This artifact is available on Zenodo:
To create the docker image from the Dockerfile:
sudo service docker start
tar -czvf uclid.tar.gz uclid_artefact
sudo docker build -t uclid_image -f Dockerfile .
sudo docker run -i -t uclid_image /bin/bash
You are then inside the docker container.
cat uclid_image.tar.gza* >uclid_image.tar.gz
docker load -i uclid_image.tar.gz
docker run -i -t uclid_image /bin/bash
The docker image mounts a folder containing the following directories and files:
- uclid_artefact/Readme.txt - a duplicate of this readme
- uclid_artefact/bin - precompiled binaries for UCLID5, Z3, CVC4, CVC5, and delphi. The docker image automatically adds this to the path.
- uclid_artefact/tool_paper_examples - scripts to run all of the examples in the tool paper
- uclid_artefact/uclid - the source code for UCLID5
- uclid_artefact/artifact.pdf - a PDF giving details of all the examples in the artifact