONFIG_PYTHON_BLUETOOTH_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-light-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-logging is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-logging-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-lxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-lxml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-multiprocessing is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-multiprocessing-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-mysqlclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-mysqlclient-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ncurses is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ncurses-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-oauthlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-oauthlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-openpyxl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-openpyxl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-openssl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-parsley is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-parsley-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-passlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-passlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pcapy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pillow is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pillow-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pip-conf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pip-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pkg-resources is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pkg-resources-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ply is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ply-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-psycopg2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyasn1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyasn1-modules is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyasn1-modules-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyasn1-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pycparser is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pycparser-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pydoc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pydoc-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyjwt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyjwt-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyodbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyopenssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyopenssl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyptlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyptlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyserial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pyserial-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pytz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-pytz-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-qrcode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-qrcode-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-rcssmin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-rcssmin-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-requests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-requests-oauthlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-requests-oauthlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-requests-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-rsa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-rsa-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ruamel-yaml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-ruamel-yaml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-s3transfer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-s3transfer-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-service-identity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-service-identity-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-setuptools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-setuptools-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-simplejson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-simplejson-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-six is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-six-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-smbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-sqlite3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-sqlite3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-text-unidecode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-text-unidecode-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-twisted is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-twisted-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-txsocksx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-txsocksx-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-unittest is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-unittest-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-urllib3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-urllib3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-vobject is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-vobject-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-voluptuous is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-voluptuous-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-xml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-xml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-yaml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-yaml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-zope-interface is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python-zope-interface-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-aiohttp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-aiohttp-cors is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-aiohttp-cors-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-aiohttp-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-appdirs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-appdirs-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asgiref is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asgiref-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asn1crypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asn1crypto-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-astral is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-astral-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-async-timeout is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-async-timeout-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asyncio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-asyncio-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-atomicwrites is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-atomicwrites-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-attrs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-attrs-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-automat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-automat-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-awscli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-awscli-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-base-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-bcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-bcrypt-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-boto3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-boto3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-botocore is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-botocore-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-bottle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-bottle-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cachelib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cachelib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cachetools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cachetools-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-certifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-certifi-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cffi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cffi-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cgi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cgi-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cgitb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cgitb-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-chardet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-chardet-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-click is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-click-log is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-click-log-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-click-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-codecs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-codecs-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-colorama is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-colorama-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-constantly is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-constantly-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-contextlib2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-contextlib2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-crypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-crypto-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptodome is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptodome-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptodomex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptodomex-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptography is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-cryptography-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ctypes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ctypes-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-curl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-curl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dateutil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dateutil-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dbm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dbm-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-decimal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-decimal-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-decorator is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-decorator-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-defusedxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-defusedxml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dev-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-distutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-distutils-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-appconf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-appconf-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-compressor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-compressor-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-constance is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-constance-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-cors-headers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-cors-headers-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-etesync-journal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-etesync-journal-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-formtools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-formtools-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-jsonfield is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-jsonfield-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-picklefield is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-picklefield-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-postoffice is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-postoffice-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-ranged-response is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-ranged-response-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-restframework is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-restframework-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-restframework39 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-restframework39-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-simple-captcha is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-simple-captcha-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-statici18n is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-statici18n-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-webpack-loader is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django-webpack-loader-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-django1-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-dns-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-docutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-docutils-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-drf-nested-routers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-drf-nested-routers-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-email is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-email-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-et_xmlfile is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-et_xmlfile-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-evdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-evdev-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flask is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flask-login is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flask-login-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flask-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-flup-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gdbm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gdbm-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gmpy2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gmpy2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gnupg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gunicorn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-gunicorn-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-hyperlink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-hyperlink-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-idna is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-idna-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ifaddr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ifaddr-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-incremental is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-incremental-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-influxdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-influxdb-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-intelhex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-intelhex-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-itsdangerous is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-itsdangerous-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jdcal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jdcal-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jinja2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jinja2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jmespath is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jmespath-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jsonpath-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-jsonpath-ng-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lib2to3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lib2to3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-libmodbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-light is not set # # Configuration # # CONFIG_PYTHON3_BLUETOOTH_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-light-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-logging is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-logging-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lxml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lzma is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-lzma-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-markdown is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-markdown-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-markupsafe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-markupsafe-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-maxminddb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-maxminddb-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-more-itertools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-more-itertools-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-multidict is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-multidict-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-multiprocessing is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-multiprocessing-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-mysqlclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-mysqlclient-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ncurses is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ncurses-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-netdisco is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-netdisco-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-netifaces is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-netifaces-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-oauthlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-oauthlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-openpyxl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-openpyxl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-openssl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-paho-mqtt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-paho-mqtt-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-parsley is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-parsley-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-passlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-passlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pillow is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pillow-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pip-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pkg-resources is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pkg-resources-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ply is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ply-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-py is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-py-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyasn1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyasn1-modules is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyasn1-modules-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyasn1-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pycparser is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pycparser-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pydoc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pydoc-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyjwt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyjwt-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pymysql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pymysql-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyodbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyopenssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyopenssl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyotp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyotp-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyparsing is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyparsing-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyroute2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyroute2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyrsistent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyrsistent-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyserial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pyserial-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pytz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-pytz-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-qrcode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-qrcode-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-rcssmin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-rcssmin-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-requests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-requests-oauthlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-requests-oauthlib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-requests-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-rsa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-rsa-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ruamel-yaml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-ruamel-yaml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-s3transfer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-s3transfer-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-schedule is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-schedule-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-schema is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-schema-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-seafile-ccnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-seafile-ccnet-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-seafile-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-seafile-server-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-searpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-searpc-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sentry-sdk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sentry-sdk-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-service-identity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-service-identity-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-setuptools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-setuptools-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-simplejson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-simplejson-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-six is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-six-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-slugify is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-slugify-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-smbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-speedtest-cli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-speedtest-cli-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlalchemy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlalchemy-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlite3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlite3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlparse is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-sqlparse-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-stem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-stem-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-text-unidecode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-text-unidecode-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-twisted is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-twisted-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-unidecode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-unidecode-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-unittest is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-unittest-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-urllib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-urllib-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-urllib3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-urllib3-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-vobject is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-vobject-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-voluptuous is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-voluptuous-serialize is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-voluptuous-serialize-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-voluptuous-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-wcwidth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-wcwidth-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-werkzeug is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-werkzeug-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-xml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-xml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-xmltodict is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-xmltodict-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-yaml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-yaml-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-yarl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-yarl-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zeroconf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zeroconf-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zipp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zipp-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zope-interface is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_python3-zope-interface-src is not set # # Ruby # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ruby is not set # # Tcl # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vala is not set # # Libraries # # # Compression # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libbz2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblzma is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libunrar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libzstd is not set CONFIG_ZSTD_OPTIMIZE_O3=y # # Filesystem # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libacl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libattr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfuse is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libow is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libow-capi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsysfs is not set # # Firewall # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfko is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libip4tc=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libip6tc=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxtables=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxtables-nft is not set # # Instant Messaging # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_quasselc is not set # # IoT # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-a110x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ad8232 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-adafruitss is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-adc121c021 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-adis16448 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-adxl335 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-adxl345 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-am2315 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-apds9002 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-at42qt1070 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-biss0001 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-bmpx8x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-buzzer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-cjq4435 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ds1307 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ecs1030 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-enc03r is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-flex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-gas is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-gp2y0a is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grove is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovecircularled is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovecollision is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-groveehr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-groveeldriver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-groveelectromagnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-groveemg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovegprs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovegsr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovelinefinder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovemd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovemoisture is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-groveo2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovescam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovespeaker is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovevdiv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovewater is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-grovewfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-guvas12d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-h3lis331dl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hcsr04 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hm11 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hmc5883l is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hmtrp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hp20x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ht9170 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-htu21d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-hx711 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-i2clcd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ina132 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-isd1820 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-itg3200 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-joystick12 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-l298 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ldt0028 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-lm35 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-lol is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-loudness is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-lpd8806 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-lsm303 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-lsm9ds0 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-m24lr64e is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-max31723 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-max31855 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-max44000 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-max5487 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-maxds3231m is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-maxsonarez is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mg811 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mhz16 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mlx90614 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mma7455 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mma7660 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mpl3115a2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mpr121 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mpu9150 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-mq303a is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-my9221 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-nrf24l01 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-nrf8001 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-nunchuck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-otp538u is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-pn532 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ppd42ns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-pulsensor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-rfr359f is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-rgbringcoder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-rotaryencoder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-rpr220 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-servo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-si114x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-sm130 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-st7735 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-stepmotor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-sx6119 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ta12200 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-tcs3414cs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-th02 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-tm1637 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-tsl2561 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ttp223 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-ublox6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-uln200xa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-waterlevel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-wheelencoder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-wt5001 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-yg1006 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupm-zfm20 is not set # # Languages # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libyaml is not set # # Networking # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdcwproto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdcwsocket is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsctp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuhttpd-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuhttpd-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuhttpd-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuhttpd-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libunbound is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libunbound-heavy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuwsc-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuwsc-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuwsc-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuwsc-wolfssl is not set # # Qt5 # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt5-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt5-network is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt5-xml is not set # # SSL # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgnutls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmbedtls is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenssl=y # # Build Options # CONFIG_OPENSSL_OPTIMIZE_SPEED=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_ASM=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_DEPRECATED=y # CONFIG_OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGES is not set # # Protocol Support # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_TLS13=y # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_DTLS is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_NPN is not set CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_SRP=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_CMS=y # # Algorithm Selection # # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_EC2M is not set CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_CHACHA_POLY1305=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_PREFER_CHACHA_OVER_GCM=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_PSK=y # # Less commonly used build options # # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_ARIA is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_CAMELLIA is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_IDEA is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_SEED is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_SM234 is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_BLAKE2 is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_MDC2 is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_WHIRLPOOL is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_COMPRESSION is not set # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_RFC3779 is not set # # Engine/Hardware Support # CONFIG_OPENSSL_ENGINE=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_ENGINE_BUILTIN=y CONFIG_OPENSSL_ENGINE_BUILTIN_DEVCRYPTO=y # CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_GOST is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenssl-conf=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenssl-devcrypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpolarssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwolfssl is not set # # Sound # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblo is not set # # database # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsqlite3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pgsqlodbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_psqlodbca is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_psqlodbcw is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unixodbc is not set # # libelektra # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-boost is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-cpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-crypto is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-curlget is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-dbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-lua is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-plugins is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-python2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-python3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-resolvers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-xerces is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-xml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-yajl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelektra-yamlcpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alsa-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_argp-standalone is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avro-c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bluez-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost is not set # CONFIG_boost-context-exclude is not set # CONFIG_boost-coroutine-exclude is not set # CONFIG_boost-fiber-exclude is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ccid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_check is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_classpath is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_classpath-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_confuse is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dtndht is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fcgi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fftw3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fftw3f is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_getdns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_giflib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_glib2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_glog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hidapi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ibrcommon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ibrdtn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_icu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_icu-data-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_icu-full-data is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jansson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-libzscanner is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libaio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libalac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libantlr3c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libao is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libapr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libaprutil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libarchive is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libarchive-noopenssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libartnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libasm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libaudiofile is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libavahi-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libavahi-compat-libdnssd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libavahi-dbus-support is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libavahi-nodbus-support is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libavl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libbfd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libblkid is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libblobmsg-json=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libbsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcanfestival is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcares is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcharset is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcoap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcomerr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libconfig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcryptopp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcurl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libcxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdaemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdaq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdb47 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdb47xx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdbi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdevmapper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdmapsharing is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdouble-conversion is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdrm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libdw is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libecdsautil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libedit is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libelf=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libesmtp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libestr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevent2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevent2-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevent2-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevent2-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevent2-pthreads is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libeventlog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libevhtp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libexif is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libexpat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libexslt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libext2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libextractor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libf2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfaad2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfastjson is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfdt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libffi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libffmpeg-audio-dec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libffmpeg-custom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libffmpeg-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libffmpeg-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libflac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfmt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libfreetype is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libftdi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libftdi1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgdbm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgee is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libglpk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgnurl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgpg-error is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgphoto2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgpiod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libgps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libhamlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libhavege is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libhiredis is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libhttp-parser is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libhwloc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libical is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiconv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiconv-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libid3tag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libidn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libidn2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libimobiledevice is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libinotifytools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libinput is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libintl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libintl-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiw is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libiwinfo=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libjpeg is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libjson-c=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libkeyutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libkmod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libldns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libltdl is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblua=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblz4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblzo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmad is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmagic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmariadb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmaxminddb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmbim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmicrohttpd-no-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmicrohttpd-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmilter-sendmail is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libminiupnpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmms is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmnl=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmodbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmosquitto-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmosquitto-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmpdclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmpeg2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmpg123 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libmraa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnatpmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libncurses is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libndpi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libneon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnet-1.2.x is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetconf2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-acct is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-conntrack is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-cthelper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-cttimeout is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-log is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetfilter-queue is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnetsnmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnettle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnfnetlink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnftnl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnghttp2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl-genl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl-nf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl-route is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnl-tiny=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libnopoll is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libogg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liboil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopcodes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopendkim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenobex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopensc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenzwave is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liboping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libout123 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libowfat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libp11 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpagekite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpciaccess