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Abdul Rehman edited this page Mar 6, 2023 · 5 revisions



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Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums


This is the function that has been used for xml conversion to array.



This class is used for cls visibility.


This class is used for encryption decryption.

Table of Contents

isValidEmail()  : mixed

Check if an email address is valid.

checkPhoneNo()  : int

Check if the given string is a valid phone number.

sanitizeEmail()  : string

Sanitize an email address.

sanitizeString()  : string

Sanitizes a string by removing multiple spaces, stripping tags, and escaping special characters.

gen_uuid()  : string

Generates a UUID / unique ID of specified length

getUserRequest()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Retrieves user request data from $_GET and $_POST.

datediff()  : string

It is the function that has been to find difference between two dates in diffrent units like month,year and days.

strIntoComma()  : string

Converts a string into a comma-separated list of values, removing extra spaces and newlines.

getDatesListFromRange()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Generates a list of dates between a given start and end date.

xml2array()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Convert an XML string to a nested array.

xmltoArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function that is used to convert xml into array.

array2xml()  : string

This function has been used to convert array to xml.

short_string()  : string

Shorten a string to a specified length.

findtext()  : string

Find a substring within a string between two given substrings and update the starting index.

findtextnew()  : string

This function has been used to find text (new function : to find between substrings).

getAttribute()  : string

Extracts the value of the specified attribute from an HTML/XML tag.

removecomments()  : string

Remove comments and specific tags from a string.

removephrase()  : string

Removes a specified phrase from a given string.

getSmartyTemplate()  : object

Find and get the Smarty template or retrieves an instance of the Smarty template engine with appropriate settings and assigns common global variables.

strtodate()  : string

Converts a date string to the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.

datetostr()  : string

Converts a date string in the format MM/DD/YYYY to a string in the format YYYYMMDD000000.

dayafter()  : string

This function has been used to convert date.

f_random()  : string

Generates a random string with specified length and type.

redirect_header()  : void

Redirects to a given URL with an optional message and delay time.

f_date()  : string

Format date in given format

trimWhiteSpace()  : string

Trims whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.

removeCDATA()  : string

Removes CDATA tags from a given string

validXMLChr()  : string

Removes invalid characters from XML content.

removeHighAscii()  : string

Removes high ASCII characters from the input string and replaces them with spaces.

remfiles()  : bool

Deletes all files in the given directory that match the specified pattern.

writeFile()  : bool

Write data to a file

uc_unique()  : string

This function has been used to return unique number.

GUID64_encode()  : string

Encodes an integer using base 64 and returns a string of a specified size.

GUID64_decode()  : int

Decodes a base-64 encoded GUID string into a decimal number.

uc_unique_rev()  : mixed

This function has been used to reverse unique no.. Decode a unique string generated with uc_unique.

dec2string()  : string|false

Converts a decimal number to a string representation in the given base.

string2dec()  : string|false

Convert a string in a given base to a decimal number.

getMicroTime()  : float

Returns the current Unix timestamp with microseconds

getTimeByTimezone()  : string

Returns the current time in the specified time zone.

setAssessmentDateTime()  : string

Sets the assessment date and time based on a specified timezone option.

getEndDate()  : string

Get the end date based on the start date, end date or number of days.

isDatePassed()  : bool

Check if the given date has already passed based on the given timezone.

joinPaths()  : string

This is the function that has been used to join paths.

addProtocol()  : string

Add a protocol to a URL if it does not already have one.

rprint_r()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Recursive version of print_r that returns the result as an associative array.

__ucd()  : void

Outputs the given variable for debugging purposes only if the server name is 'localhost'.

str2Assoc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Convert a string to an associative array

ucIsset()  : bool

Check if a variable is set and not empty, and optionally compare it to a given value.

ucInStr()  : bool

This is the function that has been used to return haystack.

ucTblStr()  : string

Create a table row from an array of data.

ucItemsByArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This is the function that has been used to return array by uc items.

get_string_between()  : string

Returns a string between two delimiters in a larger string.

ucArrayByItem()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Return an associative array indexed by a specific item in a nested array.

strToHex()  : string

Convert a string to its hexadecimal representation.

hex2bin()  : string

Converts a hexadecimal string to its binary representation.

generateAuthToken()  : string

Generates an authentication token using AES-256-CBC encryption.

extractAuthToken()  : string|null

Extracts a string from an encrypted token generated using generateAuthToken function.

array_merge_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Merge two arrays, optionally recursively.

array_keys_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns all the keys or specific keys of an array, optionally filtered by value.

array_unique_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Removes duplicate values from an array.

count_uc()  : int

Counts the number of elements in an array.

array_change_key_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns a new array with the keys changed to the value of the specified key in the original array

multi_array_sort()  : mixed

Sorts a multidimensional array by a specified key

obfuscate_link()  : string

Obfuscates a given link by encoding it using base64 and rawurlencode.

unobfuscate_link()  : string

Converts a number of seconds into a human-readable string

seconds2human()  : string

This is the function that has been used to convert seconds to human.

friendlyDate()  : string

Returns a human-readable string representing the time elapsed since the provided timestamp

formatISBN()  : string

Format a given ISBN number into a standard format with hyphens.

addToArchive()  : void

Adds files from a directory to a ZIP archive.

dateafter()  : string

Returns the date after a specified number of days after a given date.

timezoneDoesDST()  : bool|int

Check if the given timezone observes Daylight Saving Time (DST).

get_time_difference()  : string

Calculates the time difference between two time values

convertToUTC()  : int

Convert a given time to UTC time

generateAccessToken()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Generates an access token for a client with the given ID and email.

verifyAccessToken()  : string

Verify the access token using JWT decode

refreshAccessToken()  : object|bool

This is the function that has been used to refresh access token.

friendlyguid()  : string

Converts a GUID to a more friendly format by replacing confusing characters.

getUserIP()  : string

Get the user's IP address.

array_column_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This is the function that has been used to get columns of array.

bin2ip()  : string

This is the function that has been used to get bin from IP.

removeStrSpace()  : string

Removes whitespace characters from a string.

json_validate()  : mixed

Validate a JSON string and return the decoded result.

resizeImage()  : void

Resize an image and save it to the specified path.

uf_findkey()  : string

Find the key from a string

utf8json()  : string

Encode an array to UTF-8 encoded JSON string

getContentsGUIDs()  : mixed

Function to get contentGUIDs based on filters

getDisabledGuids()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Remove elements from an array based on keys present in another array.

