An instruction level translator for RISC-V binaries.
The current version of the translator uses a Uclid5 interface for modeling. To use this, you will need to install Uclid5 (use the experimental-modifies branch where the old operator in the ensures statements are fixed -- Feb.24.2020) and riscv-gnu-toolchain from riscv. Make sure you have an alias to the riscv disassembler (riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump).
To build the project, run:
cargo build
To generate a model of a function in a binary, run the following command:
./target/debug/riscverifier /path/to/binary -f function_to_verify -i ignored,functions,list -o outputfile.ucl
This will generate a Uclid5 model of the function in assembly by recursively finding all the functions called by function_to_verify, generate a procedure for each, including its basic blocks, but ignore the functions specified by the -i flag. The ignored functions are replaced by a stub Uclid5 procedure.
Note that the base models without specifications have no quantifiers. The SMT models are in QF_ABV (June.7.2020). The option for Uclid5 to run with the external solver is -s. For example:
uclid -s "cvc4 --incremental --lang smt2 --force-logic=ALL" model.ucl
To recompile and run VERIV:
cargo run ~/workspace/verification/build/ -f pmp_set -i printm,poweroff -s spec_file.rvspecs -o output.ucl
To run with the built binary:
./target/debug/riscverifier ~/workspace/verification/veriv/build/ -f pmp_set -i poweroff,printm -s spec_file.rvspecs -o output.ucl
To turn on debugging, prefix the commands above with RUST_LOG="debug" (or whichever level of debugging you prefer).
The -s option allows the user to write a C-like specification that is then translated to the RV binary level.
For references, here is an informal grammar description:
# := number
<SpecFile> := <FuncSpec>*
<Ident> := r"\w([0-9]\w)*" (alphanumeric identifier starting with an alphabet)
<FuncSpec> := 'fun' <Ident> '{' <Spec>* '}'
<Spec> := 'ensures' <BExpr> ';' |
'requires' <BExpr> ';' |
'modifies' <Ident>* ';'
<BExpr> := <BExpr2> <InfixBoolOp> <BExpr> |
<PrefixBoolOp> <BExpr> |
<*>? <VExpr> <CompOp> <*>? <VExpr> |
<BExpr2> := 'true' | 'false' | '(' <BExpr> ')'
<VarDecl> := <Ident> ':' <TypeDecl>
<TypeDecl> := 'bv#' // (e.g. bv64)
<InfixBoolOp> := '||' | '&&' | '==>'
<PrefixBoolOp> := '!' |
'forall' '(' VarDecl ')' '::' |
'exists' '(' VarDecl ')' '::'
<CompOp> := '>' | '<' | '>_u' | '<_u' |
'>=' | '<=' | '>=_u' | '<=_u'
<VExpr> := <VExpr> <ValueOp1> <VExpr2> |
<VExpr> '[' <VExpr> ']' | // (array index)
<VExpr> '.' <Ident> | // (struct get field)
<VExpr> '[' # ':' # ']' // (slicing; e.g. [0:31])
<ValueOp1> := '+' | '-' | '^' | '&' | '|'
<VExpr2> := <VExpr2> <ValueOp2> <Term> |
<ValueOp2> := '/' | '*' | '>>' | '>>>' | '<<'
<Term> := '$tt' | '$ff' | # | #bv# | 'old(' <VExpr> ')' | <Ident>
Handle indirect jumps?
Separate the data and stack memory sections into mem_stack and mem_data
Add forall into the specificaiton language
Add option to manually specify the modifies set
Add deref and ref in specification language
Write spec language (syntax and semantics) document
Support for floating point registers
Mar 4 2022
- For RISC-V architectures, use the following options for debugging information and the base instruction set:
-g -gdwarf -fno-jump-tables -march=rv64imafd -mabi=lp64d
Feb 25 2020
- Verify pmp_set in the security monitor
Feb 24 2020
- Re-factored the code; there is a general translator for all DWARF formats and verification IRs/languages. Implemented a C DWARF parser and Uclid5 interface.
- Automatically inferrs the global variables and macro helper functions for array indexing and struct field operations via globals and function arguments.
- Implemented a specification language that is automatically translated.
Jan 6th 2020
- Adding support for global variables including primitive, array, and struct types
- Adding support for specification language
Jan 4th 2020
- Added condition for correct return "ensures (pc == old(ra)[63:1] ++ 0bv1);"
- Moved old_mem == mem constraint to assumption at the beginning of functions
- Added verify for each procedure in control block (commented out), e.g.
- f1 = verify(function1);
- fn = verify(functionn);
- check;
- print_results;
- Assumptions added: ensures (pc == old(ra)[63:1] ++ 0bv1) if ra is modified or (pc == ra[63:1] ++ 0bv1) if it isn't.