is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcre=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcre16 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcre2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcre2-16 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcre2-32 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcrecpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpcsclite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpkcs11-spy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libplist is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libplistcxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libpopt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libprotobuf-c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libqmi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libqrencode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libradcli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libreadline is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libredblack is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_librouteros is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libroxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_librpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_librrd1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_librtlsdr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libruby is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsamplerate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsane is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsasl2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsearpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libseccomp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsensors is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libshout is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libshout-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libshout-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsigcxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsmartcols is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsndfile is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsoc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsocks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsodium is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsoup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsoxr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libspeex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libspeexdsp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libspice-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libss is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libssh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libssh2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libstoken is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libstrophe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtalloc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtasn1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtheora is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtiff is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtiffxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtins is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtirpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libtorrent is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libubox=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libubox-lua is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libubus=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libubus-lua=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuci=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuci-lua=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuclient=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libudev-fbsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libudns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuecc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libugpio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libunistring is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libunwind is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupnp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libupnpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liburcu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libusb-1.0 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libusb-compat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libusbmuxd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libustream-mbedtls is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libustream-openssl=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libustream-wolfssl is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuuid=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libuvc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libv4l is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libvorbis is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libvorbisidec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libvpx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwebcam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwebsockets-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwebsockets-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwebsockets-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwrap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libwxbase is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libx264 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxerces-c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxerces-c-samples is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxml2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxslt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libyaml-cpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libyang is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libzdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libzmq-curve is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libzmq-nc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_linux-atm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_loudmouth is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lttng-ust is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mtdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_musl-fts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mxml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nacl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oniguruma is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opencv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_p11-kit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pixman is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_poco is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_protobuf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_protobuf-lite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pthsem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rblibtorrent is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcd-mod-rrdns=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rxtx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_spice-protocol is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_terminfo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tinycdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uclibcxx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uw-imap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xmlrpc-c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xmlrpc-c-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xmlrpc-c-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_yajl is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_zlib=y # # Configuration # # CONFIG_ZLIB_OPTIMIZE_SPEED is not set # # LuCI # # # 1. Collections # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-nginx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-ssl-nginx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-ssl-openssl is not set # # 2. Modules # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-base=y CONFIG_LUCI_SRCDIET=y # # Translations # # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_hu is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_pt is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_sk is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ko is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_en is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_el is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_uk is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ja is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_vi is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_he is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_no is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ms is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_pl is not set CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_zh-cn=y # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ro is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_de is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_zh-tw is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_tr is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_sv is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ru is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_pt-br is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_ca is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_es is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_cs is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_fr is not set # CONFIG_LUCI_LANG_it is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-admin-full=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-failsafe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-freifunk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-freifunk-community is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-rpc is not set # # 3. Applications # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-accesscontrol is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-acme is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-adblock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-adbyby-plus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-advanced-reboot is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ahcp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-airplay2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-amule is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-aria2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-arpbind is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-asterisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-attendedsysupgrade is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-autoreboot=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-baidupcs-web is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-bcp38 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-bird1-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-bird1-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-bmx6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-bmx7 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-cifs-mount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-cifsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-cjdns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-clamav is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-commands is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-cshark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ddns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diag-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman_INCLUDE_btrfs_progs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman_INCLUDE_lsblk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman_INCLUDE_mdadm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman_INCLUDE_kmod_md_raid456 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-diskman_INCLUDE_kmod_md_linear is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-dump1090 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-dynapoint is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-e2guardian is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-familycloud is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-filetransfer is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-firewall=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-freifunk-diagnostics is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-freifunk-policyrouting is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-freifunk-widgets is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-frpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-frps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-fwknopd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-guest-wifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-haproxy-tcp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-hd-idle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-hnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ipsec-vpnd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-kodexplorer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-lxc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-meshwizard is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-minidlna is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-mjpg-streamer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-mtwifi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-music-remote-center is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-mwan3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-mwan3helper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-n2n_v2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-netdata is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-nfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-nft-qos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-nlbwmon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-noddos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-nps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ntpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ocserv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-olsr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-olsr-services is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-olsr-viz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-p910nd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-pagekitec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-polipo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-pppoe-relay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-privoxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ps3netsrv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-qbittorrent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-qos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-radicale is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ramfree=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-rclone is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-rp-pppoe-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-samba is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-samba4 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-sfe=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-shadowsocks-libev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-shairplay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-siitwizard is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-simple-adblock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-softethervpn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-splash is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-sqm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-squid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ssrserver-python is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-statistics is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-syncdial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-tinyproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-transmission is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-travelmate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ttyd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-udpxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-uhttpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-unblockmusic is not set # CONFIG_UnblockNeteaseMusic_Go is not set # CONFIG_UnblockNeteaseMusic_NodeJS is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-unbound is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-upnp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-usb-printer is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-v2ray-server=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-verysync is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-vlmcsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-vnstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-vpnbypass is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-vsftpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-watchcat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-webadmin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-wifischedule is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-wireguard is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-wol is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-wrtbwmon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-xlnetacc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-zerotier is not set # # 4. Themes # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-argon is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-bootstrap=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-material is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-netgear=y # # 5. Protocols # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-3g is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-bonding is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-ipip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-ncm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-openconnect is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-ppp=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-qmi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-relay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-vpnc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-wireguard is not set # # 6. Libraries # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-docker is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-dracula is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-httpclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-httpprotoutils is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-ip=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-iptparser is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-jquery-1-4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-json is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-jsonc=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-luaneightbl is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-px5g is not set # # 9. Freifunk # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freifunk-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freifunk-firewall is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freifunk-policyrouting is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freifunk-watchdog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_meshwizard is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_default-settings=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-autoreboot-zh-cn=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ca is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-cs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-de is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-el is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-en is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-es is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-fr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-he is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-hu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-it is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ja is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ko is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ms is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-no is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-pl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-pt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-pt-br is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ro is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ru is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-sk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-sv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-tr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-uk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-vi is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-zh-cn=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-zh-tw is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ca is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-cs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-de is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-el is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-en is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-es is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-fr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-he is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-hu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-it is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ja is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ko is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ms is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-no is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-pl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-pt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-pt-br is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ro is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-ru is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-sk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-sv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-tr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-uk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-vi is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-zh-cn=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-zh-tw is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-ramfree-zh-cn=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-sfe-zh-cn=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-v2ray-server-zh-cn=y # # Mail # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alpine is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alpine-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bogofilter is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_clamsmtp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dovecot is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dovecot-pigeonhole is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dovecot-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_emailrelay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fdm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_greyfix is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mailman is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mailsend is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mailsend-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_msmtp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_msmtp-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mutt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nail is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opendkim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opendkim-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_postfix is not set # # Select postfix build options # CONFIG_POSTFIX_TLS=y CONFIG_POSTFIX_SASL=y CONFIG_POSTFIX_LDAP=y # CONFIG_POSTFIX_DB is not set CONFIG_POSTFIX_CDB=y CONFIG_POSTFIX_SQLITE=y # CONFIG_POSTFIX_PGSQL is not set CONFIG_POSTFIX_PCRE=y # CONFIG_POSTFIX_EAI is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ssmtp is not set # # Multimedia # # # Streaming # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oggfwd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_crtmpserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ffmpeg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ffprobe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ffserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fswebcam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gmediarender is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gphoto2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_grilo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_grilo-plugins is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gst1-libav is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-plugins-bad is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-plugins-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-plugins-good is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-plugins-ugly is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gstreamer1-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_icecast is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lcdgrilo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_minidlna is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mjpg-streamer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_motion is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tvheadend is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_v4l2rtspserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vips is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xupnpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_youtube-dl is not set # # Network # # # BitTorrent # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mktorrent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opentracker is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opentracker6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qBittorrent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtorrent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtorrent-rpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_transmission-cli-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_transmission-daemon-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_transmission-remote-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_transmission-web is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_transmission-web-control is not set # # Captive Portals # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_coova-chilli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nodogsplash is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog-ng-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog-ng-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog-ng-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog-ng-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifidog-tls is not set # # Cloud Manager # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rclone-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rclone-webui-react is not set # # Download Manager # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ariang is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_webui-aria2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_yaaw is not set # # File Transfer # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_aria2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atftp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atftpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_curl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gnurl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lftp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ps3netsrv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rosy-file-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rsync is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rsyncd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vsftpd is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_vsftpd-alt=y CONFIG_VSFTPD_USE_UCI_SCRIPTS=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vsftpd-tls is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_wget=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wget-nossl is not set # # Filesystem # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_davfs2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ksmbd-avahi-service is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ksmbd-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ksmbd-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netatalk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nfs-kernel-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owftpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owhttpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sshfs is not set # # Firewall # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_arptables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_conntrack is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_conntrackd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ebtables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fwknop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fwknopd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ip6tables is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables=y # CONFIG_IPTABLES_CONNLABEL is not set # CONFIG_IPTABLES_NFTABLES is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-account is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-chaos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-checksum is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-cluster is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-clusterip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-condition is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-conntrack-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-delude is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-dhcpmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-dnetmap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-filter is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-fullconenat=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-fuzzy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-geoip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-hashlimit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-iface is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ipmark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ipopt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ipp2p is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-iprange is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ipsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ipv4options is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-led is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-length2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-logmark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-lscan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-lua is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-nat-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-nflog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-nfqueue is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-physdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-psd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-quota2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-rpfilter is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-sysrq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-tarpit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-tee is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-tproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-trace is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-u32 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptables-mod-ulog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptaccount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptgeoip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_miniupnpc is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_miniupnpd=y # CONFIG_MINIUPNPD_IGDv2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_natpmpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nftables is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shorewall is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shorewall-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shorewall-lite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shorewall6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shorewall6-lite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snort is not set # # Firewall Tunnel # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iodine is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iodined is not set # # FreeRADIUS (version 3) # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freeradius3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freeradius3-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freeradius3-utils is not set # # IP Addresses and Names # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_aggregate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_announce is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-autoipd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-daemon-service-http is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-daemon-service-ssh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-dbus-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-dnsconfd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-nodbus-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avahi-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-check is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-dig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-dnssec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-host is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-rndc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bind-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_danish is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_aliyun=y # is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_dnspod=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_freedns_42_pl is not set # is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_no-ip_com is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_nsupdate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ddns-scripts_route53-v1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dhcp-forwarder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dns2socks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnscrypt-proxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnscrypt-proxy-resolvers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_drill is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_idn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_idn2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_inadyn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-client-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-client-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-omshell-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-omshell-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-relay-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-relay-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-server-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-server-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kadnode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-dig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-host is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-keymgr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-nsupdate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-tests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knot-zonecheck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ldns-examples is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mdns-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mdnsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mdnsresponder is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nsd-control is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nsd-control-setup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nsd-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ohybridproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_stubby is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-anchor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-checkconf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-control is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-control-setup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-daemon-heavy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unbound-host is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wsdd2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zonestitcher is not set # # Instant Messaging # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bitlbee is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_irssi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ngircd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ngircd-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_prosody is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_quassel-irssi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_umurmur-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_umurmur-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_znc is not set # # Linux ATM tools # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-aread is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmaddr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmdiag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmdump is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmloop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmsigd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmswitch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-atmtcp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-awrite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-bus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-debug-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-diagnostics is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-esi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-ilmid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-ilmidiag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-lecs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-les is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-mpcd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-saaldump is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-sonetdiag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-svc_recv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-svc_send is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-ttcp_atm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_atm-zeppelin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_br2684ctl is not set # # NMAP Suite # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ncat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ncat-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ndiff is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nmap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nmap-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nping is not set # # NTRIP # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntripcaster is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntripclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntripserver is not set # # NeteaseMusic # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_UnblockNeteaseMusic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_UnblockNeteaseMusicGo is not set # # network framework # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oonf-dlep-proxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oonf-dlep-radio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oonf-init-scripts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oonf-olsrd2 is not set # # Open vSwitch # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch-ovn-host is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch-ovn-north is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch-python is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch-python3 is not set # # OpenLDAP # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libopenldap is not set CONFIG_OPENLDAP_DEBUG=y # CONFIG_OPENLDAP_CRYPT is not set # CONFIG_OPENLDAP_MONITOR is not set # CONFIG_OPENLDAP_DB47 is not set # CONFIG_OPENLDAP_ICU is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openldap-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openldap-utils is not set # # P2P # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_amule is not set # CONFIG_AMULE_CRYPTOPP_STATIC_LINKING is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_antileech is not set # # Printing # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_p910nd is not set # # Project V # CONFIG_PACKAGE_v2ray=y # # V2Ray Configuration # # CONFIG_V2RAY_COMPRESS_GOPROXY is not set # CONFIG_V2RAY_JSON_V2CTL is not set CONFIG_V2RAY_JSON_INTERNAL=y # CONFIG_V2RAY_JSON_NONE is not set CONFIG_V2RAY_EXCLUDE_V2CTL=y CONFIG_V2RAY_EXCLUDE_ASSETS=y CONFIG_V2RAY_COMPRESS_UPX=y CONFIG_V2RAY_DISABLE_NONE=y # CONFIG_V2RAY_DISABLE_CUSTOM is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_v2ray-plugin is not set # CONFIG_v2ray-plugin_INCLUDE_GOPROXY is not set # # Routing and Redirection # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_babel-pinger is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_babeld is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_batmand is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bcp38 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1-ipv4-uci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1-ipv6-uci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1c-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1c-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1cl-ipv4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird1cl-ipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird2c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bird2cl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bmx6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bmx7 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cjdns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cjdns-tests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dcwapd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_devlink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_genl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_igmpproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ip-bridge is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ip-full=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ip-tiny is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lldpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mcproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mrmctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mwan3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_olsrd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_prince is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_quagga is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rdma is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_relayd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ss is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sslh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vis is not set # # SSH # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_autossh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-client-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-keygen is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-moduli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-server-pam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-sftp-avahi-service is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-sftp-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssh-sftp-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sshtunnel is not set # # THC-IPv6 attack and analyzing toolkit # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-address6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-alive6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-covert-send6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-covert-send6d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-denial6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-detect-new-ip6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-detect-sniffer6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-dnsdict6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-dnsrevenum6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-dos-new-ip6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-dump-router6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-exploit6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-advertise6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-dhcps6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-dns6d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-dnsupdate6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-mipv6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-mld26 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-mld6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-mldrouter6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-router26 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-router6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fake-solicitate6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-advertise6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-dhcpc6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-mld26 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-mld6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-mldrouter6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-router26 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-router6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-flood-solicitate6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fragmentation6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fuzz-dhcpc6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fuzz-dhcps6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-fuzz-ip6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-implementation6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-implementation6d is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-inverse-lookup6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-kill-router6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-ndpexhaust6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-node-query6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-parasite6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-passive-discovery6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-randicmp6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-redir6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-rsmurf6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-sendpees6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-sendpeesmp6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-smurf6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-thcping6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-toobig6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_thc-ipv6-trace6 is not set # # Time Synchronization # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_chrony is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_htpdate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_linuxptp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntp-keygen is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntp-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntpclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntpdate is not set # # VPN # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_chaosvpn is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fastd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipsec-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_n2n-edge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_n2n-supernode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ocserv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openconnect is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opennhrp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvpn-easy-rsa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvpn-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvpn-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvpn-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pptpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn-base