removeInvisible()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function eliminate invisible guids from the question list

delete_from_coverage()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Deletes a given content GUID from a coverage array.

setAnswerSeq()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Sets answer sequence for an array of answers.

getAnswerSeqStr()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns the answer sequence string based on the given parameters.

get_grade_formula_default()  : string|array<string|int, mixed>

Get the default grade formula in a JSON-encoded string or as an array

get_grade_scale_default()  : string|array<string|int, mixed>

Returns the default grade scale as a JSON string or array.

get_course_config_default()  : mixed

It is the function that has been used to get default config detail.

get_coverage_default()  : string

Returns the default coverage for a course, in JSON format.

getTestName()  : string

Returns the name of a test based on its type and optional details.

zfill()  : string

Pads the given number with leading zeros until it reaches the given length.

get_range()  : mixed

Returns a value within a specific range, or a default value if not set

get_default()  : mixed

Returns a default value if the primary value is empty, else returns the primary value.

replaceconst()  : string

Replaces constants in a string with their corresponding values.

replaceimage()  : string

Replaces images in a string with secure URLs, if necessary.

replacelinebreak()  : string

Replace line break tags and syntax tags with proper

 tags for syntax highlighting

byte2array()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Converts a byte to an array of bits, using a given default array as a template.

arrayFilterBasedOnKey()  : mixed

array2byte()  : string

This function is used to convert array into byte.

get_ddl_data_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function is used to get ddl data.

getFlashCardContentSubtypes()  : mixed

Get FlashCard content subtypes.

extractArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function is used to extract array.

unsetArrayData()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function is used to unset array data.

findexts()  : string|void

Returns the file extension of a given filename

get_file_extension()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Get the file extension and name from a file path.

getSeqList()  : array<string|int, mixed>

A function to Get Sequence List of Guid.

getOrderType()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function is used to get order type.

calcPrice()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Calculate the net price and discount information based on the given data.

extractLicence()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string

Extracts license information from an array of licenses.

findtextnew_withouttrim()  : string|false

Searches for a string between two other strings in a given string

findContentImage()  : array<string|int, mixed>

This function is used to find content image.

findAssets()  : array<string|int, mixed>

It is the function that has been used to detect assets.

findSpanGuids()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Extracts GUIDs from tags in the given string.

findDevices()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Find all device images in a string.

api_convert_test_session_options2array()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Convert test session options from integer to an associative array.

api_convert_test_session_array2options()  : int

Convert test session options array to binary format.

api_convert_assignment_schedule_options2array()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Convert an assignment schedule options integer to an associative array.

api_convert_assignment_schedule_array2options()  : array<string|int, mixed>

It is the function that has been used to convert test session array into options.

score2grade()  : string

A function for score to grade.

result2grade()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Converts a set of results to grades based on a given grade scale.

getCurrentOSFromServer()  : string

Returns the current operating system from the server.

json_encode_uc()  : string|false

Encode the given data as JSON with support for encoding Unicode characters

json_decode_uc()  : mixed

Decodes a JSON string and returns the resulting value.

rand_uc()  : int

Generate a random number within a given range.

strip_all_tags_uc()  : string

A function for to strip tags.

file_get_contents_uc()  : string|false

Read entire contents of a file into a string

debug_backtrace_uc()  : array<string|int, mixed>

A function for to get debug trace.

sanitize_title_with_dashes_uc()  : string

Sanitizes a title, replacing whitespace and a few other characters with dashes. * Limits the output to alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and dash (-).

file_get_contents_curl()  : string

Retrieve the contents of a URL using cURL.

create_redis_key()  : string

Generates a Redis key using a given string value and prefix.

get_sys_mac_address()  : string|null

Retrieve the MAC address of the current system.

array_merge_preserve()  : array<string|int, mixed>

Merge arrays while preserving keys.

__ucc()  : mixed

This is the function that has been used to debug and print data in jigyaasa.

generateNewPassword()  : string

Generates a new random password.

getLMSPlatformIDFromURL()  : string

Returns the LMS platform ID based on the given URL.

kelvinToCelsius()  : mixed



functions.php : 20

Check if an email address is valid.

isValidEmail(string $email[, bool $ignore_number = false ]) : mixed


$email : string

The email address to check.

$ignore_number : bool = false

Optional. Whether to ignore numbers or not. Default is false.

Return values

mixed —

Returns the email address if valid, false otherwise.


functions.php : 48

Check if the given string is a valid phone number.

checkPhoneNo(string $str) : int


$str : string

The phone number to be checked.

Return values

int —

Returns 1 if the phone number is valid, otherwise returns 0.


functions.php : 61

Sanitize an email address.

sanitizeEmail(string $email) : string


$email : string

The email address to be sanitized.

Return values

string —

The sanitized email address.


functions.php : 72

Sanitizes a string by removing multiple spaces, stripping tags, and escaping special characters.

sanitizeString(string $str) : string


$str : string

The string to be sanitized.

Return values

string —

The sanitized string.


functions.php : 88

Generates a UUID / unique ID of specified length

gen_uuid([int $len = 8 ][, string $salt = 'ucertify' ]) : string


$len : int = 8

The desired length of the ID (defaults to 8)

$salt : string = 'ucertify'

The salt to use for generating the ID (defaults to 'ucertify')

Return values

string —

The generated unique ID


functions.php : 111

Retrieves user request data from $_GET and $_POST.

getUserRequest([array<string|int, mixed> $data = array() ][, bool $isStrip = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$data : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

The data array to populate with request values.

$isStrip : bool = true

Whether to strip tags from request values or not (defaults to true).

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The populated data array.


functions.php : 149

It is the function that has been to find difference between two dates in diffrent units like month,year and days.

datediff(string $interval, string $datefrom, string $dateto[, string $using_timestamps = false ]) : string


$interval : string

denotes interval.

$datefrom : string

denotes datefrom.

$dateto : string

denotes dateto.

$using_timestamps : string = false

denotes using_timestamps.

Return values

string —

as whole response of function.


functions.php : 253

Converts a string into a comma-separated list of values, removing extra spaces and newlines.

strIntoComma([string $str = '' ]) : string


$str : string = ''

The string to convert.

