This is a small project to fetch data from BCB (Brazilian Central Bank) to get all exchanges rates between a currency and BRL
go install
# OR
go install[email protected]
brl-rate-get -help
Usage of brl-rate-get:
To get yesterday closing currency
To get a range of closing currency rates
To get last rate of a currency
brl-rate-get -get usd
2023/11/05 09:17:38 Found 5 records of price..
|# BRL EUR #|
|# ==== #|
|# Buy: 5.2474 #|
|# 1,00 Sell: 5.2500 #|
|# #|
| Rate Date 2023-11-03 |
To get a range of data from April first until April 10 use
brl-rate-get -range usd 2022-04-01 2022-04-10
2023/11/04 21:28:58 Found 30 records of price..
2023/11/04 21:28:58 Found 6 records of fechamento price..
2023/11/04 21:28:58 Writing a file.
File saved usd_brl_2022-04-01-2022-04-10.csv