is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn-bridge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn5-bridge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn5-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softethervpn5-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sstp-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-charon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-charon-cmd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-default is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-ipsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-isakmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-libtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-minimal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-addrblock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-aes is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-af-alg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-agent is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-attr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-attr-sql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-blowfish is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-ccm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-cmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-connmark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-constraints is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-coupling is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-ctr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-curl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-curve25519 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-des is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-dhcp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-dnskey is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-duplicheck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-eap-identity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-eap-md5 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-eap-mschapv2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-eap-radius is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-eap-tls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-farp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-fips-prf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-forecast is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-gcm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-gcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-gmp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-gmpdh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-ha is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-hmac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-kernel-libipsec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-kernel-netlink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-ldap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-led is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-load-tester is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-md4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-md5 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-mysql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-nonce is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pgp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pkcs1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pkcs11 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pkcs12 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pkcs7 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pkcs8 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-pubkey is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-random is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-rc2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-resolve is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-revocation is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-sha1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-sha2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-smp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-socket-default is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-socket-dynamic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-sql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-sqlite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-sshkey is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-stroke is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-test-vectors is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-uci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-unity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-updown is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-vici is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-whitelist is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-x509 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-xauth-eap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-xauth-generic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-mod-xcbc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-pki is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-scepclient is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strongswan-swanctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tinc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uanytun is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uanytun-nettle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uanytun-nocrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uanytun-sslcrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vpnc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vpnc-scripts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wireguard is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xl2tpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zerotier is not set # # Version Control Systems # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fossil is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_git is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_git-http is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_subversion-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_subversion-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_subversion-server is not set # # WWAN # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_adb-enablemodem is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_comgt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_comgt-directip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_comgt-ncm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uqmi is not set # # Web Servers/Proxies # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_apache is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cgi-io is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_clamav is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_e2guardian is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_freshclam is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_frpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_frps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_haproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_haproxy-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kcptun-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kcptun-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lighttpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nginx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nginx-all-module is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nginx-mod-luci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nginx-mod-luci-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nginx-ssl is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_pdnsd-alt=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_polipo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_privoxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radicale-py2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radicale-py3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radicale2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radicale2-examples is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radicale2-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-libev-ss-local is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-libev-ss-redir is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-libev-ss-rules is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-libev-ss-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocks-libev-ss-tunnel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocksr-libev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocksr-libev-alt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocksr-libev-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadowsocksr-libev-ssr-local is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sockd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_socksify is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_spawn-fcgi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_squid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_srelay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tinyproxy is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_uhttpd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uhttpd-mod-lua is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_uhttpd-mod-ubus=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uwsgi-cgi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uwsgi-cgi-luci-support is not set # # Wireless # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_aircrack-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_airmon-ng is not set # # dial-in/up # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rp-pppoe-common is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rp-pppoe-relay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rp-pppoe-server is not set # # tcprelay # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpbridge is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpcapinfo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpliveplay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpprep is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpreplay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpreplay-all is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpreplay-edit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcprewrite is not set # # wireless # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dynapoint is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_horst is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kismet-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kismet-drone is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kismet-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pixiewps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_reaver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wavemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifischedule is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_464xlat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_6in4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_6rd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_6to4 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_acme is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_acme-dnsapi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_adblock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_adbyby is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_addrwatch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ahcpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alfred is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_apcupsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_apcupsd-cgi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_apinger is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_arp-scan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_baidupcs-web is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_banip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_batctl-default is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_batctl-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_batctl-tiny is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_beanstalkd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bmon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bwm-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_chat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cifsmount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_coap-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_conserver is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cshark is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_daemonlogger is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_darkstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dhcpcd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dmapd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ds-lite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dsmboot is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_eapol-test is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_eapol-test-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_eapol-test-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_esniper is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_etherwake is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ethtool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fakeidentd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_foolsm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gnunet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gre is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hnet-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hnet-full-l2tp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hnet-full-secure is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hnetd-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hnetd-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-basic is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-common=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hostapd-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_httping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_httping-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_https_dns_proxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_i2pd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ibrdtn-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ibrdtnd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ifstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iftop is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iiod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-cpp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-example-garage is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-example-simple is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-oic-middle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-resource-container-hue is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-resource-container-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-resource-container-sample is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iotivity-resource-directory-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iperf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iperf3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iperf3-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipip is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipset=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipset-dns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipset-lists is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipt2socks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iptraf-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-arping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-clockdiff is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-ping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-ping6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-tftpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-tracepath is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-tracepath6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iputils-traceroute6 is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_iw=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iw-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jool-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_keepalived is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_knxd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kplex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_krb5-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_krb5-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_krb5-server is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libipset=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_linknx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lispd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mac-telnet-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mac-telnet-discover is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mac-telnet-ping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mac-telnet-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_map is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_memcached is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_microsocks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mii-tool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mikrotik-btest is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mini_snmpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_minimalist-pcproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_modemmanager is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mosquitto-client-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mosquitto-client-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mosquitto-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mosquitto-ssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mrd6 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mtr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nbd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nbd-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ncp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ndppd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netcat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netdiscover is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netperf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nextdns is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_nlbwmon=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_noddos is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_noping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_npc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nut is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_obfsproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_obfsproxy-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcpd-ipv6only is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ola is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_omcproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pagekitec is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pen is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pimbd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pingcheck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_port-mirroring is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_portmap is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-passwordfd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-pppoa is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-pppoe=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-pppol2tp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-pptp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-mod-radius is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp-multilink is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pppdump is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pppoe-discovery is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pppossh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pppstats is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_proto-bonding is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_proxychains-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_radsecproxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_redsocks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_redsocks2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_remserial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rpcbind is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rssileds is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rsyslog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba36-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba36-net is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba36-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba4-admin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba4-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba4-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba4-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_samba4-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_scapy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sctp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sctp-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_seafile-ccnet is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_seafile-seahub is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_seafile-seahub-src is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ser2net is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_simple-adblock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_simple-obfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_simple-obfs-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_smartsnmpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmp-mibs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmp-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmpd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmpd-static is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmptrapd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_socat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_softflowd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_soloscli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_stunnel is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tayga is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpdump is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpdump-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcpping is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tor is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tor-gencert is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tor-geoip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tor-resolve is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_travelmate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_trojan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_u2pnpd is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_uclient-fetch=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_udpxy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ulogd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_umbim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_umdns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usbip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vallumd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_verysync is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_vlmcsd=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vncrepeater is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vnstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vpnbypass is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vsc7385-ucode-pb44 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vsc7395-ucode-pb44 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vti is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vxlan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wakeonlan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-cli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant is not set # CONFIG_WPA_RFKILL_SUPPORT is not set CONFIG_WPA_MSG_MIN_PRIORITY=3 # CONFIG_WPA_WOLFSSL is not set # CONFIG_DRIVER_WEXT_SUPPORT is not set CONFIG_DRIVER_11N_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_DRIVER_11AC_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_DRIVER_11W_SUPPORT=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-basic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-mesh-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-mesh-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-p2p is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpa-supplicant-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-basic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-mesh-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-mesh-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-mini is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-openssl=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpad-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wpan-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wwan is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xinetd is not set # # Sound # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alsa-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alsa-utils-seq is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_alsa-utils-tests is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_espeak is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_faad2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fdk-aac is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_forked-daapd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ices is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lame is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lame-lib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_liblo-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_madplay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_madplay-alsa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_moc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpd-avahi-service is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpd-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpd-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpg123 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opus-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pianod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pianod-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_portaudio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pulseaudio-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pulseaudio-daemon-avahi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shairplay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shairport-sync-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shairport-sync-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shairport-sync-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shine is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sox is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_squeezelite-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_squeezelite-mini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_svox is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_upmpdcli is not set # # Utilities # # # Boot Loaders # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fconfig is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rbcfg is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_uboot-envtools=y # # Compression # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bsdtar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bzip2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gzip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pigz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unrar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unzip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xz-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zip is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zstd is not set # # Database # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mariadb-common is not set # # Disc # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_blkdiscard is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_blkid is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_blockdev is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cfdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cgdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_eject is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_findfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fixparts is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hd-idle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hdparm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lsblk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lvm2 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mdadm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_parted is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_partx-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sfdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sgdisk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wipefs is not set # # Editors # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_joe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nano is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vim-full is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vim-fuller is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vim-help is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_vim-runtime is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zile is not set # # Encryption # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ccrypt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_certtool is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cryptsetup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cryptsetup-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gnupg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gnutls-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gpgv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_keyctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_px5g-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_px5g-standalone is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_stoken is not set # # Filesystem # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_acl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_antfs-mount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_attr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_badblocks is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_btrfs-progs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_chattr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_debugfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dosfstools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dumpe2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_e2freefrag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_e2fsprogs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_f2fs-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_f2fsck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_filefrag is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fstrim is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fuse-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hfsfsck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lsattr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mkf2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mkhfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ncdu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nfs-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nfs-utils-libs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntfs-3g is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntfs-3g-low is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ntfs-3g-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owshell is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_resize2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_squashfs-tools-mksquashfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_squashfs-tools-unsquashfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_swap-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sysfsutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tune2fs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xfs-admin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xfs-fsck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xfs-growfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xfs-mkfs is not set # # Image Manipulation # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jpeg-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tiff-utils is not set # # Microcontroller programming # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_avrdude is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dfu-programmer is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_stm32flash is not set # # RTKLIB Suite # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_convbin is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pos2kml is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rnx2rtkp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtkrcv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_str2str is not set # # Shells # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bash is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_klish is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mksh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tcsh is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zsh is not set # # Terminal # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_agetty is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dvtm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_minicom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_picocom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtty-mbedtls is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtty-nossl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtty-openssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtty-wolfssl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_screen is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_script-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_serialconsole is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_setterm is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tio is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tmux is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ttyd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wall is not set # # Virtualization # # # Zoneinfo # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-africa is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-asia is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-atlantic is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-australia-nz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-core is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-europe is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-india is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-northamerica is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-pacific is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-poles is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-simple is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_zoneinfo-southamerica is not set # # database # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pgsql-cli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pgsql-cli-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pgsql-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rrdcgi1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rrdtool1 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sqlite3-cli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unixodbc-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_adb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ap51-flash is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_at is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bandwidthd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bandwidthd-pgsql is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bandwidthd-php is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bandwidthd-sqlite is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_banhostlist is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bluelog is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bluez-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bluez-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bluez-utils-extra is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bonniexx is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bsdiff is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_bspatch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cal is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_canutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cgroupfs-mount is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_cmdpad is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_coap-client is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_coremark=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_coreutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_crconf is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_crelay is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_csstidy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ct-bugcheck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dbus is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dfu-util is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_digitemp is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_digitemp-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dmesg is not set # # Kernel features for Docker # CONFIG_DOCKER_KERNEL_OPTIONS=y # CONFIG_DOCKER_SECCOMP is not set # CONFIG_DOCKER_RES_SHAPE is not set # # Network # # CONFIG_DOCKER_NET_OVERLAY is not set # CONFIG_DOCKER_NET_MACVLAN is not set # CONFIG_DOCKER_NET_TFTP is not set # # Storage # # CONFIG_DOCKER_STO_EXT4 is not set # CONFIG_DOCKER_STO_BTRFS is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dropbearconvert is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dtc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_dump1090 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ecdsautils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_elektra-kdb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_evtest is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_extract is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fdt-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_file is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_findutils-find is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_findutils-locate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_findutils-xargs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flashrom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flashrom-pci is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flashrom-spi is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flashrom-usb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flent-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_flock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fritz-caldata is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fritz-tffs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ftdi_eeprom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gammu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gawk is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_getopt is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_giflib-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gkermit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gpioctl-sysfs is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gpiod-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gpsd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_gpsd-clients is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_grep is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hamlib is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_haserl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_haveged is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hub-ctrl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hwclock is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_hwloc-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_i2c-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iconv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iio-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_inotifywait is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_inotifywatch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_io is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_irqbalance is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwcap is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_iwinfo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_jq is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_jshn=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lcd4linux-custom is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lcdproc-clients is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lcdproc-drivers is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lcdproc-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_less is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_less-wide is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libimobiledevice-utils is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_libjson-script=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libplist-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsysrepo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libusbmuxd-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_libxml2-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lm-sensors is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lm-sensors-detect is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_logger is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_logrotate is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_look is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_losetup is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lrzsz is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lscpu is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lsof is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lxc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_lxc-unprivileged is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_maccalc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_macchanger is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mbedtls-util is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mbim-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mbtools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mcookie is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mmc-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_moreutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mount-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mpack is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_mt-st is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_namei is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netopeer2-cli is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netopeer2-keystored is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netopeer2-server is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_netwhere is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_nsenter is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_oath-toolkit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_open-plc-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_open2300 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openobex is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openobex-apps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openocd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_opensc-utils is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_openssl-util=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openzwave is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_openzwave-config is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_owipcalc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pciutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pcsc-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pcscd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pps-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_prlimit is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_procps-ng is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_progress is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_prometheus-node-exporter-lua is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_pv is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qmi-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_qrencode is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rclone is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_relayctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rename is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rng-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl-ais is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl-sdr is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_rtl_433 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sane-backends is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sane-daemon is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sane-frontends is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_setserial is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_shadow-utils is not set CONFIG_PACKAGE_shellsync=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sispmctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_slide-switch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_smartd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_smartmontools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_smartmontools-drivedb is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_smstools3 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sockread is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_spi-tools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_spidev-test is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_strace is not set CONFIG_STRACE_NONE=y # CONFIG_STRACE_LIBDW is not set # CONFIG_STRACE_LIBUNWIND is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_stress is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sumo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sysrepo is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sysrepocfg is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sysrepoctl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_sysstat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tar is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_taskwarrior is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tini is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tracertools is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_tree is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_triggerhappy is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_udns-dnsget is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_udns-ex-rdns is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_udns-rblcheck is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_ugps is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uledd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_unshare is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usb-modeswitch is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usbmuxd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usbreset is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_usbutils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uuidd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uuidgen is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_uvcdynctrl is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_v4l-utils is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_view1090 is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_watchcat is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_whereis is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_wifitoggle is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xsltproc is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_xxd is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_yanglint is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_yara is not set # CONFIG_PACKAGE_yunbridge is not set # # Xorg # # # font-utils # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_fontconfig is not set
  • matthewmccullough/dotfiles - My shell configuration
  • grrnikos/pma - Simple shell script that installs phpMyAdmin on a Laravel Homestead box.