Return values

string —

The comma-separated list of values.


functions.php : 268

Generates a list of dates between a given start and end date.

getDatesListFromRange(string $start, string $end[, string $format = 'Y-m-d' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$start : string

Start date in 'Y-m-d' format

$end : string

End date in 'Y-m-d' format

$format : string = 'Y-m-d'

Date format for the output list, defaults to 'Y-m-d'

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

List of dates between the start and end date


functions.php : 290

Convert an XML string to a nested array.

xml2array(string $xml) : array<string|int, mixed>


$xml : string

The XML string to convert.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The resulting nested array.


functions.php : 337

This function that is used to convert xml into array.

xmltoArray(string $xml) : array<string|int, mixed>


$xml : string

denotes xml string.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 459

This function has been used to convert array to xml.

array2xml(string $mainTag, string $ary[, string $id = '' ]) : string


$mainTag : string

denotes mainTag.

$ary : string

denotes ary.

$id : string = ''

is the id.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 504

Shorten a string to a specified length.

short_string(string $str[, int $length = 80 ], int $direction[, bool $remove_single_quote = true ]) : string


$str : string

The string to shorten.

$length : int = 80

The maximum length of the shortened string.

$direction : int

The direction from which to shorten the string. 1 for left, 2 for right, 0 for both sides.

$remove_single_quote : bool = true

Whether or not to remove single quotes from the string.

Return values

string —

The shortened string.


functions.php : 538

Find a substring within a string between two given substrings and update the starting index.

findtext(string $str, string $fstr, string $lstr, string $i) : string


$str : string

denotes str.

$fstr : string

denotes fstr.

$lstr : string

is the lstr.

$i : string

is the i.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 552

This function has been used to find text (new function : to find between substrings).

findtextnew(string $str, string $fstr, string $lstr, string &$i) : string


$str : string

denotes str.

$fstr : string

denotes fstr.

$lstr : string

is the lstr.

$i : string

is the i.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 591

Extracts the value of the specified attribute from an HTML/XML tag.

getAttribute(string $strmle, string $tag, string $attribute, int &$i) : string


$strmle : string

The input string containing the tag.

$tag : string

The name of the tag to extract the attribute from.

$attribute : string

The name of the attribute to extract.

$i : int

The index to start searching for the tag.

Return values

string —

The value of the specified attribute, or an empty string if the attribute is not found.


functions.php : 646

Remove comments and specific tags from a string.

removecomments(string $str) : string


$str : string

The input string.

Return values

string —

The modified string.


functions.php : 665

Removes a specified phrase from a given string.

removephrase(string $str, string $keystart, string $keyend) : string


$str : string

The string to remove the phrase from.

$keystart : string

The starting phrase to remove.

$keyend : string

The ending phrase to remove.

Return values

string —

The resulting string with the phrase removed.


functions.php : 701

Find and get the Smarty template or retrieves an instance of the Smarty template engine with appropriate settings and assigns common global variables.

getSmartyTemplate([string $templatedir = 'layout/templates' ][, string $basedir = false ][, string $usesitename = true ]) : object


$templatedir : string = 'layout/templates'

denotes templatedir.

$basedir : string = false

denotes basedir.

$usesitename : string = true

is the usesitename.

Return values

object —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 788

Converts a date string to the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.

strtodate([string $str = '' ]) : string


$str : string = ''

The date string to convert.

Return values

string —

The formatted date string


functions.php : 811

Converts a date string in the format MM/DD/YYYY to a string in the format YYYYMMDD000000.

datetostr([string $date = '' ]) : string


$date : string = ''

The date to convert. If empty, the current date and time will be used.

Return values

string —

The date string in the format YYYYMMDD000000.


functions.php : 834

This function has been used to convert date.

dayafter(string $date, int $dayafter) : string

Returns the date that is a certain number of days after a given date. If no date is specified, defaults to the current date.


$date : string

The starting date (format: 'YYYYMMDD').

$dayafter : int

The number of days after the starting date.

Return values

string —

The resulting date (format: 'YYYYMMDD000000').


functions.php : 875

Generates a random string with specified length and type.

f_random([int $a_digit = 5 ][, int $a_rantype = 1 ]) : string


$a_digit : int = 5

The length of the random string.

$a_rantype : int = 1

The type of random string: 1 for alphanumeric, 2 for alphabetic, 3 for numeric.

Return values

string —

The generated random string.


functions.php : 918

Redirects to a given URL with an optional message and delay time.

redirect_header(string $url[, int $time = 3 ][, string $message = '' ]) : void


$url : string

The URL to redirect to.

$time : int = 3

The delay time in seconds before redirecting (default is 3 seconds).

$message : string = ''

The message to display (default is an empty string).

Return values

void —


functions.php : 955

Format date in given format

f_date(string $dt[, string $fmt = 'd-M-y' ]) : string


$dt : string

Date string to format

$fmt : string = 'd-M-y'

Format string (default: 'd-M-y')

Return values

string —

Formatted date string


functions.php : 974

Trims whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.

trimWhiteSpace(string $str) : string


$str : string

The input string to remove CDATA tags from

Return values

string —

The resulting string with CDATA tags removed


functions.php : 985

Removes CDATA tags from a given string

removeCDATA(string $str) : string


$str : string

The input string to remove CDATA tags from

Return values

string —

The resulting string with CDATA tags removed


functions.php : 1004

Removes invalid characters from XML content.

validXMLChr(string $content) : string


$content : string

The XML content to validate.

Return values

string —

The validated XML content.


functions.php : 1033

Removes high ASCII characters from the input string and replaces them with spaces.

removeHighAscii(string $content) : string


$content : string

The input string to sanitize.

Return values

string —

The sanitized string with high ASCII characters replaced with spaces.


functions.php : 1049

Deletes all files in the given directory that match the specified pattern.

remfiles(string $path, string $match) : bool


$path : string

The directory to search for files in.

$match : string

The pattern to match file names against.

Return values

bool —

Returns true if all files were successfully deleted, false otherwise.


functions.php : 1073

Write data to a file

writeFile(string $file, string $data) : bool


$file : string

The file path to write to

$data : string

The data to write to the file

Return values

bool —

True on success, false on failure


functions.php : 1091

This function has been used to return unique number.

uc_unique(int $ctime[, int $base = 36 ][, bool $is_rand = true ][, int $size = 8 ]) : string

Generates a unique ID based on the current time and optionally a random number.


$ctime : int

The current time as a Unix timestamp. If not provided or 0, the current time will be used.

$base : int = 36

The numeric base to use for the encoding. Defaults to 36.

$is_rand : bool = true

Whether to include a random number in the unique ID. Defaults to true.

$size : int = 8

The desired size of the unique ID. Defaults to 8.

Return values

string —

The generated unique ID.


functions.php : 1116

Encodes an integer using base 64 and returns a string of a specified size.

