Application for undelete demonstration under ext4 fs
MAKE: This application is using e2fslibs. If you want to make this application, you will need e2fslibs-dev package.
Type make to build this app.
RUN: To run this application, just type ./ext-undelete and help info will be printed to your screen.
EXAMPLE: To undelete file, which had before unlink process inode number 12, and was stored on /dev/sda2 partition type:
./ext-undelete /dev/sda2 -i 12
If undeleted file contains zero bytes in the end of file and you want to remove them, just add -s option:
./ext-undelete /dev/sda2 -i 12 -s
File is going to be stored in out.undeleted file in the same directory, as you executed this app. If you wanna select different filename, specify it by -o option.
./ext-undelete /dev/sda2 -i 12 -s -o /tmp/hello.txt
You can also undelete file by its filename, but file's parent dictionary must exist! (file named hello.txt was created in root of /dev/sda2)
./ext-undelete /dev/sda2 -n /hello.txt -s -o /tmp/hello.txt
ATTENTION: Please make sure, before using ext-undelete, unmount partition from which you want to undelete file.
TESTS: Scripts for testing undelete are under scripts folder. Please read README file in scripts folder to learn, how to execute scripts.