  • hbthen3rd/dotfiles - [macOS] custom settings/theming for wm, bar, term, shell, editor, browser, etc.
  • kyle8998/Sudo-Productivity - Boost your "productivity" to the max! A fun project made for slackers by slackers.
  • jnwatts/ - Shell script wrapper around curl for sending messages through PushOver
  • Cyb0r9/winspy - WinSpy a Windows reverse shell Backdoor creator with an Automatic IP Poisener
  • thecasualcoder/kube-fzf - Shell commands using kubectl and fzf for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods.
  • yousefvand/shellman - vscode shell script snippet extension
  • powenn/AltServer-Linux-ShellScript - Make easier to use AltServer-Linux
  • zhwj184/shell-work - shell常用分析命令和脚本
  • rafritts/bunit - A unit testing framework for Shell scripts - namely Bash.
  • njhartwell/pw3nage - If you get pw3ned, might want to fix your shell
  • NapoleonWils0n/ffmpeg-scripts - ffmpeg shell scripts
  • dotzero/vagrant-debian-jessie - Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
  • cryptojuice/gobrew - Shell script to download and set GO environmental paths to allow multiple versions.
  • Upload-Academy/azerothcore-shell - ACBS is focused on making it easier to deploy AzerothCore and therefore private World of Warcraft 3.3.5a servers.
  • adityaathalye/shite - The little hot-reloadin' static site maker from shell.
  • LLNL/magpie - Magpie contains a number of scripts for running Big Data software in HPC environments, including Hadoop and Spark. There is support for Lustre, Slurm, Moab, Torque. LSF, Flux, and more.
  • FWDekker/mommy - mommy's here to support you, in any shell, on any system~ ❤️
  • mroth/evalcache - 🐣 zsh plugin to cache eval loads to improve shell startup time
  • jiangxianli/SSHAutoLogin - 一个使用expect免输入密码自动登录ssh的shell脚本,方便好用,适用Mac、Linux
  • EugeneDae/Force-Paste - Paste text even when not allowed (password dialogs etc) in macOS
  • matan-h/adb-shell - better adb shell
  • dylanaraps/promptless - 🚀 A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.
  • homebysix/jss-filevault-reissue - A framework for re-escrowing missing or invalid FileVault keys with Jamf Pro.
  • passcod/nvm-fish-wrapper - NVM wrapper for the fish shell - NOT MAINTAINED
  • junbaor/shell_script - 一键安装 shadowsocks,支持 chacha20-ietf-poly1305 加密方式
  • cyphunk/ - subjective but sensible defaults for shell use. Ubuntu, OSX, FreeBSD tested.
  • sharkdp/trigger - Run a user-defined command on file changes
  • bing0o/bash_scripting - bash scripting thing!
  • 4lgn/dotfiles - 🔧 .files - different setups separated in branches
  • logseq/git-auto - A Simple Shell Script To Do Git Commit And Push Automatically
  • kkkgo/UE-DDNS - Universal Embedded DDNS Shell Script
  • spf-tools/spf-tools - Shell scripts for taming the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records in order to fight 10-maximum-DNS-look-ups limit.
  • Anvil/bash-argsparse - An high level argument parsing library for bash
  • solidsnack/arx - Bundles code and a job to run for local or remote execution.
  • safebuffer/PE-Linux - Linux Privilege Escalation Tool By WazeHell
  • qbit/ohmyksh - A framework for OpenBSD's ksh
  • joukewitteveen/netctl - Profile based systemd network management
  • shubhampathak/autosetup - Auto setup is a bash script compatible with Debian based distributions to install and setup necessary programs.
  • scponly/scponly - The scponly pseudo-shell provides a file-transfer only shell for *Nix systems with optional support for using a chrooted environment.
  • jreinke/modgit - Shell script for Git module deployment with include/exclude filters.
  • shannonmoeller/up - Quickly navigate to a parent directory via tab-completion.
  • OutsideIT/FireMotD - 🔥 Fire Framework Linux MoTD Generator 🔥
  • marlonrichert/zsh-launchpad - 🚀 Simple, educational dotfiles template to get started with Zsh and learn about its features
  • echvoyager/shellclash_docker - 在任意Linux主机上, 利用Docker自动创建并配置虚拟OpenWrt路由容器以运行 juewuy's ShellClash 实现旁路由透明代理
  • suifei/fridare - 强大的 Frida 重打包工具,用于 iOS 和 Android。轻松修改 Frida 特征,增强隐蔽性,绕过检测。简化逆向工程和安全测试。Powerful Frida repackaging tool for iOS and Android. Easily modify Frida servers to enhance stealth and bypass detection. Streamlines reverse engineering and security testing.
  • Rasukarusan/shellnium - 💫 Selenium Webdriver for Bash (or Zsh).
  • mm2270/JamfProScripts - A collection of shell scripts created for use in Jamf Pro and elsewhere
  • kolbasa/git-repo-watcher - A simple bash script to watch a git repository and pull upstream changes if needed.
  • barnybug-archive/docker-fish-completion - ARCHIVED: docker command completion for the fish shell
  • wentmac/mysql_backup - mysql数据库定时增量和全量备份的shell
  • shiblisec/Rekon - The project contains multiple shell scripts for automating the tasks during recon.
  • excalibur1234/pacui - Bash script providing advanced Pacman and Yay/Pikaur/Aurman/Pakku/Trizen/Pacaur/Pamac-cli functionality in a simple UI
  • SpiderLabs/jboss-autopwn - A JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access
  • myplaceonline/posixcube - is a POSIX compliant, shell script-based server automation framework.
  • aqingsao/nana - A lightweight Nginx log analyzer written in shell(statistics of traffic/rate/response time/upstream servers/spiders/response codes)
  • anapsix/zabbix-haproxy - HAProxy Zabbix Discovery and Template
  • Mr-Linus/login-shell - SSH登陆显示脚本
  • hachibu/ - A simple shell script for managing your notes.
  • belgianbeer/tzdiff - Displays Timezone differences with localtime in CLI (shell script)
  • exceedhl/toft - toft is a library currently supporting testing infrastructure code such as chef, shell scripts with cucumber and lxc on linux machine
  • SimonBaeumer/shell-tricks - Simple bash tricks which make your life easier.
  • nhoffman/argparse-bash - Use python's argparse module in shell scripts
  • luischaparroc/holberton-system_engineering-devops - ⚙️ System Engineering and Devops training module
  • loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install - Alfresco script based install for Ubuntu
  • htr-tech/bash2mp4 - Video Downloader for Termux .
  • qdaxb/wtool - shell toolkit
  • muhmud/qsh - shell-based query tool
  • gavinlyonsrepo/cylon - A Terminal user interface for maintaining an Arch Linux distribution.
  • zpm-zsh/autoenv - Autoenv for zsh
  • unixorn/tumult.plugin.zsh - Tumult is a collection of macOS-specific functions and scripts for your shell environment. It is packaged as a ZSH plugin, but can be used with other shells as well.
  • mattmc3/zdotdir - My zsh config
  • aurasphere/mongodb-university-classes - Courseware and solutions of problems from MongoDB University's classes that I've attended.
  • xlucn/fontpreview-ueberzug - preview fonts in fzf
  • goodboy23/shell-script-collection - shell小框架,地址:
  • wschlich/bashinator - Bashinator: Bash Shell Script Framework
  • qzb/ - Human readable conditions for bash 👌
  • haideralipunjabi/polybar-kdeconnect - KDEConnect module for Polybar
  • SkypLabs/bsfl - Bash Shell Function Library
  • rafaelstz/simplesh - 🐧 Quick installation for Ubuntu terminal.
  • chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Arch - Porting Ubuntu's Unity Shell to Arch Linux
  • xwmx/hosts - A command line hosts file editor in one portable script.
  • nixcraft/domain-check-2 - Domain Expiration Check Shell Script Forked and Maintained by nixCraft
  • Diolinux/Linux-Mint-19.x-PosInstall - Shell Script de pós instalação do Linux Mint 19.x para utilização pessoal.
  • chesty/overlayroot - mounts an overlay file system over root
  • pathikrit/mac-setup-script - script to setup my mac
  • NullArray/MIDA-Multitool - Bash script purposed for system enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
  • cfg2html/cfg2html - cfg2html is a UNIX shell script similar to supportinfo, getsysinfo or get_config, except that it creates a HTML (and plain ASCII) system documentation for HP-UX, SCO-UNIX, AIX, Sun OS and Linux systems. Plug-ins for SAP, Oracle, Informix, Serviceguard, Fiber Channel/SAN, TIP/ix, OpenText (IXOS/LEA), SN Mass Storage like MAS, EMC, EVA, XPs, Network Node Manager and DataProtector etc. are included. The first versions of cfg2html were written for HP-UX. Meanwhile the cfg2html HP-UX stream was ported to all major *NIX platforms and small embedded systems.
  • rupa/j - semi clone of autojump ( in shell/awk
  • KnpLabs/symfony2-autocomplete - A very simple script to autocomplete Symfony2 commands in a bash shell.
  • hagen1778/grafana-import-export - shell scripts for importing and exporting Grafana's dashboards and datasources
  • BrodieRobertson/scripts - Messing around with shell scripting because it seems like fun, maybe you'll find something useful
  • bcyran/fancy-motd - Fancy, colorful MOTD written in bash. Server status at a glance.