GUID64_encode(int $i[, int $size = 2 ]) : string


$i : int

The integer to encode.

$size : int = 2

The desired size of the resulting string. Default is 2.

Return values

string —

The base 64 encoded string.


functions.php : 1127

Decodes a base-64 encoded GUID string into a decimal number.

GUID64_decode(string $s) : int


$s : string

The base-64 encoded GUID string to decode.

Return values

int —

The decimal number representation of the GUID.


functions.php : 1143

This function has been used to reverse unique no.. Decode a unique string generated with uc_unique.

uc_unique_rev(string $string[, int $base = 36 ][, bool $is_rand = true ][, int $size = 8 ]) : mixed


$string : string

The unique string to decode.

$base : int = 36

The number base to use for decoding the string. Default is 36.

$is_rand : bool = true

Whether the unique string includes random characters. Default is true.

$size : int = 8

The number of characters in the unique string. Default is 8.

Return values

mixed —

Returns the decoded timestamp (and random characters, if applicable) as a string or integer.


functions.php : 1171

Converts a decimal number to a string representation in the given base.

dec2string(string $decimal, int $base[, bool $firstalpha = false ]) : string|false


$decimal : string

The decimal number to convert.

$base : int

The base to use for the string representation.

$firstalpha : bool = false

Whether to include the first alphabetical characters in the charset.

Return values

string|false —

The string representation of the decimal number in the given base, or false if an error occurred.


functions.php : 1218

Convert a string in a given base to a decimal number.

string2dec(string $string, int $base) : string|false


$string : string

The input string.

$base : int

The base of the input string.

Return values

string|false —

The decimal number as a string on success, false on failure.


functions.php : 1266

Returns the current Unix timestamp with microseconds

getMicroTime() : float

Return values

float —

The current Unix timestamp with microseconds


functions.php : 1279

Returns the current time in the specified time zone.

getTimeByTimezone([string $time_zone = 'Europe/London' ][, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ]) : string


$time_zone : string = 'Europe/London'

The time zone to use, default is 'Europe/London'.

$format : string = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

The date/time format to return, default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

Return values

string —

The current time in the specified time zone, formatted according to the specified format.


functions.php : 1298

Sets the assessment date and time based on a specified timezone option.

setAssessmentDateTime(string $date, string $time, string $timezone_option) : string


$date : string

The date in the format 'Y-m-d'.

$time : string

The time in the format 'H:i' or 'H:i:s'.

$timezone_option : string

The timezone option to use, specified as a time offset or timezone string.

Return values

string —

The assessment date and time in the format 'Y-M-d H:i:s'.


functions.php : 1316

Get the end date based on the start date, end date or number of days.

getEndDate([string $start_date = '' ][, string $end_date = '' ][, bool|int $days = false ]) : string


$start_date : string = ''

The start date in string format ('Y-m-d').

$end_date : string = ''

The end date in string format ('Y-m-d').

$days : bool|int = false

The number of days to add to the start date.

Return values

string —

The end date in the format 'Y-m-d', or an empty string if no date is found.


functions.php : 1339

Check if the given date has already passed based on the given timezone.

isDatePassed(string $new_date[, string $time_zone = 'Europe/London' ]) : bool


$new_date : string

The date to be checked in string format ('Y-m-d H:i:s').

$time_zone : string = 'Europe/London'

The timezone identifier in which to check the date.

Return values

bool —

True if the given date has already passed, false otherwise or if an exception occurred.


functions.php : 1358

This is the function that has been used to join paths.

joinPaths() : string

Return values

string —

as whole response of function.


functions.php : 1386

Add a protocol to a URL if it does not already have one.

addProtocol(string $url[, string|false $protocol = false ]) : string


$url : string

The URL to add a protocol to.

$protocol : string|false = false

The protocol to add to the URL. If false, the function will attempt to determine the protocol automatically.

Return values

string —

The URL with the protocol added.


functions.php : 1408

Recursive version of print_r that returns the result as an associative array.

rprint_r(mixed $in) : array<string|int, mixed>


$in : mixed

The input variable to print.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The result as an associative array.


functions.php : 1459

Outputs the given variable for debugging purposes only if the server name is 'localhost'.

__ucd(mixed $a[, bool $isDie = 1 ][, bool $isPre = 1 ]) : void

It is print_r with

tags in it running on only local server *


$a : mixed

The variable to output.

$isDie : bool = 1

Whether to terminate the script after outputting the variable.

$isPre : bool = 1

Whether to wrap the output in a

tag for better readability.

Return values

void —


functions.php : 1480

Convert a string to an associative array

str2Assoc(string $str[, string $sep_1 = ',' ][, string $sep_2 = '|' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$str : string

The string to convert

$sep_1 : string = ','

The separator used to split the string into key-value pairs

$sep_2 : string = '|'

The separator used to split each key-value pair

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The resulting associative array


functions.php : 1498

Check if a variable is set and not empty, and optionally compare it to a given value.

ucIsset(mixed $v[, mixed $val = false ]) : bool


$v : mixed

The variable to check.

$val : mixed = false

The value to compare $v to (optional).

Return values

bool —

Returns true if $v is set and not empty (and optionally equal to $val), false otherwise.


functions.php : 1515

This is the function that has been used to return haystack.

ucInStr(string $needle, string $str[, string $delimiter = ',' ]) : bool

Searches for the occurrence of a string within a comma-separated list of strings.


$needle : string

The string to search for.

$str : string

The comma-separated list of strings to search in.

$delimiter : string = ','

The delimiter used to separate the strings.

Return values

bool —

True if the string is found in the list, false otherwise.


functions.php : 1533

Create a table row from an array of data.

ucTblStr(mixed $arr[, bool $thead = false ][, bool $istr = false ]) : string


$arr : mixed

The data to be used to create the table row. Can be an array or a string.

$thead : bool = false

Whether the row is a table header row.

$istr : bool = false

Whether to wrap the row in tags.

Return values

string —

The HTML string representing the table row.


functions.php : 1577

This is the function that has been used to return array by uc items.

ucItemsByArray(array<string|int, mixed> $items, string $item) : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns an array of values from an array of associative arrays *


$items : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of associative arrays

$item : string

Key name to retrieve from each associative array

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

Array of values for the given key name


functions.php : 1595

Returns a string between two delimiters in a larger string.

get_string_between(string $string, string $start, string $end) : string


$string : string

The larger string to search in.

$start : string

The starting delimiter.

$end : string

The ending delimiter.