  • samoshkin/tmux-plugin-sysstat - Prints CPU usage, memory & swap, load average, net I/O metrics in Tmux status bar
  • haxpor/aseprite-macos-buildsh - Automated script to create latest release app (either beta, or release whichever is newer) of Aseprite for macOS
  • coderofsalvation/powscript - transpiler written in bash: painless shellscript, indentbased, coffee for the shell with hipster-sparkles v1 BETA LANDED 🎉🎉🎉🎉 thanks fcard!
  • zma/usefulscripts - Useful shell scripts for Linux and macOS
  • Stratus3D/dotfiles - My dotfiles
  • midnit3Z0mbi3/Kali-Linux-OSINT-VM - Kali Linux OSINT VM. Build your own OSINT virtual machine with these shell scripts.
  • crasowas/app_store_required_privacy_manifest_analyser - A shell script used to analyze privacy manifests in the specified directory to ensure that your app complies with the App Store requirements.
  • trapd00r/zsh-syntax-highlighting-filetypes - zsh syntax highlighting with dircolors in realtime
  • sentora/sentora-installers - Provides a central place to store, version and distribute the Sentora installer and upgrade scripts from.
  • jetsonhacks/bootFromExternalStorage - Shell scripts to setup a NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier, Xavier NX, AGX Orin, or Orin Nano Developer Kit to boot from external storage.
  • itdoginfo/domain-routing-openwrt - Automatic configuration of Openwrt router for routing by domains. Ansible role and shell script
  • gmacario/easy-build - Collection of Dockerfiles for building embedded software distributions
  • Comcast/k8sh - A simple, easily extensible shell for navigating your kubernetes clusters
  • sloria/dotfiles - sloria's dotfiles as Ansible roles
  • rudiratlos/hotspot - shell script for setup and management of hotspot (hostapd) function on rpi plattform
  • rukshn/pomodoro - A simple pomodoro shell script
  • dysosmus/ansible-completion - Basic bash completion for Ansible
  • bkuhlmann/dotfiles - Shell scripts for applying default settings to UNIX-based operating systems.
  • miguelgfierro/scripts - A collection of useful shell scripts for Linux, Windows & Mac
  • katernet/darkmode - Set macOS dark mode and Alfred dark theme at sunset
  • tokyoneon/Arcane - Arcane is a simple script designed to backdoor iOS packages (iphone-arm) and create the necessary resources for APT repositories.
  • justinmayer/tackle - Collection of fish shell functions, modules, plugins, and themes
  • ash-shell/ash - 🐚 A Modular Bash Framework
  • ohmyzsh/wiki - Public repository to host the Oh My Zsh project wiki.
  • fmahnke/shell-semver - Increment semantic versioning strings in Bash shell scripts.
  • fenglh/IPABuildShell - IPABuildShell 一个强大的、轻量的 iOS 自动打包工具,无需手动指定授权文件和证书
  • cornerpirate/socat-shell - Socat can be used to establish a reverse shell with bash tab completion and full shell functionality
  • codenameyau/sed-awk-cheatsheet - Things you can do with sed and awk
  • busterc/xcv - ✂️ Cut, Copy and Paste files with Bash
  • zmalltalker/fish-nuggets - Completions, code snippets helping you to get even more out of the amazing Fish shell
  • vcheckzen/FamilyCloudSpeederInShell - [ 天翼家庭云/天翼云盘提速 Shell 版 ] A Shell Implementation of FamilyCloudSpeeder, ESurfing
  • sp1thas/dropboxignore - It's all about the missing .dropboxignore file.
  • utsanjan/Tsunami-Bomber - A simple but powerful OTP SMS and Call flooding script with unlimited sending capability, written for Linux-based terminals using Bash Scripting.
  • thecyberneh/scriptkiddi3 - Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3, A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.
  • djeada/Bash-Scripts - A collection of Bash scripts for automating routine tasks and streamlining your workflow.
  • White-Raven/PowerEdge-shutup - shell ballgag for Dell servers, tested working with G11 and G12, G13 and G14 too but with conditions**.
  • torokmark/ - ❗ Assertion lib for shell script users
  • OneCDOnly/create-autorun - Create an autorun environment on your QNAP NAS
  • lucascbeyeler/zmbackup - A reliable software written in Shell Script to help you in your daily task to backup and restore mails and accounts from Zimbra Open Source Email Platform. Project in deprecation process. Please help me with Waddles.
  • shellbound/jwalk - Streaming JSON parser for Unix
  • cytopia/thunar-custom-actions - Custom actions for Thunar (or Nautilus) File manager
  • vercel/install-node - Simple one-liner shell script that installs official Node.js binaries
  • silvio/docker-matrix - docker image for
  • pstadler/ - Collect and forward metrics using portable shell scripts
  • kenzok8/Trojan - Trojan onekey install shell Trojan && trojan.go一键脚本
  • alex7kom/nvm-fish - Node Version Manager for fish shell - NO LONGER MAINTAINED, DO NOT USE - Use instead to wrap the original nvm.
  • jwilk/ - this URL is also malicious(?!) shell script
  • jgamblin/quickinstall - A Shell Script To Take Care Of Ubuntu Basics
  • kdeldycke/dotfiles - 🍎 macOS dotfiles for Python developers.
  • icy/bocker - Write Dockerfile completely in Bash/Bourne. Extensible and simple.
  • gazorby/fifc - 🐠 Configurable fzf completions for fish shell
  • rcmdnk/sentaku - Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command.
  • connermcd/gtd - A simple shell script for effective time management.
  • 0rax/fish-bd - Quickly go back to a parent directory up in your current working directory tree. Don't write 'cd ../../..' redundantly, use bd instead.
  • gmarik/ - Bash shell script for getting/posting code snippets (gists) from/to
  • yankeexe/git-worktree-switcher - Switch between git worktrees with speed. ⚡
  • liungkejin/Bash-Games - LINUX终端下的贪吃蛇(Snake), 屏保(ClockSaver), 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)游戏(使用Bash shell编写)
  • rpranshu/EternalView - EternalView is an all in one basic information gathering and vulnerability assessment tool
  • luckylz2git/exfat-synology - Perfect shell scripts to auto mount exfat disk partition on Synology DiskStation NAS (x86 platform), and more post-mount functions are coming soon! Use this at your own risks.
  • kh4sh3i/smartrecon - smartrecon is a powerful shell script to automate the recon and finding common vulnerabilities for bug hunter
  • jhubig/FritzBoxShell - Some shell scripts for controlling and checking the Fritz!Box/Fritz!Repeater
  • sjl/z-fish - A fork of to port it to the Fish shell.
  • narze/dotfiles - macOS / Linux / Codespaces compatible dotfiles with 1-line setup script. Tested on Apple Silicon Macs. Supports both zsh and fish. Managed with Chezmoi
  • mediabots/Linux-to-Windows-with-QEMU - One Script for Auto installation of Windows Server into a Linux Server. Script would install Windows Server 2012 R2 evaluation copy (180 days free trial). A power shell script to enable Remote Desktop + Firefox installer attached into the CD-ROM.
  • FarrowStrange/hetzner-api-dyndns - A small script to dynamically update DNS records using the Hetzner DNS-API.
  • dmi3/bin - Useful scripts and configs for Linux users
  • blueimp/shell-scripts - A collection of (mostly POSIX compatible) shell scripts.
  • wulabing/SSR-manyuser_glzjin_shell - sspanel v3 魔改版 后端一键安装配置管理脚本
  • wujun728/jun_linux - Docker镜像大礼包,Linux运维安装工具及脚本,K8S构建,各个环境构建部署等,包括不限于于shell、python,运维脚本、docker脚本、各种工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、pg、apache、php、redis、tomcat、gcc、gitlib、mq、dfs、k8s、jdk等
  • tengla/sqlite3-to-mysql - Make an Sqlite3 export MySQL readable.
  • kward/log4sh - log4sh is an advanced logging framework for Unix shell scripts.
  • yousefvand/shellman-ebook - Guide on shell scripting with Shellman vscode snippet
  • vinhnx/Ciapre-Xcode-theme - An easy on the eyes Xcode color scheme, ported from Ciapre Sublime Text.
  • nodesocket/cryptr - A simple shell utility for encrypting and decrypting files using OpenSSL.
  • pschmitt/pia-tools - Shell script to automate privateinternetaccess port forwarding and starting/stopping transmission when connected/disconnected and other stuff
  • sunlei/zsh-ssh - Better host completion for ssh in Zsh.
  • roosta/tmux-fuzzback - Search your tmux scrollback buffer using fuzzy matching
  • RenatGilmanov/shell-script-template - Simple (and hopefully useful) shell script template
  • OzzyCzech/dotfiles - This is a collection of my personal dotfiles for configuring macOS.
  • kobe1941/shell - 一个根据linkMap文件计算Xcode里各个工程代码占安装包大小的工具
  • Ethical-Hacking-Zone/shellphish - An Official Re-Upload Of The ShellPhish Tool In Github
  • rsvp/speedtest-linux - Get download/upload speeds via or from command line using Bash script -- suitable for logs. POSIX OSX Linux
  • darth-hp/yeelight-shell-scripts - Control Xiaomi Mi Yeelight (RGB) with bash scripts
  • snwh/fedora-post-install - A set of post-installation shell scripts for Fedora
  • nickjj/notes - A zero dependency shell script that makes it really simple to manage your text notes.
  • luizm/action-sh-checker - A GitHub action that performs static analysis for shell scripts using shellcheck, shfmt and checkbashisms.
  • fjh1997/docker_named_volume_backup - easy shell script for backup & restore docker named volume
  • arzzen/calc.plugin.zsh - zsh calculator - with support for basic math
  • raphaelcohn/swaddle - swaddle creates RPM, Deb and tarball packages using shell script. Everything you need to package is in Source Control in simple directories. No rpminfo cruft, no DEB makefile hell. No Python, Ruby, Perl or other unnecessary stuff required
  • ramnes/context-color - 🌈 To each context its own shell color
  • kerolloz/go-installer - Go-Installer: Effortless Golang Installation with One Command! 🚀
  • tahmidrayat/ubuntu - Install ubuntu in Termux Without Rooted Device
  • mritd/shell_scripts - 常用的一些 shell 脚本
  • laughedelic/fish_logo - 🐠 Fish shell colorful ASCII-art logo
  • benmarten/Monokai_Fish_OSX - Monokai Theme for OS X Terminal & Fish Shell
  • aspiers/shell-env - Adam's shell environment (bash/zsh) including a bunch of handy home-made utilities
  • StanAngeloff/vagrant-shell-scripts - A collection of scripts to ease Vagrant box provisioning using the shell.
  • lordofwizard/mcserver - Free Minecraft Server hosting Shell Scripts, Works on Google Cloud Shell. Flawlessly
  • IcaliaLabs/kaishi - A shell script to convert any Mac OS X or Linux computer into a real development machine
  • hannob/tlshelpers - A collection of shell scripts that help handling X.509 certificate and TLS issues
  • connermcd/notes - Shell script for compiling pdf/html notes with pandoc.
  • 4bitfocus/asc-key-to-qr-code - Shell scripts to convert between ascii armor PGP keys and QR codes for paper backup
  • qfish/xproj - A shell script can batch adding compile flags like -fno-objc-arcor -fobjc-arc for all the files under the same dir by processing the project file.
  • LucasLarson/dotfiles - This is where the ♥️ is                                   at.
  • kkkgo/CloudXNS-DDNS-with-BashShell - The CloudXNS DDNS with BashShell
  • grml/grml-live - build system for creating a Grml (based) live system
  • devploit/put2win - Script to automate PUT HTTP method exploitation to get shell
  • chriskempson/base16-shell - Base16 for Shells
  • acxz/pokeshell - A featureful shell program to show pokemon sprites in the terminal.
  • vaamonde/ubuntu-1804 - 🔵 Curso GRÁTIS Linux Ubuntu Server 18.04.x LTS - REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações. Novo repositório: vaamonde/ubuntu-2004
  • tony/.dot-config - 📚 Example dot configs for tmux, tmuxp, vim, vcspull, i3 and awesome
  • jalendport/switch-php - Easily switch between PHP versions on your Mac. Requires Homebrew and works with Laravel Valet. 🔀
  • brigand/fast-nvm-fish - a wrapper around node version manager for fish shell with good performance
  • jimeh/zsh-peco-history - Search shell history with peco when pressing ctrl+r.
  • seebi/ - A multi-tool shell script for doing Semantic Web jobs on the command line.
  • theshteves/commit-bot - Automatically generates GitHub activity
  • theonemule/no-ip - A shell script that works as Dynamic Update Client (DUC) for
  • ssh0/dot - Simplest dotfiles manager written in shellscript 🐚
  • fengzmg/clean-my-mac - Shell Scripts to clean my mac
  • csev/uninstall-python3 - A Simple Shell Script to Uninstall Python 3 versions from Mac OS/X
  • basilioss/mdt - Command line markdown todo list manager
  • vijithassar/lit - a little preprocessor for literate programming
  • jaromaz/yosild - Yosild is a single shell script that builds a full, minimal Linux distribution based on BusyBox.
  • alphapapa/bucket - A bucket for your shell (like a set of registers, or a clipboard manager)
  • sheharyarn/dotfiles - 📦 My Configs and Dotfiles
  • jichu4n/fish-command-timer - Fish shell extension for printing execution time for each command.
  • virtualmin/virtualmin-install - Shell script to perform a Virtualmin GPL or Professional installation
  • pijarr/pijarr - A shell script to automate the installation and configuration of Jackett, Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Readarr, Prowlarr, and Bazarr on Debian based distros.
  • KhanhNguyen9872/Ninja_Server_Termux - Run Ninja School Server on Termux Android without Root
  • Kardelio/easy-dumpsys - Script that outputs this adb command: adb shell dumpsys activity <package> in a far smaller, easier & user-friendlier way...
  • JeanMertz/chruby-fish - Thin wrapper around chruby to make it work with the Fish shell
  • chrismdp/p - A simple yet powerful pomodoro tracker in pure Shell
  • triffid/pia-wg - Linux shell scripts for connecting to Private Internet Access VPN's Wireguard service
  • epomatti/wsl2-dns-fix-config - One-liner Shell script to setup your WSL to use Google DNS.
  • AndreBL/ip6neigh - Giving local DNS names to IPv6 SLAAC addresses [OpenWrt/LEDE shell script]
  • nickexyz/ntfy-shellscripts - A few scripts for the amazing ntfy project: (
  • miohtama/sublime-helper - sublime-helper is a shell script collection to setup Sublime Text configuration files and command line aliases based on predefined templates.
  • Jintin/aliasme - A shell script to memorize your command in command line.
  • Fakerr/goto - Navigate long command lines using a minimalistic char-based decision tree.
  • DevOpsHiveHQ/kubech - Set kubectl context/namespace per shell/terminal to manage multi Kubernetes clusters at the same time (it's parallel kubectx/kubens)
  • Manas140/sh - Collection Of My Sh Scripts.
  • Gh005t/Android-BruteForce - Its is a simple shell script that brute force Android Lock screen (When USB DEBUGGING is enable) its uses ADB tools FOR BruteForce
  • trozler/whereAmI - A short shell script that returns you your IPv4 address and its geolocation.
  • rsp/scripts - Random shell scripts for different tasks
  • PeterDaveHello/ColorEchoForShell - Make 🐚(shell) 's 💬 (echo) to be 🎨 easily ✨ Support ✅ sh ➕ bash ➕ zsh ➕ ksh ➕ 🐟 One simple command for vibrant text output! 💫
  • nordtheme/tilix - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Tilix color scheme.
  • muniao/SuperBigData - 大数据全栈学习【生态组件,技术栈,数据流,数据仓库,数据库,指标体系,血缘关系,元数据管理,数据质量,DataWorks,Hadoop,Spark,Flink,面试,笔记文档,实战练习,公共脚本,常用Shell脚本,Java,Scala,离线,实时,采集,计算,存储,可视化】
  • g-plane/pnpm-shell-completion - Complete your pnpm command fastly.
  • Dbz/kube-aliases - Kubernetes Aliases and Bash Functions
  • xOS/Shadowsocks-Rust - Shadowsocks-Rust 安装管理脚本
  • techwizrd/fishmarks - Bookmark and jump to directories faster than a sailfish! Fishmarks is a clone of bashmarks for the Fish shell.
  • sjhcockrell/gsd - WasteNoTime not working? A shell script to keep you distraction-free while you work.
  • rustrict/keenetic-traffic-via-vpn - A shell scripts that route traffic to specific network resources over the VPN on Keenetic routers.
  • illvart/termux-alpine - Bash script for installing Alpine Linux in Termux - 100 MB.
  • CHERTS/linux-scripts - Useful bash/shell scripts for Linux/Unix administrators
  • breinhart/Lua-In-Xcode - A shell script and xclanspec to add Lua syntax support in Xcode
  • BlazejosP/huawei-sun2000-API-CLI - Huawei SUN2000 compatible devices which working with Huawei Cloud Service command line bash API for monitoring or download data from their FusionSolarApp API
  • 07031218/normal-shell - 个人常使用的一些脚本集合
  • zeroQiaoba/ivector-xvector - Extract xvector and ivector under kaldi
  • pandengyang/ - 是用 Shell 写的一个简易的 docker,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,可用于学习 Docker 原理。
  • MoOx/setup - My setup... dotfiles, aliases, functions, preferences, apps. Everything.
  • janosgyerik/shellscripts - Convenient shell scripts for everyday use, written in Bash, Perl, awk, Python
  • mcthomas/Apple-Music-CLI-Player - A simple command-line Apple Music controller script which includes a "Now Playing" widget function, a playback function, and a list-out function for your Mac's library, written in sh.
  • g0r60n/InstaShell - InstaShell
  • decors/fish-ghq - ghq completion and keybinding for fish shell
  • dalibo/pitrery - DEPRECATED. PostgreSQL Point In Time Recovery made easy
  • blacklabelops-legacy/jenkins - Docker Jenkins Swarm-Ready with HTTPS
  • bash-c/main_arena_offset - A simple shell script to get main_arena offset of a given libc
  • Utappia/uCareSystem - An all-in-one, one click system maintenance application for Ubuntu/Debian operating systems and derivatives
  • owent/bash-shell - OWenT's Utils -- Bash&Shell branch
  • jlrodriguezf/WhatsPwn - Linux tool used to extract sensitive data, inject backdoor or drop remote shells on android devices.
  • decors/fish-colored-man - Color-enabled man pages plugin for fish-shell
  • PacktPublishing/Mastering-Linux-Shell-Scripting-Second-Edition - Mastering Linux Shell Scripting - Second Edition, published by Packt
  • nordtheme/konsole - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Konsole color scheme.
  • louwrentius/PPSS - Parallel Processing Shell Script
  • gwen001/ - Automation of tokens/api keys testing.
  • damphat/kv-bash - key/value database written in bash script (permanent variables in shell)
  • bookfere/KindleEar-Uploader - 适用于 GAE 云端 Shell 的 KindleEar上传脚本。
  • Bhupesh-V/dotman - dotman is a simple, elegant & easy to use dotfiles manager 🖖🏽
  • abemassry/wsend-gpg - Encrypted end to end file transfer
  • sakshamsharma/zpyi - The power of python in your Zsh - Unobtrusive and easy python scripting in shell
  • cipher387/grep_for_osint - GREP FOR OSINT is a set of very simple shell scripts that will help you quickly analyze a text or a folder with files for data useful for investigation (phone numbers, bank card numbers, URLs, emails and nicknames).
  • p-mng/proton-ge-custom-updater - Simple updater for custom Proton distributions.
  • neuronalmotion/qtrpi - An easy-to-use environment to cross-compile Qt applications for Raspberry Pi from your desktop.
  • mr-rizwan-syed/chomtesh - CHOMTE.SH is a powerful shell script designed to automate reconnaissance tasks during penetration testing. It utilizes various Go-based tools to gather information and identify the attack surface, making it a valuable asset for bug bounty hunters and penetration testers.
  • meribold/muccadoro - 🍅 Pomodoro timer using figlet, cowsay, and optionally lolcat 🐮
  • dyne/JaroMail - Terminal UI email client to download, filter, search and archive messages off-line
  • risuorg/risu - Automation Troubleshooting Framework to validate and report configuration, software installed, etc with bash, python, and your language of choice.
  • rickfarmer/android-vm - Automated provisioning and configuration of an Ubuntu VM containing the Android development environment, including Android ADT Bundle with SDK, Eclipse & the Android NDK using the Vagrant DevOps tool with Chef and shell-scripts.
  • ggustafsson/Tim - ⏰ Countdown timer with several modes written in Zsh shell script. ABANDONED PROJECT!
  • crclark96/ginh - ginh is not a histogram: visually evaluate your shell usage patterns
  • xtonousou/ship - A simple, handy network addressing multitool with plenty of features
  • vcheckzen/XunleiKuainiaoInShell - [ 迅雷快鸟 Shell 版 ] A Shell Implementation of Kuainiao, Xunlei
  • nordtheme/termite - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Termite color theme.
  • illiliti/tinyramfs - Tiny initramfs written in POSIX shell
  • gabrieldim/Shell-Scripts - Shell scripts about some basic topics, current time, calculator, sorting, restaurant and more.
  • digitoimistodude/dudestack - A toolkit for creating a new professional WordPress project with deployments. Originally based on Roots/bedrock.
  • wick3dr0se/snake - 🐍 A super minimal TUI snake game written in pure BASH v5.1+
  • vincetse/shellutils - A collection of command line utilities
  • reviewdog/action-shellcheck - Run shellcheck with reviewdog
  • nicolinuxfr/macOS-post-installation - Script d'installation et de configuration d'un Mac
  • duydo/evm - A Simple Elasticsearch Version Manager
  • ddddavidmartin/Pre-commit-hooks - A set of useful (and documented!) git pre-commit hooks.
  • tahmidrayat/Tbanner - Give A Awesome Look to your Termux App
  • sspreitzer/shellinabox-container-image - shellinabox Container Images
  • lonecloud/ssh-tools - 😭没找到好用的shell工具✌️自己实现类似Xshell的部分功能
  • jrodal98/watch-scripts - Execute shell commands on your Linux computer from your smartwatch!
  • daily-scripts/shell-scripts - my-scripts
  • brianreumere/gandi-automatic-dns - Dynamic DNS shell script for Gandi
  • zpm-zsh/ls - Zsh plugin for ls
  • tobiasBora/Scribd-downloader - A little shell script to download a pdf file from a scribd document. This script isn't perfect, but it's enough for me.
  • sirjaren/redoflacs - Parallel BASH commandline FLAC compressor, verifier, organizer, analyzer, and retagger
  • shellscriptx/shellbot - API em Shell Script para desenvolvimento de Bots na plataforma Telegram.
  • primaryobjects/vpndemon - Monitor a VPN connection on Linux and kill a process upon disconnect
  • jgigault/42MapGenerator - Generate FdF maps of the real world, the Earth's moon and the planet Venus for the project Fil de Fer
  • dominiksalvet/gitpack - Git-based package manager written in POSIX shell
  • zerobyte-id-bak/Bashter - Web Crawler, Scanner, and Analyzer Framework (Shell-Script based)
  • kevinSuttle/dotfiles - My humble list of ~/.dotfiles: an opinionated attempt for a cross-shell setup.
  • joehillen/to-fish - Bookmarks for Fish Shell
  • GideonWolfe/dots - 🌀 my linux configuration
  • codeforester/base - A simple framework for sharing Bash profiles, reusable shell libraries, and commands across hosts and teams. Contains builtin libraries for common functions like logging, error handling, and assertions. Built with SRE / DevOps teams in mind.
  • wilsonmar/git-utilities - :octocat: Shell scripts to work with git repos
  • SySS-Research/clone-cert - Simple shell script to "clone" X.509 certificates
  • spencertipping/cd - A better "cd" for bash
  • ryanpcmcquen/linuxTweaks - 🐧 A whole host of Linux tricks I have picked up over the years, in plain text. Some of them are even useful.
  • LytixDev/tomatoshell - Pomodoro timer in the shell
  • lgathy/google-cloud-sdk-fish-completion - Google Cloud Platform SDK command line utilities shell completion for fish
  • alebcay/pushblast - Get PushBullet notifications when a shell program exits.
  • toniblyx/alfresco-backup-and-recovery-tool - Alfresco BART is a tool written in shell script on top of Duplicity to do Alfresco backups and restore from a local file system, FTP, SCP or Amazon S3.
  • kewlbear/fdk-aac-build-script-for-iOS - Shell script to build fdk-aac for use in iOS apps.
  • cvmiller/v6brouter - IPv6 bridge and IPv4 router (NAT) shell script for OpenWRT
  • mikepqr/stowsh - A shell script to install and uninstall dotfiles using symlinks with almost no dependencies
  • zsenliao/shellMonitor - 一个 Linux 下基于 Bash 的文件和数据库监控及备份工具,可发送微信报警通知
  • vincentbernat/zshrc - My .zshrc
  • tlrobinson/ - A simple web server and Sinatra-like microframework written in shell script. Why? WHY NOT?
  • rcrowley/ - Pure-shell JSON parser
  • qbit/snap - OpenBSD upgrade tool (OpenBSD,Shell)
  • luminousmen/Kgif - :neckbeard: Tool for creating gif file from capturing active window.
  • jenslys/autovod - Automatically upload / streams in realtime to Youtube or a Rclone supported provider
  • terminalforlife/ShellProjects - Projects written in POSIX shell and BASH.
  • sbimochan/smart-commit - Commit with current branch name.
  • rafi/.config - Rafi's workstations (Archlinux, osx) ~/.config.
  • PatrickF1/ - Fish shell plugin to colorize man pages
  • nyarly/simplekey - Compatible shell scripts to make GnuPG more accessible and easier to use.