Return values

string —

The substring between the two delimiters.


functions.php : 1619

Return an associative array indexed by a specific item in a nested array.

ucArrayByItem(array<string|int, mixed> $arr, string $item[, string|false $val_str = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to traverse.

$item : string

The key to use as the index.

$val_str : string|false = false

A comma-separated list of values to include in the output.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An associative array indexed by the specified key.


functions.php : 1644

Convert a string to its hexadecimal representation.

strToHex(string $string) : string


$string : string

The input string to convert.

Return values

string —

The hexadecimal representation of the input string.


functions.php : 1664

Converts a hexadecimal string to its binary representation.

hex2bin(string $hex) : string


$hex : string

The hexadecimal string to convert.

Return values

string —

The binary representation of the input.


functions.php : 1678

Generates an authentication token using AES-256-CBC encryption.

generateAuthToken(string $string, string $secret_key) : string


$string : string

The string to encrypt and include in the token.

$secret_key : string

The secret key to use for encryption.

Return values

string —

The generated authentication token.


functions.php : 1697

Extracts a string from an encrypted token generated using generateAuthToken function.

extractAuthToken(string $encrypt_string, string $secret_key) : string|null


$encrypt_string : string

The encrypted token string to extract from.

$secret_key : string

The secret key used to encrypt the token.

Return values

string|null —

The decrypted string or null if the token is invalid.


functions.php : 1719

Merge two arrays, optionally recursively.

array_merge_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $arr1, array<string|int, mixed> $arr2[, bool|int $recursive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr1 : array<string|int, mixed>

The first array to merge

$arr2 : array<string|int, mixed>

The second array to merge

$recursive : bool|int = false

Whether to merge the arrays recursively

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The merged array


functions.php : 1743

Returns all the keys or specific keys of an array, optionally filtered by value.

array_keys_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $arr[, mixed $value = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The input array.

$value : mixed = false

The value to filter keys by. If set, only keys with this value will be returned.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The array keys.


functions.php : 1762

Removes duplicate values from an array.

array_unique_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $arr) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The input array.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The array with duplicate values removed.


functions.php : 1776

Counts the number of elements in an array.

count_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $arr) : int


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to count elements in.

Return values

int —

The number of elements in the array.


functions.php : 1791

Returns a new array with the keys changed to the value of the specified key in the original array

array_change_key_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $arr, string $key) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The original array to be modified

$key : string

The key to use as the new array key

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The new array with keys changed to the value of $key


functions.php : 1811

Sorts a multidimensional array by a specified key

multi_array_sort(array<string|int, mixed> &$data, string $key[, bool $reverse_sort = false ]) : mixed


$data : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to be sorted

$key : string

The key to sort by

$reverse_sort : bool = false

Whether to sort in reverse order

Return values

mixed —


functions.php : 1841

Obfuscates a given link by encoding it using base64 and rawurlencode.

obfuscate_link(string $temp) : string


$temp : string

The link to be obfuscated.

Return values

string —

The obfuscated link.


functions.php : 1854

Converts a number of seconds into a human-readable string

unobfuscate_link(string $link) : string


$link : string

denotes link.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the functions.


functions.php : 1869

This is the function that has been used to convert seconds to human.

seconds2human(string $seconds[, string $is_short = true ][, string $return_index = '' ]) : string


$seconds : string

denotes seconds.

$is_short : string = true

denotes is_short.

$return_index : string = ''

denotes return_index.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the functions.


functions.php : 1917

Returns a human-readable string representing the time elapsed since the provided timestamp

friendlyDate(int $time) : string


$time : int

Unix timestamp to calculate time elapsed from

Return values

string —

Human-readable string representing time elapsed


functions.php : 1954

Format a given ISBN number into a standard format with hyphens.

formatISBN(string $isbn) : string


$isbn : string

The ISBN number to format.

Return values

string —

The formatted ISBN number.


functions.php : 1975

Adds files from a directory to a ZIP archive.

addToArchive(string $filePath, string $output_archive[, string|false $output_zip_name = false ][, bool $download = false ][, bool $remove = true ]) : void


$filePath : string

The path of the directory containing the files to be added to the archive.

$output_archive : string

The path of the ZIP archive to create.

$output_zip_name : string|false = false

The name of the ZIP archive to be downloaded, or false to use the default name.

$download : bool = false

Whether to download the ZIP archive.

$remove : bool = true

Whether to remove the original files after adding them to the archive.

Return values

void —


functions.php : 2019

Returns the date after a specified number of days after a given date.

dateafter(string $date, int $daysafter) : string


$date : string

The date to start from in YYYY-MM-DD format.

$daysafter : int

The number of days after the starting date to return (default 0).

Return values

string —

The resulting date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


functions.php : 2031

Check if the given timezone observes Daylight Saving Time (DST).

timezoneDoesDST(string $tzId[, int|false $time_zone_offset = false ]) : bool|int


$tzId : string

The timezone identifier (e.g. "America/New_York").

$time_zone_offset : int|false = false

The timezone offset from GMT in hours.

Return values

bool|int —

Returns true if the timezone observes DST, false if not. If an error occurs, returns false.


functions.php : 2058

Calculates the time difference between two time values

get_time_difference(string $start_time, string $end_time[, string $format = '%H:%I:%S' ]) : string


$start_time : string

The starting time value

$end_time : string

The ending time value

$format : string = '%H:%I:%S'

The output format for the time difference, defaults to '%H:%I:%S'

Return values

string —

The time difference in the specified format.


functions.php : 2092

Convert a given time to UTC time

convertToUTC(int $time, array<string|int, mixed> $time_zone_dst[, int $time_zone = false ]) : int


$time : int

The time to be converted

$time_zone_dst : array<string|int, mixed>

An array of time zone DST information

$time_zone : int = false

The time zone offset in minutes

Return values

int —

The converted UTC time


functions.php : 2111

Generates an access token for a client with the given ID and email.

generateAccessToken(string $client_id, string $email[, string|false $suffix_str = false ][, int $key_type = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$client_id : string

The client ID.

$email : string

The client email.

$suffix_str : string|false = false

An optional string to add as a suffix to the token.

$key_type : int = 1

The type of key to use for the token (default is 1).

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array containing the access token and status message.


functions.php : 2136

Verify the access token using JWT decode

verifyAccessToken(string $token) : string


$token : string

denotes token.