  • adaerr/reMarkableScripts - shell scripts to interact with the tablet from
  • ShellShoccar-jpn/kotoriotoko - KOTORIOTOKO (little bird man) -- Extremely Compatible and Sustainable Twitter Application Written in Shell Script
  • lime-desu/dootsfile - 🏠 - Personal Dotfiles (Managed by GNU Stow)
  • Jader/GreenBox - 🎲 娱乐项目,使用 Crontab 定时提交 Commits。点亮绿格子;对就是绿
  • giswqs/manjaro-linux - Shell scripts for setting up Manjaro Linux for Python programming and deep learning
  • filebot/plugins - Plugins and shell scripts for integrating 3rd party tools with FileBot
  • BlueSkyXN/DNS-AUTO-Switch - 自动检测服务器故障,并自动使用API修改并切换DNS解析,支持华为云DNS和CloudFlareDNS,支持TG·telegram机器人推送
  • wffls/waffles - Bash Configuration Management
  • sobolevn/wakatime-zsh-plugin - 🕒Track how much time you have spent in your terminal!
  • six-ddc/v2ex-shell-client - A v2ex command-line client for shell
  • ryanoasis/devicons-shell - 🔣 adds font icons (glyphs ★♨☢) to filetypes via bash (faux ls with icons)
  • mkropat/sh-realpath - A portable, pure shell implementation of realpath
  • Md-MamunAbdulKayum/shell-scripting-examples - This repository contains all the important shell/bash scripting examples (e.g. basic programming constructs, accessing database, reading properties file, file manipulation, etc) anyone may need.
  • garrylachman/covid19-cli - Corona Virus (Covid 19) BASH Tracking CLI
  • faif/shell-utils - Useful functions for POSIX shells (bash, ksh, tcsh, etc.).
  • dnkmmr69420/nix-installer-scripts - Various scripts to install the nix package manager. Also has installers for selinux systems and silverblue too.
  • alswl/.oOo. - dot files configuration (macOS & Linux), surfingkeys / tmux / screen / ideavimrc / phoenix / etc.
  • Xerbo/furaffinity-dl - FurAffinity Downloader, now with 100% more Python
  • muhasturk/ukupgrade - Upgrade latest kernel automatically for Ubuntu and derivatives such as Linux Mint. 🏃
  • gliyao/SketchToXcode - Exporting assets(App icon and icons) from sketch to your Xcode Images.xcassets via shell script.
  • gavinlyonsrepo/bashmultitool - A library for bash shell scripting containing useful helper functions.
  • fehawen/dotfiles - A better $HOME.
  • agnostic-apollo/sudo - A wrapper script to drop to the supported shells or execute shell script files or their text passed as an argument with superuser (root) context in termux
  • adsr/ - free shell account and web 1.0 hosting @
  • neurobin/JLIVECD - Live cd/dvd customization tool
  • mhausenblas/ - Learning Modern Linux book website
  • jacobproject/Shell_Scripts - Shell Scripts examples
  • hiAndrewQuinn/shell-bling-ubuntu - A few scripts to be run on a fresh-off-the-presses Ubuntu VM, in order to get its shell nice 'n purdy.
  • FSMaxB/lfs-me - Linux From Scratch made ( more ) easy. A simple, fakeroot based, package manager for LFS heavily inspired by Archlinux' package management.
  • fnando/dotfiles - My dotfiles
  • fangfufu/Converting-Arbitrary-Data-To-Video - Two shell scripts for converting arbitrary files into video format.
  • bolknote/shellgames - Some bash games
  • zgr0629/RedisDesktopManager-Mac - RedisDesktopManager compile shell, and compiled DMG file.
  • MadhavBahl/shebang-everything - Your unofficial guidebook to shell scripting, give this repo a ⭐ if it helped you :)
  • stps/mpv-ios-scripts - macOS shell script for cross-compiling libmpv for iOS
  • robb/dotfiles - Dotfiles to make computing personal.
  • narbehaj/bash-backup - Simple backup script for GNU/Linux servers
  • holman/bandwidth-friends - A shell script for macOS that makes sure you are being nice to your nice coffeeshop internet neighbors. 💖
  • garybgenett/gary-os - GaryOS is an entire GNU/Linux system in a single bootable file
  • eyedol/tools - Little codes here and there to automate some of my boring daily routines and configurations
  • danishprakash/goodreadsh - Command line interface for Goodreads
  • BLACK-SCORP10/Email-Vulnerability-Checker - Find Email Spoofing Vulnerablity of domains
  • ThePorgs/Exegol-images - Docker images of the Exegol project
  • rutchkiwi/copyzshell - A plugin for oh-my-zsh to copy your shell configuration to another machine over ssh.
  • Machou/Cloudflare-Block - Bash script that automatically activates Cloudflare's "I'm Under Attack!" mode if the server detects an attack.
  • KHP-Informatics/ngseasy - Dockerised Next Generation Sequencing Pipeline (QC, Align, Calling, Annotation)
  • jordantrizz/cloudflare-cli - CLI utility managing CloudFlare services using CloudFlare API
  • joewalnes/go-getter - Like 'go get' but with pinned package versions. A tiny shell script.
  • jnewland/kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey - Randomly delete pods in a given namespace
  • esemeniuc/ezpptp - Easy PPTP VPN setup script for Debian based VPS
  • aluxian/fish-kube-prompt - ⎈ kubectl context/namespace in your fish shell prompt
  • zfl9/ss-tproxy - 搭建 SS/SSR/V2Ray/Trojan/Socks5 透明代理的 Shell 脚本
  • slashbeast/better-initramfs - Small and reliable initramfs solution supporting (remote) rescue shell, lvm, dmcrypt luks, software raid, tuxonice, uswsusp and more.
  • Staubgeborener/klipper-backup - Klipper backup script for manual or automated GitHub backups. Lightweight, pragmatic and comfortable.
  • xcdkz/YT-Feeder - Rofi-Based YouTube RSS Reader
  • ValeriyKr/sfb - Flappy Bird clone, written in sed
  • mattstauffer/syncCraft - Simple shell script to sync Craft DB & assets down locally
  • kvz/ochtra - One Commit Hook To Rule All
  • tripflex/inodes - Bash/Shell script to count inode usage
  • soraxas/shsh - A multi-threaded manager for shell scripts, functions, standalone binaries, tab-completions, and more.
  • mohatb/kubectl-exec - kubectl-exec is a shell script getting a shell into your kuberntes nodes.
  • geerlingguy/JJG-Ansible-Windows - [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  • bdamele/unix-privesc-check - Shell script that runs on UNIX systems (tested on Solaris 9, HPUX 11, various Linux distributions, FreeBSD 6.2). It detects misconfigurations that could allow local unprivileged user to escalate to other users (e.g. root) or to access local apps (e.g. databases). This is a collaborative rework of version 1.0
  • gheift/ - a linux shell script to sign certifactes by the letsencrypt CA
  • GArik/bash-completion - programmable completion for the bash shell
  • dwmkerr/dotfiles - My personal setup. Vim, Tmux, Shells, etc.
  • dawsbot/swim - 🏊‍♀️ Switch between multiple vimrc files
  • davidramiro/gpay-gms-patch - 💳 Shell script to make Google Pay work on rooted Android devices
  • tobykurien/NSA_b_gone - A Linux shell script to improve your privacy online
  • kristapsk/bitcoin-scripts - Various shell scripts, mainly to be used together with Bitcoin Core (bitcoind or bitcoin-qt) wallet. Fake coinjoin, ricochet, poor man's cli block explorer.
  • jgamblin/MacOS-Config - Simple Shell Scripts I Use To Tweak MacOS To My Liking.
  • dlang/installer - dmd installers for various systems
  • caarlos0-graveyard/jvm - Never manually change your JAVA_HOME again
  • slim-bean/loki-shell - How to use Loki to store and centralize your shell history from anywhere and search it using ctrl-r and fzf
  • roperzh/heroku-buildpack-hugo - Heroku buildpack for Hugo, the static site generator -
  • philipyoo/holbertonschool-sysadmin_devops - Practicing basic shell scripts
  • opencultureconsulting/openrefine-batch - Shell script to run OpenRefine in batch mode (import, transform, export). It orchestrates OpenRefine (server) and a python client that communicates with the OpenRefine API.
  • nwutils/nwjs-shell-builder - NW.js (node-webkit) shell script builder and packager scripts
  • Mehran/tweetshell - Multi-thread Twitter BruteForcer in Shell Script
  • javier-lopez/shundle - shundle is a plugin manager for general purpose shells
  • Ardakilic/backmeup - BackMeUp: An automated MySQL / MariaDB databases and files backup solution on *nix Machines using Amazon S3, WebDAV (ownCloud / NextCloud etc.), Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • 4lgn/word-lookup - Shell script to lookup the definition of currently selected word and send a dunst notification with the definitions
  • WuOtto/MacImagesetGenerator - 2个脚本文件,帮助你在Mac上,生成Xcode可使用的APP图标和启动图。
  • rcrowley/ - Mustache in POSIX shell
  • n-ivkovic/tspreed - Terminal RSVP speed reader with Spritz-like functionality written in POSIX-compliant shell
  • jeekkd/iRedMail-scripts - Scripts for the administration of iRedMail without iRedAdmin
  • flaupretre/sysfunc - A sysadmin-oriented shell library
  • audibleblink/gorsh - A Golang Reverse Shell w/ a Tmux-driven psuedo-C2 Interface
  • dyne/Tomb - the Crypto Undertaker
  • joestandring/dwm-bar - A modular statusbar for dwm
  • tsk-tsk/tsk-tsk - TSK - The Scripting Kit
  • alicfeng/AShell - 开发者常用脚本shell
  • skissane/mkjail - Shell script to create a chroot jail on Mac OS X
  • arzzen/pert - A simple command line (bash/shell) utility to estimate tasks using PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique]
  • MvsCode/frps-onekey - Frps 一键安装脚本&管理脚本
  • bittorf/kalua - hardware-independent openWRT-extension (using POSIX-shell as main-language) for setting up, monitor and manage many, large wifi-mesh-networks for different locations including billing, captive portal / splash screen / weblogin, accounting, data retention and layer7/8-QoS
  • AdrianDC/advanced_development_shell_tools - Advanced Development Shell Tools -
  • AdnanHodzic/android-sdk-installer - Linux utility which aims to automatically install and configures Android SDK, Eclipse ADT Plugin, adds hardware support for devices and enables full MTP support.
  • WritingMinds/ffmpeg-android - FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi and lame (Supports Android 4.1+)
  • pontikis/bash-cloud-backup - bash-cloud-backup is a set of bash scripts, which can be used to automate local and cloud backup in Linux/Unix machines.
  • wklken/bash-utils - utils for shell
  • rugk/borg-cron-helper - Helper shell scripts for BorgBackup to automate backups and make your life easier… 😉
  • rik2803/aws-sts-assumerole - Bash script to easily set shell environment with temporary access tokens using a config file and the AWS credentials file
  • mogensen/keychain - Bash script to access the osx keychain, for use in shell scripts.
  • dokku/plugn - Hook system that lets users extend your application with plugins
  • M1Screw/Airport-toolkit - Cat's Shell Script for "Airport" operator
  • BLACK-SCORP10/Email-Vulnerablity-Checker - Find Email Spoofing Vulnerablity of domains
  • bggo/Zmbkpose - The zmbkpose tool is a shell script that does hot backup and hot restore of ZCS Opensource accounts, GPL(OPENSOURCE). It can run from any host in the net, which means that it can be set on a backup server already existent.
  • 0rax/fishline - A powerline prompt framework for the fish-shell built in fish-shell.
  • cdown/clipmenu - Clipboard management using dmenu
  • hphde/yeelight-shell-scripts - Control Xiaomi Mi Yeelight (RGB) with bash scripts
  • abs0/wargames - Shell script to simulate the W.O.P.R. computer from WarGames (wopr)
  • cfgnunes/nautilus-scripts - A set of scripts for extending the functionality of the GNOME Files (Nautilus), Caja and Nemo file managers.
  • ajmalsiddiqui/dotfiles - My Book of Arcane Magic. :')
  • adityashrm21/RaspberryPi-Packet-Sniffer - An HTTP and HTTPS sniffing tool created using a Raspberry Pi
  • sudar/wp-plugin-in-github - Collection of shell scripts that I am using to manage and deploy WordPress Plugins from github into svn
  • asb/sh-todo - A minimal todo-list manager written in POSIX shell
  • fagiani/shellstack - ShellStack is a collection of bash scripts to install apps on ubuntu linux
  • zdharma-continuum/zinit - 🌻 Flexible and fast ZSH plugin manager
  • spiritLHLS/lxd - 通过LXD命令批量或单独开设NAT服务器以及维护(简称母鸡开小鸡)(Bulk or individual NAT server provisioning and maintenance via LXD commands)
  • owent-utils/bash-shell - OWenT's Utils -- Bash&Shell branch
  • twpsx/YT-Feeder - Rofi-Based YouTube RSS Reader
  • monitisexchange/Monitis-Linux-Scripts - Shell Script to Extend or Automate Monitis
  • flick0/dotfiles - dotfiles go brrr
  • p3nguin-kun/penguinRice - 🍙 p3nguin-kun's Auto Rice Bootstrapping Script
  • icyphox/repl - 🐚 an instant REPL for any command
  • bilyboy785/seedbox-compose - A complete script to deploy Seedbox with Docker fully automated !