Return values

string —

as overall response of the functions.


functions.php : 2147

This is the function that has been used to refresh access token.

refreshAccessToken(mixed $old_token) : object|bool


$old_token : mixed

Return values

object|bool —

Returns the decoded token object on success or false on failure


functions.php : 2173

Converts a GUID to a more friendly format by replacing confusing characters.

friendlyguid(string $guid) : string


$guid : string

The GUID to convert.

Return values

string —

The converted GUID.


functions.php : 2198

Get the user's IP address.

getUserIP() : string

Return values

string —

User's IP address or "UNKNOWN" if unable to detect.


functions.php : 2224

This is the function that has been used to get columns of array.

array_column_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $array, string $column) : array<string|int, mixed>

Get an array of values from a specific column in a multi-dimensional array with uppercase column names.


$array : array<string|int, mixed>

The input array.

$column : string

The column to retrieve the values from.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The resulting array of values from the specified column.


functions.php : 2242

This is the function that has been used to get bin from IP.

bin2ip(string $bin) : string

Convert binary representation of IP address to string


$bin : string

Binary representation of IP address

Return values

string —

Returns string representation of IP address


functions.php : 2258

Removes whitespace characters from a string.

removeStrSpace([string $str = true ]) : string


$str : string = true

The input string to process.

Return values

string —

The input string with all whitespace characters removed.


functions.php : 2274

Validate a JSON string and return the decoded result.

json_validate(string $string[, string &$error = '' ]) : mixed


$string : string

The JSON string to validate.

$error : string = ''

A reference to a variable that will contain the error message if the JSON is invalid.

Return values

mixed —

The decoded JSON data if valid, or false if invalid.


functions.php : 2336

Resize an image and save it to the specified path.

resizeImage(string $imgObject, string $savePath, string $image_type, string $imgName, int $imgMaxWidth, int $imgMaxHeight, int $imgQuality) : void


$imgObject : string

The image file path.

$savePath : string

The path where the resized image will be saved.

$image_type : string

The type of the image, e.g. 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', etc.

$imgName : string

The name of the resized image file.

$imgMaxWidth : int

The maximum width of the resized image.

$imgMaxHeight : int

The maximum height of the resized image.

$imgQuality : int

The quality of the resized image, from 0 to 100.

Return values

void —


functions.php : 2373

Find the key from a string

uf_findkey(string $str, string &$key) : string


$str : string

The input string to find the key from

$key : string

The variable to store the found key

Return values

string —

The value found after the key


functions.php : 2392

Encode an array to UTF-8 encoded JSON string

utf8json(array<string|int, mixed> $inArray) : string


$inArray : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to encode

Return values

string —

The encoded JSON string


functions.php : 2444

Function to get contentGUIDs based on filters

getContentsGUIDs(mixed $coverage, mixed $seq2coverage[, mixed $content_type = 'q,u,f' ][, mixed $content_subtype = false ][, mixed $parent_guid = false ][, mixed $testnos = -1 ][, mixed $level = false ][, mixed $demo = -1 ][, mixed $visible = 1 ]) : mixed


$coverage : mixed

$seq2coverage : mixed

$content_type : mixed = 'q,u,f'

$content_subtype : mixed = false

$parent_guid : mixed = false

$testnos : mixed = -1

$level : mixed = false

$demo : mixed = -1

$visible : mixed = 1



array list of GUIDS

Return values

mixed —


functions.php : 2642

Remove elements from an array based on keys present in another array.

getDisabledGuids(array<string|int, mixed> $config_setting, array<string|int, mixed> $coverage, array<string|int, mixed> $seq2coverage) : array<string|int, mixed>


$config_setting : array<string|int, mixed>

denotes config_setting.

$coverage : array<string|int, mixed>

is the coverage.

$seq2coverage : array<string|int, mixed>

is the seq2coverage.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as whole response of function.


functions.php : 2719

This function eliminate invisible guids from the question list

removeInvisible(array<string|int, mixed> $ques, array<string|int, mixed> $invisible[, bool $only_array = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$ques : array<string|int, mixed>

is the ques.

$invisible : array<string|int, mixed>

is the invisible.

$only_array : bool = false

is the boolean.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 2746

Deletes a given content GUID from a coverage array.

delete_from_coverage(array<string|int, mixed> $coverage, string $content_guid) : array<string|int, mixed>


$coverage : array<string|int, mixed>

The coverage array to modify.

$content_guid : string

The content GUID to remove from the coverage.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The modified coverage array.


functions.php : 2777

Sets answer sequence for an array of answers.

setAnswerSeq(array<string|int, mixed> $answers, int &$total_answers, int &$correct_answers, int $ansSeqType) : array<string|int, mixed>


$answers : array<string|int, mixed>

The array of answers to set sequence for.

$total_answers : int

The total number of answers.

$correct_answers : int

The total number of correct answers.

$ansSeqType : int

The type of answer sequence to use.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The updated array of answers with sequence.


functions.php : 2820

Returns the answer sequence string based on the given parameters.

getAnswerSeqStr(string $seq, string $type[, string $flip = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$seq : string

is the seq.

$type : string

is the type.

$flip : string = false

is the flip.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 3053

Get the default grade formula in a JSON-encoded string or as an array

get_grade_formula_default([bool $is_array = false ]) : string|array<string|int, mixed>


$is_array : bool = false

Flag to determine if the formula should be returned as an array

Return values

string|array<string|int, mixed> —

The default grade formula in a JSON-encoded string or as an array, based on the $is_array flag


functions.php : 3068

Returns the default grade scale as a JSON string or array.

get_grade_scale_default([bool $is_array = false ]) : string|array<string|int, mixed>


$is_array : bool = false

If true, returns the grade scale as an associative array. Default is false.

Return values

string|array<string|int, mixed> —

Returns the default grade scale as a JSON string or array, depending on the value of $is_array.


functions.php : 3081

It is the function that has been used to get default config detail.

get_course_config_default() : mixed

Returns the default course configuration*@return string The default course configuration in JSON format

Return values

mixed —


functions.php : 3093

Returns the default coverage for a course, in JSON format.

get_coverage_default([string $chapter_guid = '' ]) : string


$chapter_guid : string = ''

The GUID of the chapter to include in the coverage.

Return values

string —

The default coverage, in JSON format.


functions.php : 3121

Returns the name of a test based on its type and optional details.

getTestName(int $ttype[, string $detail = '' ][, bool $isShort = false ][, array<string|int, mixed> $testName = array() ]) : string


$ttype : int

The type of test.

$detail : string = ''

Optional details about the test.

$isShort : bool = false

Whether to return the short version of the test name.

$testName : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

Optional array of custom test names.

Return values

string —

The name of the test.


functions.php : 3179

Pads the given number with leading zeros until it reaches the given length.

zfill(string $n, int $a) : string


$n : string

The number to pad with leading zeros.

$a : int

The desired length of the resulting string.

Return values

string —

The padded string.


functions.php : 3192

Returns a value within a specific range, or a default value if not set

get_range(mixed $var, mixed $min, mixed $max, mixed $default) : mixed


$var : mixed

The value to check

$min : mixed

The minimum value of the range

$max : mixed

The maximum value of the range

$default : mixed

The default value to return if $var is not set

Return values

mixed —

The value within the specified range or the default value


functions.php : 3208

Returns a default value if the primary value is empty, else returns the primary value.

get_default(mixed $primary_value, mixed $default_value, mixed $second_value) : mixed


$primary_value : mixed

The primary value to be checked for empty.

$default_value : mixed

The default value to be returned if primary value is empty.

$second_value : mixed

An optional secondary value to be used if primary value is empty.

Return values

mixed —

The primary value if not empty, otherwise returns the default value or the secondary value.


functions.php : 3226

Replaces constants in a string with their corresponding values.

replaceconst(string $ls_online[, bool $nolinebreak = false ]) : string


$ls_online : string

The string to search and replace.

$nolinebreak : bool = false

Optional. If true, removes line breaks from the string.

Return values

string —

The string with constants replaced by their corresponding values.


functions.php : 3251

Replaces images in a string with secure URLs, if necessary.

replaceimage(string $str) : string


$str : string

The string to replace images in.

Return values

string —

The string with replaced images.


functions.php : 3278

Replace line break tags and syntax tags with proper

 tags for syntax highlighting

replacelinebreak(string $str[, string $nolinebreak = false ]) : string


$str : string

is the str.

$nolinebreak : string = false

is the nolinebreak.

Return values

string —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 3361

Converts a byte to an array of bits, using a given default array as a template.

byte2array(int $byte, array<string|int, mixed> $defarray[, int $len = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$byte : int

The byte to convert.

$defarray : array<string|int, mixed>

The default array to use as a template.

$len : int = 1

The length of the byte in bytes (default: 1).

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The resulting array of bits.


functions.php : 3379

arrayFilterBasedOnKey(mixed $convert_array, mixed $target_array[, mixed $seprator = ', ' ]) : mixed


$convert_array : mixed

$target_array : mixed

$seprator : mixed = ', '

Return values

mixed —


functions.php : 3403

This function is used to convert array into byte.

array2byte(string $option, array<string|int, mixed> $defarray[, string $len = 1 ]) : string


$option : string

is the option.

$defarray : array<string|int, mixed>

is the defarray.

$len : string = 1

is the len.

Return values

string —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 3431

This function is used to get ddl data.

get_ddl_data_uc(array<string|int, mixed> $array, string $idcolumn, string $datacolumn[, string $ddl = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$array : array<string|int, mixed>

is the array.

$idcolumn : string

is the idcolumn.

$datacolumn : string

is the datacolumn.

$ddl : string = 1

is the ddl.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 3460

Get FlashCard content subtypes.

getFlashCardContentSubtypes([bool $ret_array = false ]) : mixed


$ret_array : bool = false

Whether to return an array or a comma-separated string.

Return values

mixed —

An array or a comma-separated string of content subtypes.


functions.php : 3477

This function is used to extract array.

extractArray(array<string|int, mixed> $arr[, string $indexes = '' ][, bool $ignore_blank = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The input array

$indexes : string = ''

A comma-separated list of indexes to extract

$ignore_blank : bool = false

Whether to ignore blank values or not

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The resulting array with extracted values


functions.php : 3502

This function is used to unset array data.

unsetArrayData(array<string|int, mixed> $arr, string $indexes) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

The input array

$indexes : string

A comma-separated list of indexes to be unset

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The input array with specified indexes unset


functions.php : 3520

Returns the file extension of a given filename

findexts(string $filename) : string|void


$filename : string

The filename to extract extension from

Return values

string|void —

The file extension, or void if the input is empty or invalid


functions.php : 3538

Get the file extension and name from a file path.

get_file_extension(string $file_name) : array<string|int, mixed>


$file_name : string

The file path.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array containing the file extension and name.


functions.php : 3562

A function to Get Sequence List of Guid.

getSeqList(string $guid, array<string|int, mixed> $coverage, array<string|int, mixed> $seq2coverage) : array<string|int, mixed>

Initialises variable $start_slide with $coverage guid[s] and $slide_level with $coverage guid[l] plus 1. Takes a loop for seq2coverage and checks if seq is greater than $start_slide and $coverage guid[l] is equal to $slide_level then checks $coverage guid[t] equal to s then assigns guid value to pslide. Else checks if $coverage guid[t] value is equal to f and $content guid[content_subtype] is greater than or equal to 9 or equal to 45 assigns guid value to pslide and lastly checks for value equal to u and and then return $pslide.

Get sequence list based on coverage and seq2coverage array


$guid : string

The guid of the starting slide

$coverage : array<string|int, mixed>

An array containing information about the coverage of each slide

$seq2coverage : array<string|int, mixed>

An array mapping sequences to slide guids

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array of slide guids


functions.php : 3593

This function is used to get order type.

getOrderType() : array<string|int, mixed>

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 3626

Calculate the net price and discount information based on the given data.

calcPrice(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : array<string|int, mixed>


$data : array<string|int, mixed>

is the input array.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 3662

Extracts license information from an array of licenses.

extractLicence(array<string|int, mixed>|string $licences[, bool $is_byte = true ][, bool $full = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string


$licences : array<string|int, mixed>|string

The array of licenses or license string to extract from.

$is_byte : bool = true

Whether the license is in byte format or not.

$full : bool = false

Whether to return the full license information.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed>|string —

The extracted license information.


functions.php : 3693

Searches for a string between two other strings in a given string

findtextnew_withouttrim(string $str, string $fstr, string $lstr, int &$i) : string|false


$str : string

The string to search in

$fstr : string

The starting string

$lstr : string

The ending string

$i : int

The index of the starting position of the found string

Return values

string|false —

The string between the starting and ending strings, or false if not found


functions.php : 3733

This function is used to find content image.

findContentImage(string $str[, string $maxloop = 15 ][, string $all = true ][, string $xml = false ][, string $is_find_alt = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$str : string

is the str.

$maxloop : string = 15

is the maxloop.

$all : string = true

is the all.