  • 6gk/ - 🐢 a fetch written in posix shell without any external commands (sponsored by
  • pythops/jetson-nano-image - Create a minimalist, Ubuntu based image for Nvidia jetson nano board
  • DevOpsHiveCloud/kubech - Set kubectl context/namespace per shell/terminal to manage multi Kubernetes clusters at the same time (it's parallel kubectx/kubens)
  • Integralist/Shell-Scripts - Collection of custom utility shell scripts
  • Statemood/jenkins - Jenkins Shell & Pipeline scripts for FreeStyle & Pipeline jobs
  • juewuy/ShellClash - One-click deployment and management of Clash services using Shell scripts in Linux environment
  • simonwhitaker/gibo - Easy access to gitignore boilerplates
  • johannchangpro/ - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature for the z jump around command.
  • aabouzaid/kubech - Set kubectl context/namespace per shell/terminal to manage multi Kubernetes clusters at the same time (it's parallel kubectx/kubens)
  • zhenruyan/codefont - 60余种常用的等宽字体 愉快的code吧 欢迎issues我 收录更多字体 Happy code bar with more than 60 common fonts of equal width. Welcome issues. I include more fonts.
  • Superbil/build-lame-for-iOS - Build lame for iOS
  • freedev/macosx-script-boot-shutdown - This project is useful to execute a shell script during Mac OS X boot or shutdown.
  • bltavares/kickstart - Agentless configuration manager in Bash
  • abemassry/wsend - wsend: The opposite of wget
  • bytesking/AutoPacking-iOS - iOS自动打包脚本 多项选择 一行上传指定位置
  • two-six/YT-Feeder - Rofi-Based YouTube RSS Reader
  • YunoHost/install_script - YunoHost installation scripts
  • emarref/webicon - Generate favicon and touch icons via a shell script
  • charlyie/resmushit-cli - CLI client for : the Free Image Optimization API. Image optimizer shell script.
  • madcoda/dotenv-shell - Use Dotenv in everything
  • johannchangtw/ - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature for the z jump around command.
  • hamvocke/dotfiles - A collection of my personal dotfiles
  • WazeHell/PE-Linux - Linux Privilege Escalation Tool By WazeHell
  • htr-tech/ubuntu - Install ubuntu in Termux Without Rooted Device
  • htr-tech/Tbanner - Give A Awesome Look to your Termux App
  • Autorevision/autorevision - A script for extracting version information useful in release/build scripting.
  • sebastiandg7/my-linux-setup - Common shell configs, aliases, apps & more.
  • mempodippy/snodew - PHP root (suid) reverse shell
  • brgmnn/fish-docker-compose - Fish shell completions for docker-compose
  • al0ne/MacCheck - 一个Mac下信息搜集小脚本 主要用于信息搜集/应急响应/检测挖矿进程/异常进程/异常启动项
  • licess/lnmp - LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon、Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux VPS或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx/MySQL/PHP)、LNMPA(Nginx/MySQL/PHP/Apache)、LAMP(Apache/MySQL/PHP)生产环境的Shell程序。
  • b4b4r07/enhancd - 🚀 A next-generation cd command with your interactive filter
  • changyuheng/ - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature for the z jump around command.
  • spiritLHLS/lxc - 通过LXD/LXC命令批量或单独开设NAT服务器以及维护(简称母鸡开小鸡)(Bulk or individual NAT server provisioning and maintenance via LXD/LXC commands)
  • AGou-ops/dotfiles - My personal dotfiles, about neovim, zsh shell, tmux...
  • samoshkin/docker-letsencrypt-certgen - Docker image to generate, renew, revoke RSA and/or ECDSA SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt CA using certbot and clients in automated fashion
  • mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme - Heavily customizable, compatible, and fast ZSH theme framework.
  • dnmfarrell/jp - Validate and transform JSON with Bash
  • dagon666/napi - Napi Projekt Client and Subotage subtitle format converter both written in bash
  • reconquest/shdoc - Documentation generator for shell scripts (bash, sh, zsh). Javadoc for shell scripts.
  • wombat94/EFIClone - macOS Shell Scripts to clone the EFI partition automatically from either Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! when run on a Hackintosh
  • Drapegnik/env - 🔧 Repo for storing my environment settings, dotfiles and etc.
  • ryanuber/ - Create simple, text-based slide decks in your shell
  • pothi/backup-wordpress - Shell scripts to take remote (and local) backups of WordPress (database and files) to S3 compatible cloud storages via server cron.
  • caarlos0/dotfiles - Config files for ZSH, Java, Ruby, Go, Editors, Terminals and more.
  • codigofuerte/GeoNames-MySQL-DataImport - Shell Script to download and import dumps into a mysql database.
  • terminalforlife/Extra - Projects written in Bourne Shell and BASH.
  • yangwenmai/learning-kubernetes - Learning Kubernetes ServiceMesh Istio
  • ryncsn/ - A POSIX compatible JSON parser and query tool, within 60 lines of codes, only requires sed. Compatible with bash, dash, zsh, busybox and any other POSIX shell.
  • leongrdic/wsl-alias - create aliases for Linux commands in Windows command line (for WSL)
  • christianbaun/ossperf - A lightweight tool for analyzing the performance and data integrity of object-based storage services
  • l0b0/tilde - Linux home directory configuration and utilities
  • brandonweiss/ - A Pure-inspired prompt for fish shell.
  • bradleymackey/turbo-boost-disable - Shell wrappers and instructions for disabling Intel Turbo Boost on macOS
  • kaa1bhairav/EternalView - EternalView is an all in one basic information gathering and vulnerability assessment tool
  • Gisto/nwjs-shell-builder - NW.js (node-webkit) shell script builder and packager scripts
  • ruvnet/openai_devops - This script is a command-line tool that utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo to generate shell commands based on user input. The script also features a loading animation and provides summaries of command outputs.
  • santoshbaggam/stacker - Hassle-free server setup for Developers
  • hakerdefo/check-my-net - A stupidly simple shell script to check & diagnose internet connectivity issues.
  • clburlison/scripts - 💡 A collection of random scripts.
  • narcello/findead - 🔍 Dead react components finder
  • yonchu/shell-color-pallet - Show color pallet for zsh/bash on 16 and 256 color terminal
  • mhauri/generate-modman - Shell script to generate modman files for Magento Extensions
  • arcticicestudio/nord-tilix - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Tilix color scheme.
  • arcticicestudio/nord-termite - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Termite color theme.
  • arcticicestudio/nord-konsole - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Konsole color scheme.
  • zdwork/k8s-install - kubernetes集群安装脚本
  • xr09/cron-last-sunday - Run a cron task the first, nth or last weekday of the month
  • qbit/dotfiles - Dotfile framework for make greater good of dotfiles (Shell)
  • limboinf/myshell - 写的常用Shell小工具,运维小脚本等
  • kickstarter/laptop - A shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine
  • jonhoo/streamsh - Download online video streams using shell
  • Dieterbe/libui-sh - a shell library providing useful UI functions
  • arcticicestudio/nord-gnome-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant GNOME Terminal color theme.
  • chriscool/sharness - Shell library to test your Unix tools like Git does
  • arcticicestudio/nord-xfce-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Xfce Terminal color theme.
  • outime/ipv6-dhclient-script - IPv6 w/ dhclient configuration script (Debian/RedHat-based distros)
  • adafruit/Adafruit-Pi-ExternalRoot-Helper - A shell script to configure a USB drive as root filesystem.
  • pronoiac/tarsnap-cron - Cron scripts (bash/shell) for tarsnap backup, including scheduled deletion of old backups.
  • mattiabasone/tuning-primer - MySQL performance tuning primer script (with MariaDB patch)
  • emirozer/nixarmor - nixarmor is a linux hardening automation project
  • asciimoo/ali - Smart shell alias replacement
  • stablestud/adsorber - Ad-blocker for Linux systems purely built on POSIX-compliant shell scripts.
  • realeroberto/bashlets - An experiment in extending the command-line interface.
  • doubaokun/dockers - Docker hello world templates
  • travisg/toolchains - Shell script to build gcc for various architectures
  • shinriyo/breeze - git tool for fish-shell
  • emerleite/mongo-migrate - MongoDB Migration using shell
  • el1t/statusline - Responsive powerline-esque zsh theme
  • capitalone/bash_shell_mock - A shell script mocking utility/framework for the BASH shell
  • paulirish/dotfiles - paul's shell, git, etc config files. also homebrew, migration setup. good stuff.
  • gf3/dotfiles - Configurations for the tools I use every day
  • caarlos0/ - my dotfiles
  • oliverlew/fontpreview-ueberzug - preview fonts in fzf
  • alexanderepstein/Sandman-Lite - A Lightweight Script Built With Late Night Developers In Mind
  • PaulKinlan/chromium-android-installer - Install Chromium Test Shell on Android
  • shibli2700/Rekon - The project contains multiple shell scripts for automating the tasks during recon.
  • jorgebucaran/pyenv - Pyenv support plugin for fish-shell
  • djjoa/genshell - Genshell: The atomatic copy-and-paste oneline reverse shell generator. Just add args!
  • sundowndev/covermyass - Shell script to cover your tracks on UNIX systems. Designed for pen testing "covering tracks" phase, before exiting the infected server. Or, permanently disable system logs for post-exploitation.
  • burrsutter/scripts-istio - My bash shell scripts for easy demo'ing of
  • Fleshgrinder/nginx-sysvinit-script - Linux Standard Base compliant SysVinit script for nginx.
  • ronalde/mpd-configure - Bash scripts to assist users of mpd to configure it as an audiophile bit perfect music player.
  • RicterZ/shell-blog - My blog
  • clhenrick/shell_scripts - Bash shell scripts for batch GeoProcessing using GDAL & OGR2OGR
  • kitabisa/ssb - Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server
  • paul-nelson-baker/git-openssl-shellscript - Shellscript to compile git with OpenSSL
  • mjambon/reasonable-shell-script - Because shell scripts don't have to be terrible
  • lebensterben/awesome-clear-linux - Let's make Clear Linux distribution great
  • illusori/bash-itunes - Shell script to control iTunes from the command-line.
  • dryruner/imagecrawler - An image crawler implemented in shell script
  • aizk/shell - bash shell script.
  • Oreomeow/VIP - 🏃‍💨 Gone
  • hertg/egpu-switcher - 🖥🐧 Setup script for eGPUs in Linux (Xorg)
  • bianjp/archlinux-installer - Shell scripts that help install and setup Arch Linux
  • martinburger/bash-common-helpers - Helper functions commonly used when writing shell (for instance, Bash) scripts.
  • betweenbrain/linux-stuff - A collection of Linux tricks, tips, shell scripts, and general knowledge collected from around the web and from my own personal turmoil of breaking stuff and having to fix it.
  • soffes/dotfiles - ~soffes
  • gawlk/art - 🎨 A smart theme generator
  • dparoli/hrsync - rsync backup with a bit of magic, decting moved and renamed files
  • Doriedson/mario-shellscript - Game do Mario Bros em Shell Script
  • agross/dotfiles - My dotfiles.
  • OliverLew/fontpreview-ueberzug - preview fonts in fzf
  • Madh93/conky-spotify - 🎵 Show current Spotify track in Conky (Cover, title...)
  • easonjim/centos-shell - CentOS常用Shell
  • treffynnon/Benchmark-PHP-HHVM-Zephir - Benchmark PHP, HHVM and Zephir
  • pmalves/ctools-installer - Shell script that installs the CTools
  • Bilalh/shellmarks - Directory bookmarks for the shell
  • azohra/shell-linter - A Github Action for ShellCheck
  • ankitvad/goto - Linux Shell 'cd' replacement tool. cd on steroids, with fuzzy file finder and a directory bookmark saver.
  • 12moons/ec2-tags-env - ☁️ Import AWS EC2 tags as environment variables
  • Mayccoll/Gogh - Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal and Pantheon Terminal
  • unixorn/git-extra-commands - A collection of git utilities and useful extra git scripts, packaged for ease of use with shell frameworks, though they aren't required.
  • 2moe/tmoe-linux - Without any basic knowledge of linux shell, you can easily install and configure a GNU/Linux graphical desktop environment on 📱Android termux and 💻WSL .🍰You can also run VSCode on your android phone.
  • oscm/shell - Infrastructure Management Shell - Linux
  • changyuheng/fz - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature for the z jump around command.
  • IntergalacticPenguin/mobile-toolkit - 📱 Command line tool for Android & iOS device management
  • SixArm/sixarm_zsh_config - → Z shell → zsh configuration
  • oh-my-fish/packages-main - Primary Oh My Fish package repository.
  • talwat/pokeget - pokeget is a bash script you can use to display cool sprites of pokemon in your terminal.
  • helderburato/dotfiles - ⚙️ Setup a macOS environment quickly and easily!
  • mxmnk/shell - shell
  • reale/bashlets - An experiment in extending the command-line interface.
  • BeginMan/myshell - 写的常用Shell小工具,运维小脚本等


A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries and software.






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