$xml : string = false

is the xml.

$is_find_alt : string = false

is the is_find_alt.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as overall response of the function.


functions.php : 3978

It is the function that has been used to detect assets.

findAssets(array<string|int, mixed> $str[, array<string|int, mixed> $maxloop = 15 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>


$str : array<string|int, mixed>

denotes str.

$maxloop : array<string|int, mixed> = 15

is the maxloop.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as whole response of function.


functions.php : 4135

Extracts GUIDs from tags in the given string.

findSpanGuids(string $str) : array<string|int, mixed>


$str : string

The string to search for tags.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array of GUIDs found in the tags.


functions.php : 4159

Find all device images in a string.

findDevices(string $str) : array<string|int, mixed>


$str : string

The input string to search.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array of device images found in the input string.


functions.php : 4183

Convert test session options from integer to an associative array.

api_convert_test_session_options2array(int $opt) : array<string|int, mixed>


$opt : int

The integer value of the options.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An associative array of the test session options.


functions.php : 4214

Convert test session options array to binary format.

api_convert_test_session_array2options(array<string|int, mixed> $ary) : int


$ary : array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array of options to be converted.

Return values

int —

The converted binary format of the options.


functions.php : 4258

Convert an assignment schedule options integer to an associative array.

api_convert_assignment_schedule_options2array(int $opt) : array<string|int, mixed>


$opt : int

The assignment schedule options integer.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

The assignment schedule options as an associative array.


functions.php : 4280

It is the function that has been used to convert test session array into options.

api_convert_assignment_schedule_array2options(array<string|int, mixed> $ary) : array<string|int, mixed>


$ary : array<string|int, mixed>

denotes ary.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as whole response of function.


functions.php : 4335

A function for score to grade.

score2grade(string $grade_scale, string $score[, string $grade_type = '' ]) : string


$grade_scale : string

It contains a string of grade.

$score : string

It contains a string for.

$grade_type : string = ''

It contains a string for type of grade.

Return values

string —

is the response of the function.


functions.php : 4362

Converts a set of results to grades based on a given grade scale.

result2grade(array<string|int, mixed> $grade_scale, array<string|int, mixed> $results) : array<string|int, mixed>


$grade_scale : array<string|int, mixed>

The grade scale to use for converting scores to grades.

$results : array<string|int, mixed>

The set of results to be graded.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

An array of grades, one for each result in the set.


functions.php : 4397

Returns the current operating system from the server.

getCurrentOSFromServer() : string

Return values

string —

The name of the operating system.


functions.php : 4449

Encode the given data as JSON with support for encoding Unicode characters

json_encode_uc(mixed $data, int $options[, int $depth = 512 ]) : string|false


$data : mixed

The data to be encoded

$options : int

[optional] Bitmask of JSON encoding options

$depth : int = 512

[optional] Maximum depth to traverse when encoding

Return values

string|false —

A JSON encoded string on success, false on failure


functions.php : 4467

Decodes a JSON string and returns the resulting value.

json_decode_uc(string $string[, bool $assoc = false ][, int $depth = 512 ], int $options) : mixed


$string : string

The JSON string to decode.

$assoc : bool = false

Optional. When true, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays.

$depth : int = 512

Optional. User specified recursion depth.

$options : int

Optional. Bitmask of JSON decode options.

Return values

mixed —

The value encoded in JSON or false on failure.


functions.php : 4489

Generate a random number within a given range.

rand_uc([int|false $min = false ][, int|false $max = false ]) : int


$min : int|false = false

The minimum value of the range (default: 0).

$max : int|false = false

The maximum value of the range (default: getrandmax()).

Return values

int —

The random number generated within the given range.


functions.php : 4507

A function for to strip tags.

strip_all_tags_uc(string $string) : string


$string : string

is the string.

Return values

string —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 4521

Read entire contents of a file into a string

file_get_contents_uc(string $file_name[, bool $include_path = false ][, resource|null $context = null ], int $start) : string|false


$file_name : string

Name of the file to read

$include_path : bool = false

Optional. Search for the file in the include_path. Default is false.

$context : resource|null = null

Optional. A valid context resource created with stream_context_create(). Default is null.

$start : int

Optional. The position in bytes to start reading. Default is 0.

Return values

string|false —

Returns the read data or false on failure.


functions.php : 4541

A function for to get debug trace.

debug_backtrace_uc([string $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT ], string $limit) : array<string|int, mixed>



is the options.

$limit : string

is the limit.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 4598

Sanitizes a title, replacing whitespace and a few other characters with dashes. * Limits the output to alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and dash (-).

sanitize_title_with_dashes_uc(string $title) : string

Whitespace becomes a dash.


$title : string

The title to be sanitized.




Return values

string —

The sanitized title.


functions.php : 4678

Retrieve the contents of a URL using cURL.

file_get_contents_curl(string $url) : string


$url : string

The URL to retrieve.

Return values

string —

The contents of the URL, or false if the request fails.


functions.php : 4701

Generates a Redis key using a given string value and prefix.

create_redis_key(string $val[, string $prefix = 'p:' ]) : string


$val : string

is the val.

$prefix : string = 'p:'

is the prefix.

Return values

string —

as response of the function.


functions.php : 4712

Retrieve the MAC address of the current system.

get_sys_mac_address() : string|null

Return values

string|null —

The MAC address if it can be found, otherwise null.


functions.php : 4742

Merge arrays while preserving keys.

array_merge_preserve(array<string|int, mixed> ...$arrays) : array<string|int, mixed>


$arrays : array<string|int, mixed>

Variable-length array of arrays to be merged.

Return values

array<string|int, mixed> —

Merged array.


functions.php : 4762

This is the function that has been used to debug and print data in jigyaasa.

__ucc(array<string|int, mixed> $a[, array<string|int, mixed> $isDie = 1 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $isPre = 1 ]) : mixed


$a : array<string|int, mixed>

denotes a.

$isDie : array<string|int, mixed> = 1

denotes isDie.

$isPre : array<string|int, mixed> = 1

denotes isPre.

Return values

mixed —


functions.php : 4780

Generates a new random password.

generateNewPassword() : string

Return values

string —

A new password string.


functions.php : 4799

Returns the LMS platform ID based on the given URL.

getLMSPlatformIDFromURL(string $url) : string


$url : string

The URL to check.

Return values

string —

The LMS platform ID or 'unknown' if not found.


index.php : 101

kelvinToCelsius(float $kelvin) : mixed


$kelvin : float

Return values

mixed —

Search results


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